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  • Showing only topics in ~games with the tag "ask.survey". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Tildes Minecraft server usernames

      Someone on the server mentioned that they struggle with keeping track of converting MC usernames and Tildes usernames (and I do too at times). So if you are playing on the server comment your...

      Someone on the server mentioned that they struggle with keeping track of converting MC usernames and Tildes usernames (and I do too at times). So if you are playing on the server comment your username for both Tildes and MC so that other players can reference who is who and just bookmark this thread

      Edit: Tea mentioned that you can use the command /realname tildes_name and /fakename mc_name commands as well

      20 votes
    2. Do any Tilderinos play Flesh and Blood the TCG?

      Flesh and Blood is a trading card game (think Yugioh, Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, etc) which only launched in 2020 but has been rapidly gaining popularity across the world. If you’re familiar...

      Flesh and Blood is a trading card game (think Yugioh, Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, etc) which only launched in 2020 but has been rapidly gaining popularity across the world.

      If you’re familiar with other trading card games, this has some key differences in the pace of the games. Usually, players have limited resources to begin with, and build up resources throughout the game. In FaB, however, players start at their strongest with the most access to resources, and slowly exhaust these resources as the game goes on.

      I played MtG casually for a bit over a decade, and I have a number of friends who all enjoy the Commander format. I never had the skills or budget to play in tournaments, but that’s never been my thing anyway.

      I’m just curious if there are many other players here on Tildes.

      If you play, which classes or heroes to you prefer? What do you think of the way the game has been managed so far? Do you play casually or are you more ambitious than that? Do you play online or do you stick to exclusively in-person games? How did you get into the game, did you play other TCGs before or is FaB your first foray?

      8 votes
    3. Funny, crazy and silly mods

      Just a random thought as a friend browses Nexus Mods. What are some of the funniest, craziest and wildest mods you've come across? I see plenty of talk about QoL mods and the like, but I feel like...

      Just a random thought as a friend browses Nexus Mods. What are some of the funniest, craziest and wildest mods you've come across? I see plenty of talk about QoL mods and the like, but I feel like there's a lot of fun stories to be had with forgetting you modded some enemy to look like the Cookie Monster or custom weapons that shoot fish.

      30 votes
    4. What gaming genre could use a renaming?

      What gaming genre could use a renaming? Why? (What makes its current name a bad/imprecise/clumsy one?) Also, an optional follow-up: What would you propose as a better name for the genre? Why?...

      What gaming genre could use a renaming?
      Why? (What makes its current name a bad/imprecise/clumsy one?)

      Also, an optional follow-up:
      What would you propose as a better name for the genre?
      Why? (What makes it better?)

      30 votes
    5. What video games have had you taking real-life notes?

      What are some games that have inspired you to break out a real pen(cil) and paper? How do you feel about games that implicitly or explicitly want you to take notes? Do you have any recommended...

      What are some games that have inspired you to break out a real pen(cil) and paper?

      How do you feel about games that implicitly or explicitly want you to take notes?

      Do you have any recommended “note”-worthy games?

      51 votes
    6. Any Kult players?

      I have never played a tabletop RPG before, but was absolutely fascinated with this Kult playthrough that the YouTube algorithm decided to show me for some reason. I watched the whole thing! The...

      I have never played a tabletop RPG before, but was absolutely fascinated with this Kult playthrough that the YouTube algorithm decided to show me for some reason. I watched the whole thing! The "gnostic" backdrop the lore has is spellbinding.

      It's hard to gauge its popularity just from YouTube videos, but I'm curious to know if anyone on Tildes has played it, and if so, what your experiences have been. And do you know of any TTRPGs that are similar? Vampire the Masquerade, maybe? My friend group isn't into this sort of thing at all, but maybe I can persuade them...

      (In case you manage to miss the copious warnings at the start of that video, Kult's themes are quite graphic. Fair warning!)

      6 votes
    7. What are some of your favorite PlayStation 1 games? Any odd or unique ones worth playing?

      Hi y'all, I owned a PlaySation as a kid, but I don't remember playing it much. I was much more stuck to my Nintendo 64 playing Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and MegaMan 64. Well, I got it in my...

      Hi y'all,

      I owned a PlaySation as a kid, but I don't remember playing it much. I was much more stuck to my Nintendo 64 playing Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and MegaMan 64.

      Well, I got it in my head that I wanted to play MegaMan Legends 2, which only came out on PlaySation as far as I can tell. I've started playing through MegaMan Legends again before I get to the sequel, and I'm having a really good time.

      I was hoping I could hear form y'all about some of your favorite games so I could dip my toes deeper into the PS1 library. What are some of your favorites? Anything particularly odd, unique, or with a very specific point of view? I'll try any genre. Some games I've dabbled with or had my eye on to play: Parasite Eve, Vagrant Saga, Xenogears, Koudelka, and most notably perhaps, Metal Gear Solid. I've never played any Metal Gear games, but the story and world building is so interesting from what I know about it that I really want to give it a try. Also, if anyone knows of some cool Japanese only fan-translate games, would really love to hear about those.

      tldr: favorite ps1 game? any weirdo shit i should play?

      edit 03/31: the love for ps1 is HUGE. thanks to everyone for all of the great responses. will respond in time. been taking time to sample a bunch of these. my experience with tildes's gaming community has been awesome.

      49 votes
    8. What's a game that you feel is almost great?

      The game approaches greatness -- it is within sight of excellence -- but something holds it back. Maybe it's a glaring, unignorable flaw, or maybe it squanders an excellent idea with subpar...

