19 votes

How many of you play Old School RuneScape (OSRS)?

I started playing F2P when they first released it for OSRS years ago, and played some membership when I had GP for a bond back in the day. I'd been slowly working on my account for a few years and was transitioning my account to a new 2FA method when I had something come up at work and completely forgot about it (I would log in once every few months or so to poke around with my account). I came back to my account being banned for botting, and wasn't able to recover it.

I made a new account when Mobile was released, but only played a bit here and there. I mainly would watch people on YouTube with their snowflake ironmen doing insane grinds to get my fix. After chatting with my friends about it, I finally decided to start poking around again and am mainly merching on my F2P account to slowly save up money for bonds when I get some free time to play.

I was curious how many of you play OSRS?
Are you playing an ironman (by the way)?
How long have you been playing?
General OSRS things you enjoy?

My guilty OSRS confession was that I used to sell gold to kids in my school to pay for my WoW subscription (that I played during the summers). Looking back, I would have been able to afford a RuneScape membership year round and sold way more gold since its so much easier to make GP while you're a member.


  1. [3]
    I played an ironman for a few years and stopped around the time they made the desert raid (apologies for not remembering the name). I had all stats around 90s with combat stuff and slayer far...

    I played an ironman for a few years and stopped around the time they made the desert raid (apologies for not remembering the name). I had all stats around 90s with combat stuff and slayer far beyond 99.

    It was around that time that stuff like "red X" clicking to stall bosses stopped being some weird obscure bug and started being the main mechanism by which people did bosses. It was actively encouraged by some of the desert raid challenge mode bosses. I decided that was the time that the game and community had drifted far enough away from the game I wanted to play that it was time to say goodbye.

    6 votes
    1. ruspaceni
      Link Parent
      i had a similar experience with my ultimate ironman actually. i had a casual ironman before, but i thought it was neat to be limited to juststuff you could carry in ur pockets and started playing...

      i had a similar experience with my ultimate ironman actually. i had a casual ironman before, but i thought it was neat to be limited to juststuff you could carry in ur pockets and started playing as a hobo just for fun. sharing chicken and bones with the dog at that farm south of falador. fast forward to being about 1600 total level and constantly getting told i should be using a looting bag, or its a waste to train how i was training, or why havent i got this acheivement diary done, or this quest, or this or that.

      took me a while to find a group to talk to about things that weren't in a lovehate relationship with fun itself, and then because clanchats arent always the most stable of social structures, i took a 2-3 week break and it was gone, and then i just kinda realised i fell out of love with the game - even if i just continued to play my own way because part of "my own way" was just talking to people in the world and having a good time. and like you said, that incredibly niche minmax knowledge is now just part of the meta

      i do always mean to go back and finish off a few milestones, but im in such a wierd fork in the road on which huge time investment to make first and then i remember why i keep going on extended breaks lmao

      5 votes
    2. chundissimo
      Link Parent
      Tombs of Amascut! A fun way to get into raids but also extremely frustrating to learn. I bounced off after dying repeatedly to the final boss after 45 minute runs at 300 invo. Wrist pain certainly...

      Tombs of Amascut! A fun way to get into raids but also extremely frustrating to learn. I bounced off after dying repeatedly to the final boss after 45 minute runs at 300 invo. Wrist pain certainly did not help.

      The boss techniques like Red X Baba and Butterfly Akkha I agree are exhausting. It’s annoying to see parts of the community suggest these extremely sweaty tactics as the meta. I realized though that pretty much none of those techniques are required unless you’re speedrunning or trying to do an insanely high invocation.

      I bounce off and return to the game pretty regularly, but one thing that has helped me is having a community within the game that is less toxic than the overall player base. DeliverItems is the cc and it’s welcome to anyone. The primary purpose is to deliver items to players in need around the world, but it’s fairly social too. Skull skipping on Warden might be necessary if you’re running Insanity, but I’m not sure. I was too annoyed by that invocation to find out.

  2. [3]
    I play OSRS actively (main account, but I'm enjoying Leagues right now). I started right around when OSRS servers came to be, then quit until the pandemic started and heavily grinded with a bunch...

    I play OSRS actively (main account, but I'm enjoying Leagues right now). I started right around when OSRS servers came to be, then quit until the pandemic started and heavily grinded with a bunch of friends with the goal of doing raids. Stopped after maxing my account in 2021, and then came back got an infernal cape and started working towards the Combat Achievements (currently elite tier, need to make a lot more money to comfortably go higher).

