9 votes

What creative projects have you been working on?

This topic is part of a series. It is meant to be a place for users to discuss creative projects they have been working on.

Projects can be personal, professional, physical, digital, or even just ideas.

If you have any creative projects that you have been working on or want to eventually work on, this is a place for discussing those.


  1. RheingoldRiver
    I've started doing chainmaille again now that I've been off prednisone for a long time and my wrist pain is (mostly) resolved. I wrote a tutorial about a weave I invented when I was previously...

    I've started doing chainmaille again now that I've been off prednisone for a long time and my wrist pain is (mostly) resolved. I wrote a tutorial about a weave I invented when I was previously doing maille (before I had to quit due to wrist pain).

    The picture of all the icosahedra is all stuff I made about 8 years ago, the other 2 I did in the past couple weeks

    It's been really fun to get back into and I'm glad to be both doing & writing about chainmaille again!!

    4 votes
  2. 0x29A
    Finally finished a full draft (as in, all instruments + vocals edited/recorded) cover song of a David Bazan song. Will make the second time I've done this. Not super satisfied with it. Feel like...

    Finally finished a full draft (as in, all instruments + vocals edited/recorded) cover song of a David Bazan song. Will make the second time I've done this. Not super satisfied with it. Feel like my voice is offkey in a number of parts, but also struggling with the "unable to judge my own voice and creative work" problem- especially my singing voice. I feel like I've overcome this problem in the past but am struggling with it again. I know it's a common thing, but I want to be "over it" like I was before. I think the more time I spend using and hearing my voice the more I'll get used to it and find the things I like rather than pick apart all the things I hate.

    That said, I'm very happy to have given myself the time to sit down and spend hours behind the mic and instruments and put something to disk, regardless of if i work on it any further or if it would ever fully see the light of day. It's more an exercise than anything else. Might help me to move on to other songs, including originals, which is the long-term goal.

    3 votes
  3. architectzero
    Making more 8-bar loops and not developing them into complete tracks, as per usual, but this time I have one that has something to it so… maybe one day it will grow into a real track. Not down...

    Making more 8-bar loops and not developing them into complete tracks, as per usual, but this time I have one that has something to it so… maybe one day it will grow into a real track. Not down about it, as this is just my stress relief hobby.

    I also got a new (to me) synth last week and I’ve been exploring sound design on that, and just noodling around for fun.

    2 votes
  4. AlexStrinka
    I just finished this video I wrote a script that generated 200,000 spheres. Each frame of the video shows a 2D slice of the collection as the intersecting plane moves and rotates through it.

    I just finished this video

    I wrote a script that generated 200,000 spheres. Each frame of the video shows a 2D slice of the collection as the intersecting plane moves and rotates through it.

    2 votes
  5. Thoughtninja
    I'm in the process of recording two covers, The Burning Red from Machine Head, and Dai The Flu from Deftones. Two of my favorite songs of all time. TBR is practically done. I just need to do final...

    I'm in the process of recording two covers, The Burning Red from Machine Head, and Dai The Flu from Deftones. Two of my favorite songs of all time.

    TBR is practically done. I just need to do final vocal takes. The ones on my current mix were recorded very late night so couldn't get them where I want them yet in that moment.

    Dai The Flu is also almost done. Simply vocals are left to do.

    Then I have to figure what moniker to release these under. There will be some originals to follow as well.

    A little backstory of me. I've been playing guitar, singing, and songwriting since I was 12 or 13 so about 26 years now. I also play bass and can do a bit on a kit.

    Played in bands in HS, after, and then acoustic gigs until hanging it up. I always continued writing and recording though in the hundreds of songs only a small handful were good IMO.

    Now I've been reinvigorated, my playing and writing is in full swing, and better than ever. Same with my singing. So I'm coming back and starting with these covers. Then originals and hopefully a newly formed band at some point. I will hopefully do some acoustic gigs with a friend in the extreme near future.

    2 votes