Notcoffeetable's recent activity

  1. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    I'm on week 3 of consistent training. I'm really happy with how my coach worked with me through the early summer. Understanding that I needed some time doing other activities, supporting me and...

    I'm on week 3 of consistent training. I'm really happy with how my coach worked with me through the early summer. Understanding that I needed some time doing other activities, supporting me and rolling with the punches. Checking in when I went quiet for several weeks and just keeping the training on track.

    I'm encouraged to see my e1rms approach my peak strength meaning over the fall/winter I can likely make some good progress.

    The down side is biking is harder now. Starting to feel much more sore/achey sooner than I was before. Accumulated fatigue from more consistent lifting. Fortunately I'm not really noticing much impact the other way around. Lifts feel good even a ay after decent mileage on a bike. And the cardio gains are real. Some rep schemes that were hitting me quite hard in May are feeling easier to recover from intraset.

  2. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    One note I see in other communities is that if you hit the NPCs in the right order and keep up with them, the story is actually more clear than base Elden Ring. But if things progress in an uneven...

    One note I see in other communities is that if you hit the NPCs in the right order and keep up with them, the story is actually more clear than base Elden Ring. But if things progress in an uneven way it is easy to miss some key lore dumps.

    For example, there is an NPC who you meet pretty early who relocates after an event is triggered. If you find an item and give it to the NPC in their new location they essentially tell you the whole story. If you don't do this.. well.. the last boss comes out of left field and it's very much a "wtf?"

  3. Comment on Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ gaming staff votes to unionize in ~games

    Link Parent
    As someone who works in an industry that is highly unionized and has a history of union busting, I think this is a big part of it. The NLRB is a highly political oversight board, the current...

    As someone who works in an industry that is highly unionized and has a history of union busting, I think this is a big part of it.

    The NLRB is a highly political oversight board, the current administration has taken a very pro-union stance and it is very easy for a manager to say something off the cuff that tanks any union avoidance strategy the business might have.

    Microsoft likely saw the value in having a good relationship with the union rather than risking an adversarial relationship. I work closely with our head of labor relations, I've observed contract negotiations (I was asked to consider being a labor negotiator), and many of the guys who took me under their wing were negotiators. The relationship between the local union, union rep, and the business's labor management team is very personal and impacts how painful or easy negotiations more than any other factor.

    FWIW: I declined the job because it isn't the type of thing I want to do, the travel requirements were way too high. While I think someone of my political disposition could do well, I'm a bit too "viva la revolution" to play the role.

    7 votes
  4. Comment on How do you avoid the "getting started" loop? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I don't know or particularly care if I have ADHD but this mirrors me in a lot of ways. I've taken up a similar practice of looking at each week as meetings are getting put on my schedule and...

    I don't know or particularly care if I have ADHD but this mirrors me in a lot of ways. I've taken up a similar practice of looking at each week as meetings are getting put on my schedule and identifying the days that I can keep empty for flow state work. The rest of the days I just bounce between meetings and doing small jobs. It's helped a lot.

    Unless I focus and have dedicated distraction free times to do these things, I just will not do them.

    This has been something my partner has learned to appreciate. I need one unstructured day a week. That's when things happen. She used to stress out because she thought we'd "waste the weekend" until she learned that time is when things get done. Not just chores but impromptu hikes, bike rides, etc. After years of living together she commented recently that she wishes I didn't need to work because all the cool stuff happens when I'm given a blank slate.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on How do you avoid the "getting started" loop? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    My partner and I do the same thing when cleaning. There's no rule that each room needs to be Platinum Trophied before going on to the next one. So each of us will pop in our headphones and listen...

    My partner and I do the same thing when cleaning. There's no rule that each room needs to be Platinum Trophied before going on to the next one. So each of us will pop in our headphones and listen to something while we just let loose whatever energy there is to get things done. I'll sweep half the house then start scrubbing baseboards, she'll start cleaning bathrooms and end up reorganizing our closet.

    Our house gets cluttered but clutter is easy to deal with. The upside is that things are clean where a lot of people don't actually clean very often. So we can get our house in showroom order just by putting things in their place rather than dedicating a weekend to it.

    This doesn't work so well with bigger projects. I also struggle with the "getting started" doing projects on my racecar.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    Flip cup: I never practiced or played it a lot but it's a common enough drinking game. But when i have played I'm pretty damn good at it. A pretty good intuition for narcistic people: I find that...
    • Flip cup: I never practiced or played it a lot but it's a common enough drinking game. But when i have played I'm pretty damn good at it.
    • A pretty good intuition for narcistic people: I find that occasionally I'll meet someone that "everyone" likes and they just feel off. Usually it comes out that they're a bad partner or something. I attribute it to growing up with two narcistic parents.
    3 votes
  7. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'm curious about the WoW expac too. I have generally followed the same path you outlined, ~2 months for a new expac then I drop it. Dragonflight didn't stick for me, I never left the first area....

