14 votes

The mask of humanity fall from capital

snuffed out
like meaningless leaves and ashes
one fell moment and it's all gone
only the suffering remains
and you see, you see it at that moment
all that talk about prosperity, humanity, kindness
it was all a ruse
the only truth was capital and power
the only things that mattered to them

the statesmen and the masters
they had convened together
built the looming and dark tombs of delusion
and they did not give a damn about to-be-corpses
they still do not

over fifty thousand
they were killed, butchered, murdered
they are still unmourned to this day
they are still forgotten
many of them are still lost in the rubbles
millions more made to wander
suffering at the mercy of the monster

do they not deserve avenging
shouldn't their pain be inflicted thousandfold on the usurpers
the throne makers and takers of the rich and the corrupt
their blood does not belong to them
not anymore

gods of the new world
here's a declaration
you are not infallible
but our hatred is everlasting
as long as you exist
the spectre will never vanish
even if it takes millenia
we are going to make people forget you were ever human
you shall not be any more than ancient evils of dust
your memory shall be one of a joke, a bygone idiocy
and whatever you built, it will come falling down
much harder than the tombs you raised
the blood you spilt will haunt you down to nothing
and in that moment
when the last memory of you is forgotten
when everything you created is ashes
the void shall truly embrace you
remember this promise for the rest of your life
in your most intimate, safest moments
feel this cold breath of the cosmos on your neck
it is ours, for we are the harbingers


  1. [2]
    i thought they could be nice lyrics so i messed around for a few minutes. sorry for the bin level quality, it's just a voice note on iphone internal mic because i couldn't find the connector...

    i thought they could be nice lyrics so i messed around for a few minutes. sorry for the bin level quality, it's just a voice note on iphone internal mic because i couldn't find the connector dongle thing to plug my microphone in lol http://anglesmorts.org/Audio_09_13_2024_10_59_48.mp3

    6 votes
    1. daywalker
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Oh, wow, this is cool. I love it! I never thought someone would be interested enough to do something like that. It's the highest praise I've gotten for a literary writing I've done. Also, very...

      Oh, wow, this is cool. I love it! I never thought someone would be interested enough to do something like that. It's the highest praise I've gotten for a literary writing I've done. Also, very lovely song :)

      3 votes
  2. [3]
    I really liked this! Was this influenced by Disco Elysium by any chance? Theres a part in the game where they talk about the mask fall from capital, if only for a second to do the deed etc....

    I really liked this! Was this influenced by Disco Elysium by any chance? Theres a part in the game where they talk about the mask fall from capital, if only for a second to do the deed etc. Anyways nice work

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Thanks, and yes! The title is a word for word reference to that quote. It's one of the most haunting monologues I've read.

      Thanks, and yes! The title is a word for word reference to that quote. It's one of the most haunting monologues I've read.

      4 votes
      1. eggy
        Link Parent
        Oh most definitely, reading it, and especially hearing Dros' monologue always sends shivers down my spine. So well written!

        Oh most definitely, reading it, and especially hearing Dros' monologue always sends shivers down my spine. So well written!

        3 votes