    I enjoy the rhythmic challenges of OSRS. It's really a rhythm game at 100bpm where instead of DDR-style arrow-keys you have to click the right places on screen. Once you hit that flow state where you're bossing tick-perfectly, or near tick-perfectly it's really really satisfying.

    4 votes
    1. dhcrazy333
      Link Parent
      Rhythm game is honestly the best way to describe it. It's different than a lot of other games because of the tick system where game actions are refreshed basically every 0.6 seconds (one tick)....

      Rhythm game is honestly the best way to describe it. It's different than a lot of other games because of the tick system where game actions are refreshed basically every 0.6 seconds (one tick). Once you understand that it's a rhythm game a lot of content because a lot easier because you can get in a groove and time things properly. It's basically just keeping a beat.

      4 votes
    2. pekt
      Link Parent
      I've yet to get into any bossing, when I played back in the day I didn't get far into membership content. I'm currently slowly leveling my combat stats to try out Obor. I've seen videos of bossing...

      I've yet to get into any bossing, when I played back in the day I didn't get far into membership content. I'm currently slowly leveling my combat stats to try out Obor. I've seen videos of bossing and it always looked interesting. I have terrible rhythm, but 100 bpm isn't too hard to maintain from what I've tried.

  3. Muffin
    My Ironman is very close to 2k total, but I have been on a break again. I think I will be back when sailing is about to drop / has dropped. Been playing off and on during RS1 and took a long...

    My Ironman is very close to 2k total, but I have been on a break again. I think I will be back when sailing is about to drop / has dropped. Been playing off and on during RS1 and took a long hiatus starting in 2008. Got back when the mobile betas were released, and it's been a time suck in my life ever since.

    3 votes
  4. [3]
    I love it, on a break currently. Maxed UIM

    I love it, on a break currently. Maxed UIM

    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Dang, that's a commitment, how long did that take you to max your UIM?

      Dang, that's a commitment, how long did that take you to max your UIM?

      1. dotdev
        Link Parent
        Just under 7k hours. I started it as a side thing in F2P but it took off and I ended up learning how to PVM through it. It really is an amazing game mode and it taught me so much more about the...

        Just under 7k hours. I started it as a side thing in F2P but it took off and I ended up learning how to PVM through it. It really is an amazing game mode and it taught me so much more about the game. Learning how to achieve whatever goal I am going for within my restrictions is always enjoyable. At this point though I am in a lull and might pause the game for quite some time. I am purely in the endgame now and my goals are thousands of hours away and starting on anything else feels like a waste of time. I enjoyed the time I spent with it even if this is the end of the road for me.

        1 vote
  5. snake_case
    Osrs is the hobby I spend the most time doing. Its been a huge part of my life since it launched, and before that I had been playing runescape since I was 16. I took a break to finish college...

    Osrs is the hobby I spend the most time doing. Its been a huge part of my life since it launched, and before that I had been playing runescape since I was 16. I took a break to finish college 2015-2018 and been playing regularly since then.

    I just took ownership of a clan Ive been in for a long time, trying to breathe some life into it. We’re on the third generation of leaders now since the clan started in 2018. Many of us have known each other for years and some of us have even met in person at this point.

    Currently enjoying the hell out of this leagues! The combat masteries being their own thing really helped me out. I hardly ever boss in the main game and I’m soloing bandos and zam no problem right now its so much fun.

    3 votes
  6. mysterylevel
    I've been playing off/on since age 14 and pre EOC, came back when Old school was released and have been mostly playing when work and life allows. Nothing maxed yet, but base 90 combats. Enjoy the...

    I've been playing off/on since age 14 and pre EOC, came back when Old school was released and have been mostly playing when work and life allows. Nothing maxed yet, but base 90 combats. Enjoy the new quests and I also keep up with metas via YouTube.

    Leagues this year looked quite fun

    2 votes
  7. [9]
    I've been playing a duo GIM with an online friend of mine for the last ~2 years or so. A bit over 2000 total level and getting to the point where the most efficient thing I can be doing is locking...