    I'm curious about the WoW expac too. I have generally followed the same path you outlined, ~2 months for a new expac then I drop it. Dragonflight didn't stick for me, I never left the first area. It just felt like the skinner box was on full display, the combat was trivial and boring with the same rotations I've used for about 20 years.

    I'm not excited for the new expac but I bet I buy it, I just hope it can grip me better than dragonflight.

  8. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Finally finished Elden Ring. Beat Malenia and Radagon/Elden Beast this weekend. Both were very fun challenges. I still have some other stuff to do before I start NG+, but I'm happy to have...

    Finally finished Elden Ring. Beat Malenia and Radagon/Elden Beast this weekend. Both were very fun challenges. I still have some other stuff to do before I start NG+, but I'm happy to have officially rolled credits.

    And now we start back at the beginning. I started up Demon's Souls this weekend. I absolutely love it so far. The combat is much slower than Elden Ring, but the game is much easier knowing how the systems in these games work. Started as the Templar that has heavy armor and a healing spell. Immediately stripped some armor to get medium roll and I've had some good success. hit my first roadblock on level 1-1 and after some reading it seems like it's supposed to be a roadblock and I just have to continue in some of the directions I haven't explored yet.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on US President Joe Biden announces that he will not run for re-election in ~news

    Link Parent
    I really wouldn't read into it. Pelosi was also a "hold out" yesterday but endorsed her today. I'd be surprised if Obama backs anyone else. I'd bet he's likely waiting for the correct "optics." I...

    I really wouldn't read into it. Pelosi was also a "hold out" yesterday but endorsed her today. I'd be surprised if Obama backs anyone else. I'd bet he's likely waiting for the correct "optics." I don't think anything hinges on his voice right now. It will be valuable if it hits at the right moment. Too many institutional leaders endorsing her too quickly will look like a coronation. I appreciate the groundswell and I'm excited for a real campaign.

    Listening to some of her recent speeches has improved my opinion of her.

    7 votes
  10. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    This week's been slower than the previous couple but some high stress meetings. Had my first face-to-face with our global president to walk him through an analysis I conducted. My boss's boss is...

    This week's been slower than the previous couple but some high stress meetings. Had my first face-to-face with our global president to walk him through an analysis I conducted. My boss's boss is starting to take a more direct approach to working with me and has communicated a desire to expand some of our oversight to data reporting. Usually that's a good career sign but I hate power politics and my approach to our data is a much more federated design.

    This week my workout schedule has been consistent. Really hoping to keep the momentum and make it three good weeks in a row. Otherwise this weekend

    • Triple date with some coworkers for brunch and a retro gaming pop-up. I haven't hung out with them before but one is essentially my neighbor and the other is my peer wo I like working with.
    • Want to beat the final boss of Elden Ring and start Demon's Souls.
    • Need to replace the battery in my 944 S2. I replaced it last year but couldn't find something with the right CCA. It died recently so I found a much better replacement and will be installing it.
    • Hungary Qualifying and GP this weekend should be good.
    • I need to go through and check my backpacking gear, the brothers and brother-in-laws are getting together next weekend for a one night trip.
    • I owe my partner ~30 miles on the bike. It's cooling down this weekend so hopefully Saturday or Sunday.
    1 vote
  11. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Sorry about your foot! DS9 gives TNG a run for its money. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy and In the Pale Moonlight are all time great episode of TV if you've gotten to those yet. Also excited for...

    So I suppose I have a lot of time for video games now and to continue binging Deep Space Nine. It’s also prime motorsports season and the Olympics are starting soon, so at least I’ll have something to watch while stuck in my recliner.

    Sorry about your foot!

    DS9 gives TNG a run for its money. Tinker Tailor Solider Spy and In the Pale Moonlight are all time great episode of TV if you've gotten to those yet.

    Also excited for Hungary this weekend and the Olympics starting next weekend!

    1 vote
  12. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Link Parent
    I was actually just introduced to her by one of my team members based on my love of Charli XCX. I quite like her style!

    I was actually just introduced to her by one of my team members based on my love of Charli XCX. I quite like her style!

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    This is a fun idea! A couple recent tracks that I've been vibing with. Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure Caroline Polacheck - Welcome to my Island Kraftwerk - Radioactivity

    This is a fun idea!

    A couple recent tracks that I've been vibing with.

    • Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure
    • Caroline Polacheck - Welcome to my Island
    • Kraftwerk - Radioactivity
    6 votes
  14. Comment on You don’t need a pickup truck, you need a cowboy costume in ~transport

    Link Parent
    By all means use a bike if you want and live in a good place for it. But as a USian outside NYC I think sedans/wagons/hatchbacks have a lot of utility. I haul more than 3 people fairly...

    By all means use a bike if you want and live in a good place for it. But as a USian outside NYC I think sedans/wagons/hatchbacks have a lot of utility.

    I haul more than 3 people fairly infrequently but I fold my back seats down quite often to haul larger stuff quite often. Further we have dogs so the back seat is useful for them.

