adorac's recent activity

  1. Comment on Anora | Official trailer in ~movies

    Link Parent
    No idea why it's pillarboxed (maybe the trailer is actually 16:9 with baked-in letterboxing?), but you can make the sides black by turning off ambient mode. Why did they decide to have ambient...

    No idea why it's pillarboxed (maybe the trailer is actually 16:9 with baked-in letterboxing?), but you can make the sides black by turning off ambient mode. Why did they decide to have ambient mode affect letterbox bars? No clue.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Wikipedia’s mobile website finally gets a dark mode — here’s how to turn it on in ~tech

    Really wish it defaulted to the system appearance for new users. I'm in a weird minority but I always browse incognito so it's kind of annoying to have to change that every time.

    Really wish it defaulted to the system appearance for new users. I'm in a weird minority but I always browse incognito so it's kind of annoying to have to change that every time.

    14 votes
  3. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    Link Parent
    They have solutions for large trips to other cities too (mostly high-speed rail) but yeah, most of the movement is about making in-city travel easier.

    They have solutions for large trips to other cities too (mostly high-speed rail) but yeah, most of the movement is about making in-city travel easier.

    9 votes
  4. Comment on Is serviceable CGI here to stay? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I think it's just easier to suspend disbelief if there's something real to anchor to. Like, if I asked you to pretend a rock is a phone, it might not look like a phone, but it shares enough...

    I think it's just easier to suspend disbelief if there's something real to anchor to. Like, if I asked you to pretend a rock is a phone, it might not look like a phone, but it shares enough characteristics to make the pretense believable. But if I gave you a piece of paper with a photo of a phone on it, even though it looks like a phone, it wouldn't behave like one (physically or visually), so the illusion is broken. Your brain can pretend one thing is another, but it needs to recognize that the original object is real.

    9 votes
  5. Comment on Feature request: font override in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Yeah, it's macOS only.

    Yeah, it's macOS only.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Apple Intelligence in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Nah, they've been putting neural processors on their chips for a while. My old 12 was able to run LLaMA, but it was slow and took up all of its memory. Edit to add: the M1 has an equivalent neural...

    Nah, they've been putting neural processors on their chips for a while. My old 12 was able to run LLaMA, but it was slow and took up all of its memory.

    Edit to add: the M1 has an equivalent neural engine to the A14 (which doesn't support Apple Intelligence), but all M1 devices have a base memory of 8GB.

    10 votes
  7. Comment on Apple Intelligence in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The 15 Pro is the only iPhone with 8GB of RAM, and those models can be pretty big. Still sucks that they weren't able to make use of their research in running AI from flash.

    The 15 Pro is the only iPhone with 8GB of RAM, and those models can be pretty big. Still sucks that they weren't able to make use of their research in running AI from flash.

    9 votes
  8. Comment on Apple Intelligence in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Something they kind of brushed over in the keynote: this is apparently only going to be supported by the iPhone 15 Pro (not the base 15) and Macs with Apple Silicon. Presumably this is a RAM...

    Something they kind of brushed over in the keynote: this is apparently only going to be supported by the iPhone 15 Pro (not the base 15) and Macs with Apple Silicon. Presumably this is a RAM issue, but it does put a bit of a damper on "AI for the rest of us". They really should've started putting more RAM in their phones earlier.

    18 votes
  9. Comment on Apple Intelligence in ~tech

    Apple's WWDC keynote just ended today and they've announced a lot of really cool stuff. Most notably, however, they announced their new suite of AI features they're calling Apple Intelligence ("AI...
    • Exemplary

    Apple's WWDC keynote just ended today and they've announced a lot of really cool stuff. Most notably, however, they announced their new suite of AI features they're calling Apple Intelligence ("AI for the rest of us"). They go into a lot of detail, but here's a quick summary:

