6 votes

Day 23: Amphipod

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/23

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

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1 comment

  1. wycy
    (edited )
    Rust This was a tough one, but I finally wrapped it up and optimized the solution somewhat. The solution initially took 4 minutes for part 1 and 5 minutes for part 2. After a lot of optimizations...


    This was a tough one, but I finally wrapped it up and optimized the solution somewhat.

    The solution initially took 4 minutes for part 1 and 5 minutes for part 2. After a lot of optimizations and caching I've gotten it down to 10 seconds for part 1 and 17 seconds for part 2.

    use std::env;
    use std::io::{prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::collections::VecDeque;
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    use std::fmt;
    use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
    use std::cmp::Ordering;
    #[macro_use] extern crate cached;
    const HALLWAY_ROW: i64 = 1;
    // Column number of each amphipod's room
    const ROOM_COLUMN_AMBER:  i64 = 3;
    const ROOM_COLUMN_BRONZE: i64 = 5;
    const ROOM_COLUMN_COPPER: i64 = 7;
    const ROOM_COLUMN_DESERT: i64 = 9;
    fn amphipod_room_column(species: &AmphipodSpecies) -> i64 {
        match species {
            AmphipodSpecies::Amber  => ROOM_COLUMN_AMBER,
            AmphipodSpecies::Bronze => ROOM_COLUMN_BRONZE,
            AmphipodSpecies::Copper => ROOM_COLUMN_COPPER,
            AmphipodSpecies::Desert => ROOM_COLUMN_DESERT,
    type AmphipodMap = HashMap<(i64,i64),MapType>;
    #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
    lazy_static! {
        static ref AMPHI_MAP: AmphipodMap = {
            let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
            let filename = &args[1];
            let file = File::open(filename).expect("Input file not found.");
            let reader = BufReader::new(file);
            // Process input file char by char
            let mut amphimap: AmphipodMap = AmphipodMap::new();
            for (y,line) in reader.lines().enumerate() {
                for (x,c) in line.unwrap().chars().enumerate() {
                    let (x,y) = (x as i64, y as i64);
    enum MapType {
    impl MapType {
        pub fn from_char_col(c: char, col: i64) -> Self {
            match (c, col) {
                (' ',_)       => Self::OutsideMap,
                ('#',_)       => Self::Wall,
                ('A'..='D',_) => Self::Room,
                ('.',col)     => 
                    match col {
                        ROOM_COLUMN_AMBER  |
                        ROOM_COLUMN_BRONZE |
                        ROOM_COLUMN_COPPER |
                        ROOM_COLUMN_DESERT => Self::Entryway,
                        _ => Self::Hallway,
                (other,_) => panic!("Unknown map character: {}", other),
    impl fmt::Display for MapType {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            match self {
                Self::OutsideMap => write!(f, " "),
                Self::Wall       => write!(f, "#"),
                Self::Hallway    => write!(f, "."),
                Self::Room       => write!(f, "_"),
                Self::Entryway   => write!(f, "*"),
    #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
    enum AmphipodSpecies {
    impl AmphipodSpecies {
        pub fn from_char(c: char) -> Self {
            match c {
                'A' => Self::Amber ,
                'B' => Self::Bronze,
                'C' => Self::Copper,
                'D' => Self::Desert,
                _ => unreachable!(),
    struct Amphipod {
        species: AmphipodSpecies,
        x: i64,
        y: i64,
    impl Amphipod {
        pub fn new(x: i64, y: i64, c: char) -> Self {
            match c {
                'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' => Self { x: x, y: y, species: AmphipodSpecies::from_char(c)},
                _ => unreachable!(),
        pub fn energy_cost(&self) -> usize {
            match self.species {
                AmphipodSpecies::Amber  =>    1,
                AmphipodSpecies::Bronze =>   10,
                AmphipodSpecies::Copper =>  100,
                AmphipodSpecies::Desert => 1000,
