ruspaceni's recent activity

  1. Comment on Where is the programmer inspo? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    yeah, codegolf, 4kb or other size challenges, demo scenes, quines, its actually kind of mind boggling how many things ive come across and im only a hobbyist. but i suppose if my job was to...

    yeah, codegolf, 4kb or other size challenges, demo scenes, quines, its actually kind of mind boggling how many things ive come across and im only a hobbyist. but i suppose if my job was to collaborate on archaic x++ projects or some enterprise thing, i wouldnt have had fun dabbling half of that stuff.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on Nintendo is telling game publishers Switch 2 will be delayed [until early 2025] in ~games

    Link Parent
    since you seem to be more invested, have you heard much about the newer flashcart stuff? im not huge into console stuff so i didnt understand the nuance but the impression i got was that this...

    since you seem to be more invested, have you heard much about the newer flashcart stuff? im not huge into console stuff so i didnt understand the nuance but the impression i got was that this newer flashcart thing is kinda scary given how nintendo dont typically handle edgecases gracefully.

    apparently i can buy a legit copy of the game, clone it, keep the clone and sell you the legitimate version. now you own a legit copy of a game and have no idea it was pirated, but all of the IDs and whatnot have been copied over to the clone so if you both go online at the same time, its instantly detectable as some piracy is occuring and both accounts could be banned?

    that wouldnt be just a regular "day 1 exploit" situation or even a regular piracy situation, this is a situation where youve completely voided any sort of 2nd hand market trust because genuine copies are just as radioactive as pirated ones if you're unlucky. idk how accurate any of that is, and so far im torn on if nintendo would hate or love it (something something cloud saves). also they seem like the company to 100% instaban both people and worry about the concequences if it makes enough of a PR splash

    i agree its also likely that some games need to be delayed but also, i dont really see how its more likely for them to delay a holiday console release for a few games vs changing a security thing last minute before the hardware gets locked in for a few production runs.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Nintendo is telling game publishers Switch 2 will be delayed [until early 2025] in ~games

    wild speculation but i wonder if they pushed it back bc they had to make some piracy related last minute changes i heard some noise the other week about how there are now flash carts for sale that...

    wild speculation but i wonder if they pushed it back bc they had to make some piracy related last minute changes

    i heard some noise the other week about how there are now flash carts for sale that get around the drm stuff by being a more effective clone. (and also a lot of concern about people selling original carts after cloning them and both accounts getting banned bc the IDs are the same)

    6 votes
  4. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    been reading an abridged version of wizard of oz, in this constructed language ive been learning (toki pona) and having a blast. there's a load of stories that i "know" but never actually...

    been reading an abridged version of wizard of oz, in this constructed language ive been learning (toki pona) and having a blast. there's a load of stories that i "know" but never actually experienced all the way through. its been quite fun to take in the wizard of oz story and connect all those random bits of popculture references from over the years.

    plus its put out by the creator of the language creator so its been a good learning experience on how certain concepts are conveyed or the semantic space of some words being broader or narrower than i thought. even though its not a huge book, ive been pleased with how fast ive been getting through it - at some points even reading at similar speeds to english until i have trouble parsing something and then i stop to give it some scrutiny.

    since i kinda surprised myself with that, i went back and tried re-reading some of the books i struggled with before and had a much easier time. interestingly though, im still sorta slow at parsing latin alphabet version of the language. i wonder if its a dyslexia thing and the sitelen pona is just far less visual noise when faced with a wall of text? either way its nice that my lazy learning has paid off enough that i can get caught up in the story instead of parsing or translating

    6 votes
  5. Comment on How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    im torn beacuse i know for a fact there is good content out there. i found some cosy and silly internet radio stations that have a nice little community around them, tildes, and a bunch of niche...

    im torn beacuse i know for a fact there is good content out there. i found some cosy and silly internet radio stations that have a nice little community around them, tildes, and a bunch of niche projects like that one to reverse engineer the old MSN mesenger servers.

    the problem i have is with discoverability. it absolutely sucks that youtube has all these billions of hours of content, but the search is godaweful. i cannot search for categories, even im p sure they label everything on the backend for algo purposes. i cannot easily find videos within certain timeframes (so good luck trying to find that old video with a common word in the title). i cannot easily even correct the algo when it decides that i totally want 400 jerma stream highlights beacuse i clicked on a link a friend sent me.

