10 votes

‘Space Jam’ Forever: The Website That Wouldn’t Die [2015]

1 comment

  1. Eva
    I felt that this should go into ~creative rather than ~comp or ~tech, as it's more on the artistic, creative side than the "Blah blah we used CSS Grid and [ . . . ] and and [ . . . ] and [ . . . ]...

    I felt that this should go into ~creative rather than ~comp or ~tech, as it's more on the artistic, creative side than the "Blah blah we used CSS Grid and [ . . . ] and and [ . . . ] and [ . . . ] and [ . . . ] and [ . . . ] that's why you should never use Javascript. To the top of Hacker News we go!" side.

    I find it absolutely fascinating personally. Disappointingly, a few of the link destinations mentioned in it have either disappeared or been changed since the article's publication.

    1 vote