9 votes

Anora | Official trailer


  1. BeanBurrito
    I had to watch the watch the trailer because of the name "Sean Baker". Another "Sean Baker" is a doctor and a weight lifter who lost his medical license for promoting the carnivore diet. Not the...

    I had to watch the watch the trailer because of the name "Sean Baker". Another "Sean Baker" is a doctor and a weight lifter who lost his medical license for promoting the carnivore diet. Not the same guy. :-)

    2 votes
  2. [2]
    Off-topic question: Does anyone know what purpose it serves that Youtube now blocks the sides of videos when watching in the "cinema mode" view? This video is already letterboxed on top and...

    Off-topic question:

    Does anyone know what purpose it serves that Youtube now blocks the sides of videos when watching in the "cinema mode" view? This video is already letterboxed on top and bottom, and the Youtube letterbox on each side just makes it super small. Also, why is it not fully black!? Stuff like this drives me nuts, I really don't understand why they do these things!


    3 votes
    1. adorac
      Link Parent
      No idea why it's pillarboxed (maybe the trailer is actually 16:9 with baked-in letterboxing?), but you can make the sides black by turning off ambient mode. Why did they decide to have ambient...

      No idea why it's pillarboxed (maybe the trailer is actually 16:9 with baked-in letterboxing?), but you can make the sides black by turning off ambient mode. Why did they decide to have ambient mode affect letterbox bars? No clue.

      3 votes