    impl fmt::Display for Amphipod {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            match self.species {
                AmphipodSpecies::Amber  => write!(f, "A"),
                AmphipodSpecies::Bronze => write!(f, "B"),
                AmphipodSpecies::Copper => write!(f, "C"),
                AmphipodSpecies::Desert => write!(f, "D"),
    struct State {
        amphipods: Vec<Amphipod>,
        energy: usize,
    impl Ord for State {
        fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
    impl PartialOrd for State {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
    impl Eq for State {}
    impl PartialEq for State {
        fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
            other.energy == self.energy
    fn move_from_to(x0: i64, y0: i64, x1: i64, y1: i64, amphipods: &mut Vec<Amphipod>) {
        amphipods.iter_mut().filter(|a| (a.x,a.y) == (x0,y0)).for_each(|mut a| {a.x = x1; a.y = y1;})
    // Get valid destinations for amphipod moves
    fn valid_destinations(x: i64, y: i64, amphipods: &Vec<Amphipod>) -> Vec<(i64,i64)> {
        let mut destinations: Vec<(i64,i64)> = Vec::new();
        let unit = amphipods.iter().find(|a| (a.x,a.y) == (x,y)).unwrap();
        // Handle unit in final room or final room ready for unit
        if let Some(target) = room_target(&unit.species,&amphipods) {
            if amphipod_room_column(&unit.species) == x { return destinations; } // Unit is already in its final room
            if accessible(x,y,target.0,target.1,&amphipods) {
                return destinations;
        // If unit is currently in the wrong room, valid destinations are:
        // - any accessible hallway spot (handled below)
        // - the deepest cell in target room if target room is ready (handled above)
        // If unit is already in hallway, the only valid spot is the target room (handled above)
        if y != HALLWAY_ROW {
            let (xmax,_) = map_limits();
            for xnew in 1..xmax {
                // Skip entryways
                match xnew {
                    ROOM_COLUMN_AMBER  |
                    ROOM_COLUMN_BRONZE |
                    ROOM_COLUMN_COPPER |
                    ROOM_COLUMN_DESERT => { continue; },
                    _ => {},
                // Check if no unit in spot and spot is reachable
                if amphipods.iter().find(|a| (a.x,a.y) == (xnew,HALLWAY_ROW)).is_none() {
                    if accessible(x,y, xnew,HALLWAY_ROW, &amphipods) {
    // Assess whether a room is ready for amphipods to move into, if so, return deepest cell in room
    fn room_target(room: &AmphipodSpecies, amphipods: &Vec<Amphipod>) -> Option<(i64,i64)> {
        let (_,ymax) = map_limits();
        let column = amphipod_room_column(&room);
        let mut target = (column,ymax-1);
        for space in ((HALLWAY_ROW+1)..ymax).rev() {
            match amphipods.iter().find(|a| (a.x,a.y) == (column,space)) {
                Some(amphi) if amphi.species != *room => { return None; },
                Some(_) => { target = (column,space); }
                None => { return Some((column,space)); },
    // Assess whether amphipods have moved into their final destinations
    fn map_complete(amphipods: &Vec<Amphipod>) -> bool {
        for amphipod in amphipods {
            if amphipod_room_column(&amphipod.species) != amphipod.x { return false; }
    fn solve(input: &str, debug: bool) {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        // Generate initial map
        let mut amphipods: Vec<Amphipod> = Vec::new();
        for (y,line) in reader.lines().enumerate() {
            for (x,c) in line.unwrap().chars().enumerate() {
                let (x,y) = (x as i64, y as i64);
                match c {
                    'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' => amphipods.push(Amphipod::new(x,y,c)),
                    _ => {},
        // Debug info
        if debug {
            println!("Initial map:");
        // Solve
        let mut heap: BinaryHeap<State> = BinaryHeap::new();
        let start = State { amphipods: amphipods, energy: 0 };
        while heap.len() > 0 {
            let state = heap.pop().unwrap();
            // Amphipods are organized
            if map_complete(&state.amphipods) {
