18 votes How one company owns color Posted August 23, 2023 by cfabbro Tags: history, pantone, design.graphic, color, media.print, branding, printing, inks, recipes, textiles, standards, science, chemistry, books, the king of color, lawrence herbert, pantone matching system, 1960s, copyright, spot colors, cmyk, rgb, web colors, adobe, business, legal, lawsuits, videos, phil edwards, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiiV9TciUfE Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Phil Edwards Duration 11:12 Published Aug 20 2023 2 comments Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK MimicSquid August 23, 2023 Link While the poster deleted their post so the article is lost, previous discussion regarding Pantone and their colors. While the poster deleted their post so the article is lost, previous discussion regarding Pantone and their colors. 8 votes SmolderingSauna August 23, 2023 Link #2 pencil yellow https://abramsbooks.tumblr.com/post/142793205216/pantone-143-color-match-ticonderoga-2-pencil-in You know you absolutely needed to know that... edit: irl I'm an unapologetic... #2 pencil yellow https://abramsbooks.tumblr.com/post/142793205216/pantone-143-color-match-ticonderoga-2-pencil-in You know you absolutely needed to know that... edit: irl I'm an unapologetic Pantone freak. 4 votes
MimicSquid August 23, 2023 Link While the poster deleted their post so the article is lost, previous discussion regarding Pantone and their colors. While the poster deleted their post so the article is lost, previous discussion regarding Pantone and their colors. 8 votes
SmolderingSauna August 23, 2023 Link #2 pencil yellow https://abramsbooks.tumblr.com/post/142793205216/pantone-143-color-match-ticonderoga-2-pencil-in You know you absolutely needed to know that... edit: irl I'm an unapologetic... #2 pencil yellow https://abramsbooks.tumblr.com/post/142793205216/pantone-143-color-match-ticonderoga-2-pencil-in You know you absolutely needed to know that... edit: irl I'm an unapologetic Pantone freak. 4 votes
While the poster deleted their post so the article is lost, previous discussion regarding Pantone and their colors.
#2 pencil yellow
You know you absolutely needed to know that...
edit: irl I'm an unapologetic Pantone freak.