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I threw together a random d100 fishing table for my homebrew pirate campaign that hardly got used if anyone wants to use/tweak for their own games. Made for 5e D&D.
Fishing Rules: Each roll on the table represents a few days to a week of downtime spent fishing. You may roll on the table 1-3 times when traveling between locations based on the amount of travel time needed which is determined by the DM.
Unless the description of a fish says otherwise: treat all spell effects provided by a fish as if the spell were cast at the lowest level possible, a fish must be prepared for consumption ahead of time, and an Action is required to consume a fish.
1-20: No bites! Bummer!
21-56: You catch some fish, but nothing extraordinary. Better luck next time! 10gp worth of normal, edible fish.
57-90: You catch a lot of fish, but still nothing too special. 30gp worth of normal, edible fish.
91-100: Catch of the day! You catch a lot of regular fish worth 50gp and you catch something special as well. Roll another d100 to determine your extraordinary catch from the table below!
1-3. Luminous Guppy - A tiny, glowing fish that can light up dark waters and caves. The fish is under the effects of the Light cantrip and will follow you without instruction. You can also direct it to a location using your free action. Value: 15gp
4-6. True Strike Tuna - This fish makes excellent bait! The next time you roll on the special fish table you may do so with advantage. Value: 25gp
7-9. Chameleon Crab - A crab that can change color to blend in with its surroundings, making it difficult to spot in the water. When consumed you gain the effects of the Disguise Self spell. Value: 35gp
10-12. Electric Catfish - A catfish that can deliver a powerful electric shock. Its meat is tough but flavorful, and its whiskers can be used to make Potions of Lightning Resistance. Value: 40gp
13-15. Ice Mullet - A tasty fish that tastes like ice cream. It’s translucent, ice-blue scales shimmer in the light and can be made into a Potion of Ice Resistance. Value 40gp.
16-18. Toxinfin Trout - A slimy fish that is known for typically living in polluted waters and has developed a resistance to toxins. When eaten raw, this fish’s liver duplicates the effects of a Potion of Poison Resistance. Value: 40gp
19-21. Fire Eel - A fiery fish with a spicy flavor. When eaten raw, its eyes duplicate the effects of a Potion of Fire Resistance. Value: 40gp
22-24. Angelic Haddock - A fish that can cure any ailment when eaten. Grants the effects of Lesser Restoration. Value: 50gp
25-27. Celestial Trout - A fish that can grant temporary powers to those who eat it. For 1 minute after consumption you deal 3 radiant damage to every creature within 10ft of you at the end of your turn. Value: 60gp
28-30. Sea Serpent Sashimi - A dangerous delicacy when prepared incorrectly, but it tastes delicious! Grants 1d10+5 temporary HP for 1 hour after consumption. Value: 65gp
31-33. Ice Barracuda - A fearsome barracuda with icy blue scales that can freeze its prey with a single bite. When consumed you gain the effects of the Armor of Agathys spell. Value: 70gp
34-36. Shimmerfin Sardine - A tiny fish with iridescent fins that can produce a dazzling display of light, used to ward off other sea creatures. When consumed your body produces the effects of the Color Spray spell. Value: 75gp
37-38. Necrotic Noodlefish - A grotesque fish that can be used as an ingredient in deadly poisons. You are able to craft 1d4+2 vials of poison from this fish which deal an extra 1d6 poison damage on a hit when applied to a slashing/piercing weapon or to ammunition. When applied to a melee weapon, 1 vial of the poison will last for 3 successful hits before it wears off; 1 vial of the poison is also enough to coat 3 pieces of ammunition. Once applied, the poison will lose its potency after 1 hour if left unused. Value: 15gp (per vial, 75gp avg.)