      The game approaches greatness -- it is within sight of excellence -- but something holds it back. Maybe it's a glaring, unignorable flaw, or maybe it squanders an excellent idea with subpar execution.

      Whatever it is, the game could have been great but instead it's, unfortunately, something less.

      What a game that's like that for you? Why?

      26 votes
    9. Is there interest in a board game-focused Discord server?

      Edit: Well, given there's already a vaguely positive reception to the idea, I've went ahead and set up the server! It's by no means a finished product yet, but it's at least a start! Here's the...

      Edit: Well, given there's already a vaguely positive reception to the idea, I've went ahead and set up the server! It's by no means a finished product yet, but it's at least a start!

      Here's the link: https://discord.gg/FqArkERU2U

      About a year ago, I was running a pretty active, small community board game server and it was a lot of fun until most of the regulars got busy with life.

      After that, things happened and it fell by the wayside, but my time here with Tildes makes me really want to bring it back, I just wanted to gauge interest first. The idea is that anyone could set events, anyone can invite people, etc. Obviously, it wouldn't be an open server, but one in the same vein as Tildes, but in board game community form.

      Specifically, things like hidden role games and other more complicated games really feel like they shine when there's a solid group of regulars that are able to teach newbies how to play.

      (And selfishly, this would be a great way for me to learn new board games, as well)

      23 votes
    10. Do you have any game sub-genres that you have a name for, but aren't big enough to be "official" sub-genres?

      I realized that some games I play fall into specific categories that could be their own sub-genre, but are either too specific, haven't been around long enough, or there's a "good enough"...

      I realized that some games I play fall into specific categories that could be their own sub-genre, but are either too specific, haven't been around long enough, or there's a "good enough" combination of genres that could be used to describe them that makes it impossible to find more in that genre.

      I'm interested if anyone else has any of these weird little sub-genres that they enjoy and wanted to share.

      Feel free to add any games that you think fit into sub-genres other people describe

      30 votes
    11. What irrational video game requirements do you have?

      For me it's bunny hopping. If I can't sail across a map at 100km/h in an FPS, it'll be very difficult for me to get into it. I get that I'm missing out on a lot of good games, but normal movement...

      For me it's bunny hopping. If I can't sail across a map at 100km/h in an FPS, it'll be very difficult for me to get into it. I get that I'm missing out on a lot of good games, but normal movement just feels so empty and slow.

      For those who don't know what bunny hopping is, it's a mechanic in primarily FPS games where you jump repeatedly instead of walking/running. This allows you to move much faster and pull off some complex manoeuvres.

      Anyway I'm curious to see if others have admittedly ridiculous requirements like this.

      49 votes
    12. What's a "house rule" that has made a game more fun for you?

      A "house rule" is one that isn't explicitly in the game but that you choose to apply nonetheless. The question can apply to either videogames or tabletop games. What's the rule/ruleset? How does...

      A "house rule" is one that isn't explicitly in the game but that you choose to apply nonetheless. The question can apply to either videogames or tabletop games.

      What's the rule/ruleset?
      How does it affect your enjoyment of the game?

      57 votes
    13. How do you like your Minetest?

      I'm considering setting up Minetest with the Mineclone2 mod and also the Dwarf Fortress style caverns mod (and maybe some other stuff that mod recommends like a hang glider and ropes) Does anybody...

      I'm considering setting up Minetest with the Mineclone2 mod and also the Dwarf Fortress style caverns mod (and maybe some other stuff that mod recommends like a hang glider and ropes)

      Does anybody else play? What's cool?

      11 votes
    14. Steam Next Fest: what have you been playing?

      For those out of the loop, Steam Next Fest is a week long event (Feb. 5 - Feb. 12) celebrating upcoming games through demos and developer livestreams. Which demos have you been playing, and which...

      For those out of the loop, Steam Next Fest is a week long event (Feb. 5 - Feb. 12) celebrating upcoming games through demos and developer livestreams.

      Which demos have you been playing, and which releases are you looking forward to?

      30 votes
    15. Did anyone else play This War of Mine about the siege of Sarajevo? Are there other games you appreciate about rare experiences?

      A different thread reminded me of this unique for me and frustrating but enlightening experience. This war of mine is a survival game where you have to manage food, building equipment, scavenging,...

      A different thread reminded me of this unique for me and frustrating but enlightening experience.

      This war of mine is a survival game where you have to manage food, building equipment, scavenging, security, stealth, possibly weapons and the morale of your companions for an unknown period of time until the siege is lifted. The art is beautiful but simple. The pace is slow. The emotions are profound. At the end of the game there are different stories for how your companions lives progress depending on how well or poorly you handled the circumstances of the game. It is very easy to die.

      It is the only war game I have seen where you are a civilian.

      18 votes
    16. How do you keep up with smaller indie game news?

      How do people here keep up with upcoming niche games? Most of the blogs I've followed for this have been abandoned over time and I'm looking for new one(s). Ideally, I'm looking for something...

      How do people here keep up with upcoming niche games? Most of the blogs I've followed for this have been abandoned over time and I'm looking for new one(s). Ideally, I'm looking for something that:

      • Supports RSS
      • Highlights trailers or other creator-made pages showing off lesser-known games
      • Focuses on the "hobby itch.io experiment" to "Annapurna / Devolver-published" segment of the Lo-Fi to AAA spectrum (nothing more AAA than that)
      • Posts occasional reviews/interviews with games/creators (optionally)
      • Has no/little focus on industry-insider news

      I'm obviously biased towards "small-web" blogs or forums, but I'd love to hear about however you stay up to date with cool things creators are making!

      30 votes