Helldivers 2 Tildes squad interest thread
So I've been playing a lot of Helldivers 2 recently, and was wondering if there would be much interest in the community for a Tildes LFG / Discord situation to find pick up games.
Anyone else have an interest in the game still?
EDIT: Apologies for the slow response / organization to this thread. Life is busy.
I have generated a permanent invite link to a 'HELLDIVERS' channel on 'The Oak', my personal use Discord server: https://discord.gg/sqepxdu7dK
Join that and say something in the helldivers chat channel, and I'll tag you as an HD2 player for general pings.
Or if you'd like to add me on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Acorn_CK
My rarely used twitch is the same name, twitch.tv/Acorn_CK
EDIT 2: My timezone is PST, although I play late (generally 9pm-~1am)
Depends on the timezone!
I'm CET and I'd be game for it, especially going into winter.
But if its not Euro friendly then I'm outta luck with times I'm afraid.
EDIT: Apologies for the slow response / organization to this thread. Life is busy.
I have generated a permanent invite link to a 'HELLDIVERS' channel on 'The Oak', my personal use Discord server: https://discord.gg/sqepxdu7dK
Join that and say something in the helldivers chat channel, and I'll tag you as an HD2 player for general pings.
Or if you'd like to add me on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Acorn_CK
My rarely used twitch is the same name, twitch.tv/Acorn_CK
There's a decent revival going on since their 60 day project wrapped up.
I'd be interested. Even if I probably won't play that often, it's nice to have a bigger group of people to invite in case I do (or get invited!). Big caveat to the USAians in here, my timezone is CET.
I have interest but haven't played a whole lot because I haven't had many people to play with.
EDIT: Apologies for the slow response / organization to this thread. Life is busy.
I have generated a permanent invite link to a 'HELLDIVERS' channel on 'The Oak', my personal use Discord server: https://discord.gg/sqepxdu7dK
Join that and say something in the helldivers chat channel, and I'll tag you as an HD2 player for general pings.
Or if you'd like to add me on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Acorn_CK
My rarely used twitch is the same name, twitch.tv/Acorn_CK
I haven't played since May or something, but I could jump in for a few sessions at some point if you are fine including someone who is not very good at the game at all. If you are aiming for anything beyond Extreme in difficulty, I think you won't want me around.
Like kaffo, I'm CET.
EDIT: Apologies for the slow response / organization to this thread. Life is busy.
I have generated a permanent invite link to a 'HELLDIVERS' channel on 'The Oak', my personal use Discord server: https://discord.gg/sqepxdu7dK
Join that and say something in the helldivers chat channel, and I'll tag you as an HD2 player for general pings.
Or if you'd like to add me on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Acorn_CK
My rarely used twitch is the same name, twitch.tv/Acorn_CK
I'm interested! I'm in CST though.
EDIT: Apologies for the slow response / organization to this thread. Life is busy.
I have generated a permanent invite link to a 'HELLDIVERS' channel on 'The Oak', my personal use Discord server: https://discord.gg/sqepxdu7dK
Join that and say something in the helldivers chat channel, and I'll tag you as an HD2 player for general pings.
Or if you'd like to add me on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Acorn_CK
My rarely used twitch is the same name, twitch.tv/Acorn_CK
I'd be interested though I haven't touch the game since launch month. Timezone is US MT.
EDIT: Apologies for the slow response / organization to this thread. Life is busy.
I have generated a permanent invite link to a 'HELLDIVERS' channel on 'The Oak', my personal use Discord server: https://discord.gg/sqepxdu7dK
Join that and say something in the helldivers chat channel, and I'll tag you as an HD2 player for general pings.
Or if you'd like to add me on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Acorn_CK
My rarely used twitch is the same name, twitch.tv/Acorn_CK
Absolutely interested! I’m on CST and don’t get a ton of chances to play though