39-40. Abyssal Grouper - A deep-sea fish with a dark, almost black skin. Its meat is said to have an otherworldly taste and can temporarily grant those who eat it the ability to see in the dark. When consumed you gain 60ft Darkvision until your next long rest. Value: 75gp
41-42. Faerie Bass - A small fish that can be used to make a Potion of Levitation. Value: 75gp
43-44. Whispering Wrasse - This fish has a dark, well-camouflaged exterior, and it has a delicate, almost imperceptible flavor with a velvety texture that melts in the mouth. When consumed it provides advantage on all stealth checks for 1 hour. Value: 80gp
45-46. Titan Tuna - A giant fish that grants the effects of the Enlarge text from the Enlarge/Reduce spell as though the spell were cast on yourself for 1 hour after consumption. You have to eat the whole thing first! Value: 100gp
47-48. Elemental Cod - A fish with the power to control the elements of water, air, fire, and earth. After consumption you have the ability to cast the following 4 cantrips for 1 week: Mold Earth, Control Flames, Shape Water, Gust. Value: 100gp
49-50. Ghostlight Eel - This translucent eel glows with a ghostly blue light, and its flesh is believed to grant the ability to see invisible creatures. You gain the benefits of the See Invisibility spell. Value: 110gp
51-52. Crested Spidercrab: With its towering, spindly legs and an intricately patterned exoskeleton reminiscent of a spider's, this enigmatic crab has the extraordinary ability to defy gravity and can often be found hanging under docks. When consumed you gain the effects of the Spider Climb spell. Value: 125gp
53-54. Ghostly Cod - A transparent fish that can become invisible at will. If prepared properly you too can become invisible! This fish duplicates the effects of the Invisibility spell. Value: 150gp
55-56. The Venomous Viperfish - A fish with poisonous fangs and venomous spines, highly sought after by alchemists for its potent toxins. You able to craft 1d4 vials of poison from this fish which deal extra poison damage on a hit when applied to a slashing/piercing weapon or to ammunition. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. When applied to a melee weapon, 1 vial of the poison will last for 3 successful hits before it wears off; 1 vial of the poison is also enough to coat 3 pieces of ammunition. Once applied, the poison will lose its potency after 1 hour if left unused. Value: 200gp
57-58. Swordfish - A large, powerful fish with a long, sharp bill which can easily be fashioned into a +1 Longsword. Value: 300gp
59-60. Ironclad Catfish - A fish with tough scales that can be harvested to make Scale Mail+1 or a Shield+1. Value: 350gp
61-62. Zephyrfish - With its gossamer fins and shimmering body, this fish moves with the grace and speed of the wind, dashing effortlessly through the water. When consumed you gain the effects of the Zephyr Strike spell. Value: 350gp
63-64. Moon Jellyfish - A rare and beautiful fish that appears to be a normal fish, but is malleable like a jellyfish. When consumed it temporarily grants the Shape Self ability (Plasmoid) for 10 minutes. Value: 400gp
65-66. Babelfish - A very rare fish you can put in your ear! In an hour you'll be able to understand, but not speak, every verbal language. Value: 450gp
67-68. Ooze Herring - This fish is covered in a slimy, mucous-like substance. When you consume this fish your skin also produces this slimy mucous for 1 hour, during this time you gain the benefits of the Freedom of Movement spell. Value: 500gp
69-70. Jewel Eel - An eel that can produce beautiful gemstones in its belly. The eel contains 1d6 Blue Quartz Gemstones (10gp each), 1d6 Zircon Gemstones (50gp each), and 1d6 Coral Gemstones (100gp each). Value: Varies (640gp avg.)
