10 votes

Does anyone in Tildes play Arma?

Tildes is fun! But do the people here play Arma at all? If so, how do you spend your sanity in that game?


  1. Bemels
    I play it every sunday around 5 to 6 hours depending on the mission. Group i play with has pretty harsh joining conditons since one requirement is having to actually been in the army to be allowed...

    I play it every sunday around 5 to 6 hours depending on the mission. Group i play with has pretty harsh joining conditons since one requirement is having to actually been in the army to be allowed to join.

    We have around 40 active members who turn up every weekend and a few old army it nerds who make new missions for us every week, sometimes we play scenarios based on real battles and sometimes the missions are inspired by movies and such.

    It's quite a lot of fun, scratches my DnD itch even though i'm not a huge military buff, we also have around 200 gigs of mods that rework everything from sounds to the interaction systems, before i joined the group i had played only a few hours of arma so can't really say how much it differs from the vanilla experience.

    4 votes
  2. Pavouk106
    I play ARMA3 with a few friends. We were playing Hidden & Dangerous 2 kinda since we got it and had decent internet and did that on/off style (heavy playing and then year or afew years nothing)....

    I play ARMA3 with a few friends.

    We were playing Hidden & Dangerous 2 kinda since we got it and had decent internet and did that on/off style (heavy playing and then year or afew years nothing). We loved some aspects of the game, specifically limited carry weight, limited line of sight (distance from which you can he seen), crawling has actual benefits in this game (other than lower profile for enemy to shoot at) and most of all kinda realistic difficulty where one or two shots get you killed. Since the game is over 20 years old it doesn't cope well with our systems - friends use Windows 10 and I use Linux. We were able to get it running everytime, but the hassle to make it happen...

    So I came up with and idea to buy something more modern, new, still alive. And after a few tips ARMA3 got diacounted and that was it. We paid like 6€ each for their own copy on Steam and later bought Apex DLC. We are lone wolves, we play on my OpenVPN by direct connection to server, we do not play public games or servers. Sometimes we play only in two persons, sometimes we gotnlucky and played four people. We do coop, obviously - combat patrol mode. And Apex coop campaign.

    ARMA3 is great for us as it brings all the things H&D2 had and also many new features. It is difficult - you are shot at by someone you don't see, you can bekilled with one bullet, you ca carry only so much things, you can't sprint forever, you should use cover... But you ca adjust the AI difficulty to your liking and also have some thins turned on for better enjoyment and easier play if you want (like highlighting enemies). We tend to play rather realistic but with lowered AI difficulty, as we play it to have fun and not get frustrated.

    We are not actually looking for bigger group as we are all Czech and we speak Czech when we play. Our spoken English is limited an we are no pros so we may not be up to standards of others (we certainly aren't).

    It is great game for smeone who wants more than corridor shooter where you feel like Rambo.

    3 votes