    the best strat for finding new channels on youtube is to make a new account/ingocnito or something - make your way to the channel you wanna find relateds for, watch a few videos in the background, and then wait for the suggestions to go from populating with trending things, to populating with trending lego experiments channels, or niche essays about what the best counting system is

    i probably do blame SEO more than i should, but i think thats just what me and a lot of other people have just glommed onto as the reason - instead of just discoverability/availaibility. it has become basically impossible to "browse the web" and instead you just browse the curated website of your choosing. the internet might not be dying but its definitely not healthy. sometimes it feels like living somewhere with bad public transport outside of the cities. if you're into whats trending, great, but if not then it really does feel like its kinda dead sometimes.

    i used to love going on youtube and seeing what was getting uploaded in 'gaming' or whatever, but now the only categories you can actively browse are the auto generated suggestions at the top of your home page. and yeah, they do have cool ones sometimes but its infinitely frustrating to return to the page tomorrow and find that the good tags have gone from "godot (game engine)" "esp32" "defcon" to "live" "mixes" "stragegy-videogames". it is so close to being a workable system if not for the obfuscation

    8 votes
  6. Comment on Via: Solving the 100 GB problem in ~games

    has anyone kept up with this project/ could let us know how its been? i was considering using it but it felt a little too sketchy putting my password into a 100kb program. from the looks of the...

    has anyone kept up with this project/ could let us know how its been?

    i was considering using it but it felt a little too sketchy putting my password into a 100kb program. from the looks of the guys twitter, he's kept up with working on it but the website is still not too trust inspiring being so bare.

  7. Comment on Bluesky says it will allow users to opt out of the public web interface after backlash in ~tech

    Link Parent
    i think people signed up for a closed beta, and then assumed theyd have account privacy options before it went public (like facebook, insta, and twitter). currently i dont think you can make a...

    i think people signed up for a closed beta, and then assumed theyd have account privacy options before it went public (like facebook, insta, and twitter). currently i dont think you can make a private profile and restrict it to friends.

    thats a vastly different situation to just not understanding that your posts are gonna be public

    10 votes
  8. Comment on Nothing’s iMessage app was a security catastrophe, taken down in 24 hours in ~tech

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    Link Parent
    re: the invite list - i signed up for it on 30/6/2021 and only got an actual invite on 02/05/2023. now, that could be because they werent interested in my usecase (since you have to say what...

    re: the invite list - i signed up for it on 30/6/2021 and only got an actual invite on 02/05/2023. now, that could be because they werent interested in my usecase (since you have to say what services you'll be using when you ask for an invite) or the invite list is that slow but i'd be prepared to wait a bit

    i used beeper for a short while but wound up stopping recently since they now only support google messages instead of the old sms system. since i just wanted to be able to read/send texts from my desktop - i switched to using something local called kde connect

  9. Comment on Getting back into running and looking for a simple tracker app (android) in ~tech

    Link Parent
    that's not built-in for every phone? at least not the fairphone or anyone of my friends phones (except one with a google pixel). also i tend to stay away from google services if i can help it...

    that's not built-in for every phone? at least not the fairphone or anyone of my friends phones (except one with a google pixel).

    also i tend to stay away from google services if i can help it because of their tendancy to kill things that i get used to using. I've been bitten a bit too many times by being a creature of habit. not to mention updates changing the entire ergonomics of the app between updates, even with things like the clock app. call me particular/petty but i just cant handle uncommunicated change like that

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Getting back into running and looking for a simple tracker app (android) in ~tech

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    Link Parent
    ah this seems pretty solid, thanks for letting me know about these (kinda forgot about f-droid as a whole). this does everything i would want and it has sensible integrations with gadgetbridge if...

    ah this seems pretty solid, thanks for letting me know about these (kinda forgot about f-droid as a whole). this does everything i would want and it has sensible integrations with gadgetbridge if i ever got another budget smartwatch, although gadget bridge is quite unergonomic imo.

