22 votes

The White House will freeze Federal student loan repayments until May 1

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  1. [3]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Lots of good points in your comment. I think this is especially important: Looking at student loans, and more importantly the cost of higher education is super important. However, I think it could...

      Lots of good points in your comment.

      I think this is especially important:

      I think the Democrats need to get real and reform student loans if they want to have any hope of salvaging the midterm election

      Looking at student loans, and more importantly the cost of higher education is super important.

      However, I think it could really, really backfire if one only looks at student loans and completely forgets all those who don't go to college. If the Democrats don't effectively reach voters without higher education, the numbers game just doesn't seem to add up, and won't add up in the future either.

      Student loan forgiveness could quickly look like forgetting those even lower in the social hierarchy, and is far too often forgotten by those who speak most loudly about student loans and for-profit higher education.

      6 votes
      1. [2]
        Comment deleted by author
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        1. nacho
          Link Parent
          I think it'd be more like "well, the Democrats have completely forgotten anyone who isn't part of the college-grad elite. They're willing to give billions to rich people, but nothing to those who...

          "Well I was going to vote for the Democrats, until they forgave student loan debt that I don't have."

          I think it'd be more like "well, the Democrats have completely forgotten anyone who isn't part of the college-grad elite. They're willing to give billions to rich people, but nothing to those who are actually poor in this country."

          It's easy for cable news and Republican social media to spin student debt forgiveness in a very polarizing way I think would be effective in enraging and engaging.

          4 votes
  2. [7]
    The article, like all of them concerning student loans and Biden, references the (always broken) campaign promises of student loan forgiveness. Something no one should expect to be done...

    The article, like all of them concerning student loans and Biden, references the (always broken) campaign promises of student loan forgiveness. Something no one should expect to be done considering Ol' Joe happily helped create the student loan crisis problem in the first place and his gleeful assistance in doing so stretches all the way back to the 70s'.

    There isn't going to be a dime of loan forgiveness or bankruptcy blocks lifted under this old fuckwit, so don't get your hopes up kids!

    3 votes
    1. [7]
      Comment deleted by author
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      1. [6]
        Link Parent
        Payments will resume when it's time for them to do so, not arguing that. My entire comment was on the student loan forgiveness points brought up in the article.

        Payments will resume when it's time for them to do so, not arguing that. My entire comment was on the student loan forgiveness points brought up in the article.

        2 votes
        1. [6]
          Comment deleted by author
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          1. [5]
            Link Parent
            44 years of his personal history as an elected official.

            What's to stop Biden from kicking the can for his entire presidency, and then using it as a bargaining chip during the next presidential election?

            44 years of his personal history as an elected official.

            1. [5]
              Comment deleted by author
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              1. [4]
                Link Parent
                Being that he's the one that makes the decision in this case, I don't see how it can be less about him.

                Being that he's the one that makes the decision in this case, I don't see how it can be less about him.

                1 vote
                1. [2]
                  Comment deleted by author
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                  1. AugustusFerdinand
                    Link Parent
                    Then it sounds like he's the one that makes the decision. If the person/group that "should" do something, doesn't and another person is just as capable of doing it and has been elected to do so...

                    This is the job of Congress which they have abdicated like so many of their other roles.

                    Then it sounds like he's the one that makes the decision.

                    If the person/group that "should" do something, doesn't and another person is just as capable of doing it and has been elected to do so (perhaps even elected on their statement that they'd do so) then it sure seems like the other person should do it, yes?

                2. [2]
                  Link Parent
                  It’s not a one-person show, though. Who he hired and who he listens to also matters.

                  It’s not a one-person show, though. Who he hired and who he listens to also matters.

                  4 votes
                  1. AugustusFerdinand
                    Link Parent
                    Until they're the one holding the pen, signing the orders, he's the only one that matters.

                    Until they're the one holding the pen, signing the orders, he's the only one that matters.