    • Most of this runs entirely on-device, and it will ask for your permission before it sends anything to a server!
    • Writing tools available across all their OSes that can proofread, write emails and notes, rewrite in different tones, etc.
    • Something really cool they showed off: if you have it respond to an email, it'll actually ask you questions to gather information it needs to respond.
    • "Priority" notifications and emails, along with summaries of each.
    • Apple Intelligence is able to access pretty much everything on your iPhone/iPad/Mac as needed. They're calling this "personal context".
    • You can use on-device image generation AI to create pictures using your friends (which look... horrifying) or Genmoji, which are generated emoji based on a prompt.
    • New thing called Image Playground that lets you mess around with generating images, or even turn a sketch into an image.
    • Siri is much better. I can't verify this, as the revamped Siri isn't in the iOS 18 beta yet, but the demos looked very promising.
    • Siri maintains conversational context and can perform complex actions across the system to answer questions or do things. So basically the R1 Rabbit and Humane Pin and the like are dead.
    • If need be, Siri can use GPT-4o, too.
    16 votes
  10. Comment on DuckDuckGo AI Chat: anonymous access to popular AI chatbots in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Chat models don't see individual characters, they see "tokens", which are often a few characters or even a full word long. So they don't have enough information to give you an accurate answer.

    Chat models don't see individual characters, they see "tokens", which are often a few characters or even a full word long. So they don't have enough information to give you an accurate answer.

    16 votes
  11. Comment on Retailers hate that you buy big things on your laptop in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Gen Z here: from what I've seen from my peers, if they don't have a laptop, they at least have a tablet of some kind and they tend to use those for shopping for big things if they're an option....

    Gen Z here: from what I've seen from my peers, if they don't have a laptop, they at least have a tablet of some kind and they tend to use those for shopping for big things if they're an option. The feeling is definitely less prevalent, though. Ironically my Gen X mother only ever shops on her phone lol.

    14 votes
  12. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Same here, I'd love to see more modern games in this style. Imagine the gameplay expansions they could do, like borrowing the cap mechanics from Odyssey?

    Same here, I'd love to see more modern games in this style. Imagine the gameplay expansions they could do, like borrowing the cap mechanics from Odyssey?

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #1 - Introductions and Playlist in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    Thanks!!!! I totally agree, shows like that (like Gravity Falls) are great for kids.

    Thanks!!!! I totally agree, shows like that (like Gravity Falls) are great for kids.

    4 votes
  14. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #1 - Introductions and Playlist in ~lgbt

    Hey! I'm Adora and I'm a 21 year old bi (I think???) trans woman. I'm into computer science (very stereotypical, I know), art, and the outdoors. My identity has been a bit of a journey lol. I was...

    Hey! I'm Adora and I'm a 21 year old bi (I think???) trans woman. I'm into computer science (very stereotypical, I know), art, and the outdoors. My identity has been a bit of a journey lol. I was always into more typically masculine stuff growing up (Star Wars, space, computers, Boy Scouts, other Male Things) but I preferred the company of other girls. I was also, for whatever reason, deathly afraid of doing anything that deviated from the norm or being vulnerable with anyone despite having pretty chill parents. I think that's where most of my problems stem from, to be honest. When I started struggling to focus on homework and was trying to figure myself out, I just bottled it all up instead of talking to anyone. That led to problems with school (despite almost always getting near-perfect test scores) and having no idea what I was feeling when puberty kicked in around 12 or 13.

    At first, I thought I was just upset that my voice had dropped and I lost a lot of range and expressiveness, but I didn't really understand why I felt so icky when my parents would comment on how I was starting to fill out or how I had leg hair or how they "forced" me to have a buzzcut for a few years (they didn't really force me, I just didn't know how to articulate how I felt and figured I might as well keep the haircut I had).

    Then in 2018, when I was 15, I went to the airport on my own, and there was a guy driving a parking lot shuttle that called me ma'am (because of my longish hair at the time; he immediately corrected himself when he heard me speak). Then it all clicked. So naturally, I did the normal thing: I told my parents what happened as a funny anecdote and hinted at my feelings about it so subtly that it was impossible to tell what they were, joked to my partner at the time that I was going to suppress that for years, and then promptly ignored it forever.

