17 votes

No detection: Explosion at Watson Grinding


  1. AugustusFerdinand
    So while what is happening in the US Gov't is no laughing matter and I say this half-jokingly... ...but, if the muskrat fucks with my USCSB videos it might be the last fucking straw before I start...

    So while what is happening in the US Gov't is no laughing matter and I say this half-jokingly...

    ...but, if the muskrat fucks with my USCSB videos it might be the last fucking straw before I start a goddamn riot-turned-revolution.

    6 votes
  2. eggy
    I love USCSB videos, I haven't seen this one yet but as soon as I have some time on my hands I will be watching! They are so interesting to watch, and very informative. Even if they aren't super...

    I love USCSB videos, I haven't seen this one yet but as soon as I have some time on my hands I will be watching! They are so interesting to watch, and very informative. Even if they aren't super applicable to my life

    5 votes