71-72. Whirlpool Whiskerfish - A fish with long, swirling whiskers that can create powerful currents or whirlpools. When eaten you may duplicate the effects of the Whirlpool section of the Control Water spell. Value: 650gp
73-74. Dragonfish - A small, fierce fish with sharp teeth and scales that come in a variety of colors. They are prized for their beauty and rarity. When consumed you gain the effects of the Dragon’s Breath spell (you may choose the color of fish caught which corresponds with the type of damage granted by the spell: red, blue, green, black, white). Value: 700gp
75-76. Blink Bass - A fish that has the ability to teleport short distances which makes it difficult to catch. When consumed you gain the effects of the Blink spell. Value: 800gp
77-78. Thunderhead Salmon - This massive fish is said to cause thunderstorms wherever it swims. Eating this fish grants the ability to call down bolts of lightning. You gain the effects of the Call Lightning spell. Value: 1000g
79-80. Serpentstrike Eel - Slithering through the depths with sleek, iridescent scales and electric-blue markings, this eel possesses a long, sinuous body and sharp fangs, ready to deliver lightning-fast strikes to its prey. When consumed you gain the effects of the Haste spell. Value: 1200gp
81-82. Skyfish - This fish can fly! And so can you! This fish has a light and airy texture, but little flavor. It grants you the effects of the Fly spell. Value: 1200gp
83-84. Metamorphfin - This fish possesses a mesmerizing blend of glistening scales, lustrous fur, majestic wings, and sharp fangs. When consumed this extraordinary fish grants the ability to transform into a fearsome beast. You may transform into a CR 1 or lower beast using the Druid Wild Shape rules once. The creature may have a swim/fly speed. Value: 1500gp
85-86. Devilfish - A fish with sharp teeth and a fierce demeanor. It is believed to be a bad omen and is feared by fishermen. The Devilfish comes with 1d4 fangs which, when thrown, duplicate the effects of Summon Lesser Demons. Value: 1600gp (if you can find a willing buyer)
87-88. Phoenix Flounder - A fish that likes to keep a Stone of Resurrection in its stomach which they find on the sea floor. The stone can be easily harvested and when placed in the mouth of someone who has died they are given the benefits of the Revivify spell. The creature may have died within the last hour rather than 1 minute. Value: 1800gp
89-90. Dreamfish - This extremely rare fish has a silver-blue shimmer and is said to contain the essence of dreams. Eating its flesh can grant vivid dreams which have been known to provide prophetic visions. When eaten you gain the benefits of the Foresight spell. Value: 2500gp
Mermaid's Tears - These small, delicate fish are said to be the tears of mermaids. When consumed you gain permanent water-breathing abilities and a 30ft swim speed. Value: 3000gp
Psychic Pike – An unusual looking fish with an abnormally large brain that has been rumored to speak with people telepathically. When consumed you permanently gain the ability to communicate telepathically with anyone you can see within 60ft. You also learn the Mind Sliver cantrip and you gain the ability to cast Detect Thoughts once per short rest (you may also use any appropriate level spell slots you have to cast this spell additional times). Value: 3500gp
Jesterfish - A whimsical and colorful fish with a head shaped like a jester’s hat, it emits a joyful giggle when tickled. When eaten you permanently increase your CHA +2. You also learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip and you gain the ability to cast Tasha’s Hideous Laughter at will as a 1st level spell. Value: 5000gp
Stonescale Tarpon – A fish with a rugged, stony exterior, this mighty fish is a symbol of resilience and endurance, capable of weathering even the most treacherous of waters. When consumed you permanently increase your CON +2. You also gain the Tough feat. Value: 5000gp
Tenacious Ray – A colossal and muscular ray with a commanding presence. Its heart can be used in a potion which empowers the drinker with extraordinary strength and unrivaled might. When the potion is consumed you permanently increase your STR +1. You also gain the Athlete feat (you must choose the STR option for the feat). Value: 5000gp
Nimblefin Walleye - A shimmering silver fish with slender, agile fins which allow them to move with unparalleled swiftness and finesse. When consumed you permanently increase your DEX +2. You also gain the Mobile feat. Value: 5000gp
Spellgill Carp - This wise and weathered fish, with its flowing whiskers and ancient eyes, bears an uncanny resemblance to an old wizard, emanating an aura of arcane knowledge and mystic power. When eaten you permanently increase your INT +2. You also learn the Mage Hand cantrip and you gain the ability to cast Mage Armor at will. Value: 5000gp
Pastorfish - Resplendent in its shimmering golden scales and adorned with regal vestments, this majestic fish bears a striking resemblance to a clerical figure. When eaten you permanently increase your WIS +2. You also learn the Guidance cantrip and you gain the ability to cast Bless at will as a 1st level spell. Value: 5000gp
Golden Koi - A beautiful, rare fish that is highly prized by collectors. When eaten you gain the Lucky feat. Value: 10000gp
Sea Drake - The most valuable catch of them all, the Sea Drake is a massive aquatic dragon-like creature that can grow up to 200 feet in length. Its meat, oil, and bones are all valuable commodities, and a successful catch can make a crew wildly rich. However, catching a Sea Drake is an almost impossible feat and requires a skilled and experienced crew with a great deal of luck. You're gonna need more than a rod and reel for this one! Roll Initiative! Value: 15,000gp