17 votes

Wirecard and me: Dan McCrum on exposing a criminal enterprise


  1. ignorabimus
    I shared this in a comment thread, but thought it was generally interesting enough to be a main post. TLDR: journalists at the FT investigated Wirecard (a German tech unicorn doing payments...

    I shared this in a comment thread, but thought it was generally interesting enough to be a main post.

    TLDR: journalists at the FT investigated Wirecard (a German tech unicorn doing payments processing) which it turns out was a massive fraud. Wirecard responded pretty aggressively throughout the process, hiring ex-MI5 spies to intimidate journalists and was able to garner support from the German financial establishment, including the German stock market regulator.

    9 votes
  2. SciNZ
    Excellent read, fascinating stuff and demonstrates a really impressive commitment from the FT folks.

    Excellent read, fascinating stuff and demonstrates a really impressive commitment from the FT folks.

    5 votes
  3. zatamzzar
    There's a short netflix special covering this. It's pretty insane.

    There's a short netflix special covering this. It's pretty insane.

    3 votes