                println!("Solution: {}", state.energy);
                // Part 1: 14510
                // Part 2: 49180
            if debug {
                println!("Energy: {}", state.energy);
            // Move amphipods
            for amphipod in &state.amphipods {
                let (x,y) = (amphipod.x,amphipod.y);
                for (newx,newy) in valid_destinations(x,y,&state.amphipods) {
                    let mut new_map = state.amphipods.clone();
                    let energy_delta = amphipod.energy_cost() * distance(x,y,newx,newy);
                    let new_energy = state.energy + energy_delta;
                    move_from_to(x,y,newx,newy, &mut new_map);
                    let new_state = State { amphipods: new_map, energy: new_energy };
    // Determine whether point (x1,y1) is accessible from point (x0,y0) by counting amphipods in the way
    fn accessible(x0: i64, y0: i64, x1: i64, y1: i64, amphipods: &Vec<Amphipod>) -> bool {
            .filter(|a| (a.x,a.y) != (x0,y0))                               // exclude self
            .filter(|a| (a.x == x0 && a.y <  y0) ||                         // above self in same room
                        (a.x == x1 && a.y <= y1) ||                         // above target in target room
                        ((x0..=x1).contains(&a.x) && a.y == HALLWAY_ROW) || // in the way in hallway
                        ((x1..=x0).contains(&a.x) && a.y == HALLWAY_ROW))   // in the way in hallway
            .count() == 0
    // Determine what neighboring cells can be moved to FOR DISTANCE CALCULATION
    // PURPOSES ONLY. Not valid for determining whether a point can be a unit's
    // final destination because room entryways are valid neighbors but not valid
    // final destinations.
    cached! { NEIGHBORS; 
        fn neighbors(x: i64, y: i64) -> Vec<(i64,i64)> = {
            let mut destinations: Vec<(i64,i64)> = Vec::new();
            let newpts = vec![(x-1,y  ),(x+1,y  ),(x  ,y-1),(x  ,y+1)];
            for newpt in newpts {
                let map_point = AMPHI_MAP.get(&(newpt.0,newpt.1)).unwrap();
                use MapType::*;
                match map_point {
                    OutsideMap | Wall => {}, // not valid
                    Hallway | Entryway | Room => destinations.push(newpt),
    struct PointDistance {
        x: i64,
        y: i64,
        d: usize,
    cached! { DISTANCE; 
        fn distance(x0: i64, y0: i64, x1: i64, y1: i64) -> usize = {
            let (xmax,ymax) = map_limits();
            let mut visited = vec![vec![false; ymax as usize]; xmax as usize];
            visited[x0 as usize][y0 as usize] = true;
            // Insert first point
            let mut q: VecDeque<PointDistance> = VecDeque::new();
            let initial = PointDistance { x: x0, y: y0, d: 0 };
            // Queue
            while q.len() > 0 {
                let node = q.pop_front().unwrap();
                // Are we there yet
                if (node.x,node.y) == (x1,y1) { return node.d; }
                // Explore neighbors
                for neighbor in neighbors(node.x, node.y) {
                    let (nx,ny) = (neighbor.0 as usize, neighbor.1 as usize);
                    if visited[nx][ny] { continue; }
                    visited[nx][ny] = true;
                    let new_node = PointDistance { x: neighbor.0, y: neighbor.1, d: &node.d+1 };
    // Debug: print picture of current amphipod map
    fn print_map(amphipods: &Vec<Amphipod>) {
        let (xmax,ymax) = map_limits();
        for y in 0..=ymax {
            for x in 0..=xmax {
                if let Some(unit) = amphipods.iter().find(|a| (a.x,a.y) == (x,y)) {
                } else {
                    if let Some(cell) = AMPHI_MAP.get(&(x,y)) {
                        print!("{}", cell);
    // Return limits of map
    cached! { MAP_LIM;
        fn map_limits() -> (i64,i64) = {
            (AMPHI_MAP.keys().map(|k| k.0).max().expect("Failed to determine maximum x-dimension."),
             AMPHI_MAP.keys().map(|k| k.1).max().expect("Failed to determine maximum y-dimension."))
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
        let debug = if args.len() >= 3 { &args[2] == "--debug" } else { false };
        solve(filename, debug);
    5 votes