    In late 2020, my then partner (same guy) told me they were nonbinary (he's since come out at he/they) and that got me thinking about gender again. It wasn't until the summer we graduated, 2021, that I actually started realizing I was... a feminine guy, obviously. I got my partner to help me put on makeup and feminine clothes on a couple of our dates. I was "still cis tho".

    When I got to college, I went on an orientation trip where we canoed for a week and made friends with an enby. After a week of chatting with them and thinking on things, I decided I was nonbinary. Then when we got back and I got to know my roommate, I found out he was trans (which was an insane coincidence). After a few more weeks of talking things out with him, orientation friend, and my partner, I came to the conclusion that no, I'm straight up she/her trans. My poor sister had to deal with a text from me saying I was nonbinary and another saying I was fully a woman spaced like two weeks apart.

    Picking a name was weird. I liked my deadname (still do), but it was a) pretty much only used for boys and b) quite literally the most popular name for boys my age (not intentionally lol; my parents just saw the name in something obscure and got unlucky when suddenly the name was in a different show and everyone went crazy over it). And I didn't really have the option of using the name I would've gotten if I were born female, because it was just the same name with a Y! So instead I stole my name from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power because I related to Adora, we look pretty similar, and Adora sounds vaguely similar to my old name. I waited until I saw my parents in person at a family wedding to come out. There was a bit of crying but they've been nothing but supportive, thank god.

    Fast forward a year and I ended up broken up with my partner and dropped out of college (because I was and still am extremely bad at managing my ADHD). I started hormones in October 2022 and worked at a local restaurant for a bit. I also finally started to really get over that stupid irrational fear of being vulnerable.

    Then in August last year I got a real full-time job! I got an apartment of my own(!!!) in February and finally moved out of my parents' house! Things were looking up! And then on Thursday the startup suddenly went under and now I'm about to be jobless, alone in my apartment, all my friends several hours away still at college. So things are suddenly spiraling very quickly right now.

    Sorry that got a bit rambly! Haven't really told that whole story before and I'm trying to avoid revising too much so I don't get too anxious about the quality of my comment, so it probably seems very stream-of-consciousness. Thanks for reading, if you made it all the way here!

    For the playlist, I'd like to contribute Frances Forever—Space Girl.

    7 votes
  15. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I've mainly been playing Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the first time and I just got to what I assume is the room before the final boss. I've seen a lot of hype around this game and...

    I've mainly been playing Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the first time and I just got to what I assume is the room before the final boss. I've seen a lot of hype around this game and (professor) frankly it totally lives up to it! The writing is great and the combat is extremely fun and I am now retroactively upset with Nintendo for ditching this formula. Also Vivian is the best character and I love her so much.

    13 votes
  16. Comment on YouTube seems to once again be rolling out its widely hated new web redesign in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Huh? It's not Gen Z that made those phone apps, nor the Wikipedia or YouTube redesigns.

    Huh? It's not Gen Z that made those phone apps, nor the Wikipedia or YouTube redesigns.

    19 votes
  17. Comment on "" is now officially dead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Fun thing that came out of this: they added a system sound to macOS called Sosumi ("so, sue me") in response to a lawsuit with Apple Corps over their sounds being too melodic.

    Fun thing that came out of this: they added a system sound to macOS called Sosumi ("so, sue me") in response to a lawsuit with Apple Corps over their sounds being too melodic.

    4 votes
  18. Comment on Two pizzas for me - What is this article trying to say? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Crazy that there's a whole community around this, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised lol

    Crazy that there's a whole community around this, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised lol

    1 vote
  19. Comment on GPT-4o in ~tech

    Link Parent
    They haven't rolled out the speech-to-speech features yet, so it might've been slower because it was going through the speech → transcription → text response → speech pipeline.

    They haven't rolled out the speech-to-speech features yet, so it might've been slower because it was going through the speech → transcription → text response → speech pipeline.

    8 votes