    I've been playing a duo GIM with an online friend of mine for the last ~2 years or so. A bit over 2000 total level and getting to the point where the most efficient thing I can be doing is locking myself in corrupted gauntlet till I get a bowfa. I have well over 100kc already but just don't enjoy it very much so don't force myself to do it if I don't feel like it. Honestly these days like 80+% of my game time is second monitor content while I work from home. Camped at redwoods till 99 & now just trying for the beaver pet & seeing how high I can make my arrow shaft stack.

    Have also been dabbling in leagues a little bit. Was kind of hoping to go for the rune trophy at least but I still haven't even gotten to mithril & I can feel myself losing steam. Maybe will be more enjoyable once I'm able to focus more on PvM with the new echo bosses & weapons

    2 votes
    1. [8]
      Link Parent
      I think what I'm finding really tedious about Leagues V is getting armor above T40, melee weapons above T60, ranged weapons above T50 and mage weapons above T20. Every good drop either requires:...

      I think what I'm finding really tedious about Leagues V is getting armor above T40, melee weapons above T60, ranged weapons above T50 and mage weapons above T20.

      Every good drop either requires:

      • An absurdly high Slayer level (85 for Abyssal Whip, 90 for Dark Bow)
      • You to be really good at bossing (Can you beat TzTok Jad and The Gauntlet consistently?)
      • You to select Kandarin or Asgarnia as a region, which will basically screw you out of BiS drops.
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Yeah that's basically what I'm running into now. I went melee masteries because melee + khopesh + specialist looked like the most fun, but now I need to either do melee Jad (which would probably...

        Yeah that's basically what I'm running into now. I went melee masteries because melee + khopesh + specialist looked like the most fun, but now I need to either do melee Jad (which would probably be easier than I think it is) or slog through effectively a vanilla range Jad with god d'hide & an rcb. Zombie axe has been pretty killer as an intermediary melee upgrade before I get a whip. Especially with the t5 mastery making it a 2t weapon

        2 votes
        1. snake_case
          Link Parent
          Melee Jad is way easier than you think it is, grab zombie axe and have a go at it. I capped him before the healers showed up with t5 melee

          Melee Jad is way easier than you think it is, grab zombie axe and have a go at it. I capped him before the healers showed up with t5 melee

          1 vote
      2. [5]
        Link Parent
        I didn’t take Kandarin but I always take Asgarnia as my first unlock, void is amazing starter armer and Godwars has all the mid game upgrades. Zombie axe is a great melee weapon before whip and...

        I didn’t take Kandarin but I always take Asgarnia as my first unlock, void is amazing starter armer and Godwars has all the mid game upgrades.

        Zombie axe is a great melee weapon before whip and its an easy grind at t3 melee

        I usually use arma cbow as my first range upgrade, but honestly if you picked ranged mastery you’d do fine for a long time with just msb or rune cbow. My buddy literally bombed into arma with just like mith knives and t5 ranged and he got arma cbow drop pretty quick.

        Magic is insta 99 this leagues if you picked the gold thingy, I didnt, and its still been pretty easy to train for me. I think I got 60 mage just trying to get accuracy amy lol. Oh also if you took kandarin, lots of good mage stuff in that region.

        1 vote
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          God Wars is a good enough reason to pick Asgarnia, but it doesn't have much in terms of late game benefits. I'm actually gonna argue that Golden God is the worst tier 4 relic and that Reloaded or...

          I didn’t take Kandarin but I always take Asgarnia as my first unlock, void is amazing starter armer and Godwars has all the mid game upgrades.

          God Wars is a good enough reason to pick Asgarnia, but it doesn't have much in terms of late game benefits.

          Magic is insta 99 this leagues if you picked the gold thingy, I didnt, and its still been pretty easy to train for me. I think I got 60 mage just trying to get accuracy amy lol. Oh also if you took kandarin, lots of good mage stuff in that region.

          I'm actually gonna argue that Golden God is the worst tier 4 relic and that Reloaded or Equilibrium is better. For four main reasons:

          1. High Level Alchemy is already busted thanks to the very first Combat mastery giving you a 95% chance not to consume runes or ammo. It's not going to recycle drops quite like Golden God is, but you are already going to have more money than you could ever need once you max Thieving, assuming you took Dodgy Deals as your T2 (I did, the only thing I hated about it was that I didn't pick Kandarin and Kandarin has pretty much every single mid - high level pickpocketable NPC until the 80's.)

