14 votes

Florida declares a state of emergency as red tide kills animals and disrupts tourism

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  1. azulez
    Seems like an appropriate place to post this -- https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/news/ocean-acidification-promotes-disruptive-and-harmful-algal-blooms-on-our-coasts/ Welcome to Earth's carbon...

    Seems like an appropriate place to post this --


    The general decline in ocean pH (i.e., more acidic conditions) from the increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) is well documented. Also well documented are increased nutrients entering coastal waters often promoting excessive and ecosystem disruptive algae blooms, including harmful algal blooms. The decay of these coastal blooms promotes bacterial respiration resulting in increased CO2, lower pH, and low oxygen conditions.

    At the recent 7th Symposium on Harmful Algal Blooms in the U.S., Dr. Christopher Gobler of Stony Brook University spoke on the often overlooked feedback and outcomes of acidifying sea water, high nutrients, and low oxygen levels. Dr. Gobler’s NCCOS-sponsored research shows that nutrient loading and acidification promote growth and increased toxicity of the red tide algal species Alexandrium fundyense. He also found evidence the destructive brown tide species Aureococcus anophagefferens and Aureoumbra lagunensis self-manipulate the pH, oxygen, and CO2 levels in their surrounding environment to promote their blooms at the expense of benign phytoplankton.

    Welcome to Earth's carbon recapture mechanics.

    3 votes
  2. [2]
    I wonder if the Floridians suffering respiratory problems or ones who are losing their livelihoods due to decreased tourism will decide to vote in their own best interests in coming election...

    I wonder if the Floridians suffering respiratory problems or ones who are losing their livelihoods due to decreased tourism will decide to vote in their own best interests in coming election cycles? For those that don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change, maybe they can at least believe in the effects right in front of their eyes (and noses, and lungs).

    1 vote
    1. DonQuixote
      Link Parent
      Yes, it could happen but a sea change in public opinion often takes a long time to get to the government and policy level.

      Yes, it could happen but a sea change in public opinion often takes a long time to get to the government and policy level.

      1 vote