    I also think people underestimate the demands of “off roading.” I’ve driven sedans through some pretty gnarly stuff. Go slow, read the road, it will be fine. And this is a fairly low ground clearance BMW.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on A summer Covid-19 wave in ~health

    Link Parent
    I can definitely empathize a bit more than other's responding to you. I definitely think it's a variation in psychological response to threat. The feeling I have about our country right now is...

    I can definitely empathize a bit more than other's responding to you. I definitely think it's a variation in psychological response to threat. The feeling I have about our country right now is akin to having someone behind you on a dark empty street. It's a situation that I want to remain conflict-free, but my senses are attenuated for signals of danger. But I know myself enough to know that my psychological inclination is to reciprocate aggression when diffusing has failed.

    And in that vein, I do not desire or encourage violence of conflict. But I can't have sympathy for voters of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party when the leopards have begun eating their faces. Someone foments and riles up their base enough to attack the nation's capital and then we're supposed to take the blame/feel remorse when a crackpot takes a shot? That's a step too far for me. Likewise, I am very sorry for the families losing people to Covid. But if you're out there supporting groups that spread disinformation and covid denialism, that's called consequences and actions.

    Leftist policies are regularly critcized for supporting bad lifestyle decisions: "UBI will only let people off the hook for being lazy/addicted to drugs." But when rightwing policy kills them or bites them in the ass they're given way more grace than a single mother trying to afford milk. I'm sick of it and I don't feel guilty for maintaining indifference when a group that advocates letting pregnant people die over avoidable complications reaps the seeds of ignorance that they sow.

    So I cannot condone violence or celebrating death. But neither am I inclined to protect them from themselves outside of finding a nice padded room for them.

    9 votes
  16. Comment on US-based Haas team have decided to drop Kevin Magnussen for the 2025 Formula 1 season in ~sports.motorsports

    Link Parent
    They better reinforce poor Bearman's car. It definitely feels like Ocon's propensity to take out his teammate has been established. I like Ocon enough and he does seem like an upgrade of...

    They better reinforce poor Bearman's car. It definitely feels like Ocon's propensity to take out his teammate has been established. I like Ocon enough and he does seem like an upgrade of Magnussen. Hopefully he plays nice!

    7 votes
  17. Comment on You don’t need a pickup truck, you need a cowboy costume in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I'm curious what your point is here? Suburus are generally just cars. They don't really make compromises for off-road function. Jeeps on the other hand would be an interesting question. Highly...

    With that said I would be curious to see the numbers on how many Suburu owners actually take their vehicles off roading or how many sport car owners take their vehicles to a track where they can actually use it for its intended purpose.

    I'm curious what your point is here?

    • Suburus are generally just cars. They don't really make compromises for off-road function. Jeeps on the other hand would be an interesting question. Highly compromised as a general use vehicle but very popular. (FWIW, I have a lot of Jeep experience, I like them, but wouldn't own one unless I was deep in off-road culture).
    • A sports car isn't necessarily a race car. In fact I'd say they are universally compromised as track cars in favor of regular driving. They are bought as status symbols and/or enthusiast driver's vehicles. With reasonable driving they can be comparable to other ICE vehicles in terms of fuel efficiency.
    12 votes
  18. Comment on The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgements in ~science

    Link Parent
    My time in grad school was both the best and worst time of my life. I completed in just about 6 years, though in my field of study 7-8 is typical. I couldn't imagine spending another year or two...

    My time in grad school was both the best and worst time of my life. I completed in just about 6 years, though in my field of study 7-8 is typical. I couldn't imagine spending another year or two but also know that another year or so would have really put me in an excellent position results-wise. I don't know what my mental state would have been, it was rough there at the end. I have many regrets, I have formative experiences, I both yearn to be back there and grateful I'm not.

    Similar to you I feel like I made it through on grit. I wasn't the brightest or the hardest working. I'm kind of shocked at the legs my work has had after my exit. In the moment it felt like garbage, I didn't know how it could be valuable and maybe I got a "pity PhD." In retrospect I did well and I'm proud of what I accomplished.

    3 votes
  19. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    Slow and steady is the way. Eventually progress starts to come in waves. I'm always interested in people's experience when they start lifting so I'll keep an eye out for your progress!

    Slow and steady is the way. Eventually progress starts to come in waves. I'm always interested in people's experience when they start lifting so I'll keep an eye out for your progress!

  20. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    After this spring I was pretty burnt out. Six days a week through the winter and spring with back to back meets did a number on my enthusiasm. Made some distance, dialed it back to 3 days a week....

    After this spring I was pretty burnt out. Six days a week through the winter and spring with back to back meets did a number on my enthusiasm.

    Made some distance, dialed it back to 3 days a week. Compliance with the plan wasn't very good May-July but I did lift at least twice a week.

    My partner is also considering triathalon training. I hate running so I'm not doing that aspect. But I do really like cycling so we've been doing a lot of that. I'm seeing some good improvements in my cardio health which was neglected during that strength training.

    The last couple weeks I've seen my motivation for lifting start to return. Excited for that and enjoying my time in the gym again.

    1 vote