          2. Prayer is kinda a non-issue to train due to how quickly you gain it from burying bones. Yes, faster levelling methods are gonna get you to 99 super quick, but 43 is the hard minimum requirement to start taking on most bosses.

          3. Equilibrium makes Shared XP the most efficient to train melee since it's proccing separately on Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints. That's insane XP gain once you gain tier 5 combat relics and can effective 1 or 2 tick attack.

          4. Reload is otherwise worth grabbing to pick up Power Miner, Animal Wrangler, Friendly Forager, Dodgy Deals, Bank Heist or Clue Compass if you didn't already have them..

          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            Nex for late game melee armor! Otherwise, yeah thats why Asgarnia is usually my first region and then my second one is usually a region that has a raid like kourend or mory. Yeah, I didn’t pick...

            Nex for late game melee armor!

            Otherwise, yeah thats why Asgarnia is usually my first region and then my second one is usually a region that has a raid like kourend or mory.

            Yeah, I didn’t pick golden god, for all of those reasons haha. In my opinion its a noob trap for people who aren’t totally sure what they’re doing and don’t have much of a game plan. Its an easy two 99s and 400+ points and then those people don’t even have to know about ashes, ensouled heads, frem for guilded altar, wildy altar, etc etc. They don’t even have to worry about mage gear unless they picked mage for mastery. I def recommend it for someone who hasnt played in maybe two years.

            1. [2]
              Link Parent
              Holy crap you weren't kidding about ensouled heads as a prayer training method. I just killed a reanimated giant and got about 15.7k Prayer XP. Doing a few minutes of that got me from 67 to 74...

              Holy crap you weren't kidding about ensouled heads as a prayer training method. I just killed a reanimated giant and got about 15.7k Prayer XP. Doing a few minutes of that got me from 67 to 74 Prayer.

              I'm torn between choosing Asgarnia, Morytania (Barrows/Theatre of Blood) or Fremennik (best offensive gear in the game and the ability to make Gilded Altars) as my last region.

              1. snake_case
                Link Parent
                I find that with bankers note I don’t really need a guilded altar. I ended up doing vallmore just cause it’ll be brand new content for me and I need an upgrade for non-melee armor

                I find that with bankers note I don’t really need a guilded altar.

                I ended up doing vallmore just cause it’ll be brand new content for me and I need an upgrade for non-melee armor

  8. dhcrazy333
    Played f2p a bit growing up, rediscovered that they had it for mobile a few years ago and gave it a shot. Decided to try a month of membership (now that I have my own job and don't need my mom's...

    Played f2p a bit growing up, rediscovered that they had it for mobile a few years ago and gave it a shot. Decided to try a month of membership (now that I have my own job and don't need my mom's credit card lol), and was hooked. I did take a break for a bit but came back last year. Almost done maxing my main account, also made a HCIM on the side but don't use that quite as much at the moment.

    OSRS is in it's golden age. There's a lot of fresh new content that feels like it belongs in the world. There's so many fun new bosses and skilling methods that you can play the game how you want. I'm lucky enough to work from home that I can sort of AFK a lot of training methods on the side while I work. Slow and steady gains!

    2 votes
  9. [4]
    Ah runescape, how I miss thee. Stopped playing sometime in 2009i think. Was quite sad when I logged in about a year ago to find my original account nuked back to level 1. That annoyed me enough to...

    Ah runescape, how I miss thee. Stopped playing sometime in 2009i think. Was quite sad when I logged in about a year ago to find my original account nuked back to level 1. That annoyed me enough to never play it again.

    1 vote
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Your original account was likely a RS3 account, which will definitely still have it's stats. Oldschool has the same account for credentials sake but resets stats as they are separate servers.

      Your original account was likely a RS3 account, which will definitely still have it's stats. Oldschool has the same account for credentials sake but resets stats as they are separate servers.

      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Is RS3 still playable?

        Is RS3 still playable?

        1 vote
        1. pekt
          Link Parent
          Yes, RS3 is still playable. You can find it here: https://www.runescape.com/ The game plays differently than Old School RuneScape following the Evolution of Combat update that came out years ago.

          Yes, RS3 is still playable. You can find it here: https://www.runescape.com/

          The game plays differently than Old School RuneScape following the Evolution of Combat update that came out years ago.