    1 vote
  11. Getting back into running and looking for a simple tracker app (android)

    my old regular app has been dead since it got underwent featurecreep and got bought out by underarmour. lots of apps now have way too many features.. social this, calorie burning that. i know its...

    my old regular app has been dead since it got underwent featurecreep and got bought out by underarmour.

    lots of apps now have way too many features.. social this, calorie burning that. i know its probably a good thing for them to branch out but i'm one of those luddites that prefer simple and to-the-point apps with no social features, no account needed, etc.

    all i really need from the app is gps distance tracking and a clean interface with some basic readouts for pace and whatnot. having audio readouts for pace every kilometer was a nice feature but ideally the app would be simpler than that.

    if all else fails i know i can just fallback on one of those 'full featured' apps like strava but i figured i'd ask here before i got too tied into any particular app (creature of habit)

    7 votes
  12. Comment on UK government looks to rollback sickness benefits in ~life

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    Link Parent
    there's also a lot of predatory charities, at least in my neck of the woods, offering supported accomodation. I was in a 'temporary shorthold accomodation' for 6 years (lol) where the rent was...

    there's also a lot of predatory charities, at least in my neck of the woods, offering supported accomodation. I was in a 'temporary shorthold accomodation' for 6 years (lol) where the rent was being picked up by the government under housing benefit @855/mo with an extra 87/mo in service charges. this was for a single cramped room in a house of 8 rooms. but because each room was its own "property" they were claiming that from every single tennant. it also meant that if you were to get into work, you would have to foot the entire bill yourself unless you limit yourself to 17 hours a week. as apposed to where i am currently where it is roughly 375/mo + counciltax and bills for a 1 bed, my own kitchen, living room, bathroom, AND A GARDEN all to my self. this last year has mostly been spent jumping between callcenters and retail jobs while i try to get onto an apprenticeship, but most importantly - unlearning all the ptsd behaviours i picked up living in a vertiable crackhouse

    the charity was supposedly providing social services but that ammounted to essentially fortnightly visits to the property to check that nothing was destroyed, and monthly room checks (mostly to check for contraband) and even though the house was filled with CCTV in the common areas - they refused to use it to settle 'civil' disputes such as getting pushed down the stairs, having your food stolen from the kitchens, getting harrased by 'banned' guests that were smoking whatever smells like burning plastic in the laundry room.

    they actively withheld doing my application to this 'homefinders scheme' and after years of making it seem like they had to be the ones to intiate the application, i finally managed to be an advocate for myself and talked to someone from the council who ACTUALLY helped me navigate and work on a path to leave the accomodation. im not sure what the status of the investigation is but i know that there were several GDPR violations, health and safety violations (for 3 years there wasnt a single fire safety test and we didnt have heat for 2 winters) as well as harmful advice (when i had finally secured a tennancy in a council house - they wanted to kick me out the day i signed the tennancy agreement even though it wouldnt come into effect until 3 weeks later, so i had to lie and say that i hadn't signed it yet, and even have a text message of them suggesting i rent a moving van and live in that for the timebeing as i would need to be out of the property the second i sign the new agreement)

    I was essentially stuck in an adverse position where i would risk getting sanctioned if i wasnt looking for work, but i would be homeless within a month if i actually landed a job over 17 hours/week. and all because i was a troublefree tennant that they didnt want to let go (i would also take the bins out and clean the kitchen even though i took to using a toaster oven and microwave in my room to avoid getting assualted in the kitchen)

    this is a bit of a venty ramble but it just pains me to think that this was a CHARITY acting like slumlords. but because it was supported accomodation - they were granted more than the max rent for housing benefit and would actively refuse to carry out their duties because and i quote "its not my job to spend the entire day going through cctv". and because the turnover for support workers was insanely high and they were spread thin managing an absurd amount of properties - i can only imagine the scale of it is much worse than this one property.

    5 votes
  13. Comment on Charles Martinet no longer voicing Mario in ~games

    Link Parent
    I mean i would be concerned if they only have the compressed files instead of the raw ones? fan mods doing that would sound crunchy, for sure, but i find it hard to beleive that nintendo would...

    I mean i would be concerned if they only have the compressed files instead of the raw ones? fan mods doing that would sound crunchy, for sure, but i find it hard to beleive that nintendo would just junk all the old stuff.

    I could see it being jarring if they wanted to add a few new lines and there being a discontinuity between legacy and new - like how you can always tell when someone has added new text to an image in an edit (unless they redo all the text at the same time)

    4 votes
  14. Comment on Has anyone unintentionally handicapped themselves while playing a game and liked a game more for it? in ~games

    some of the most fun ive had in a game was doing ironman accounts on oldschool runescape. it works a little differently to the ironman you described. if you're an ironman account you cannot trade...

    some of the most fun ive had in a game was doing ironman accounts on oldschool runescape. it works a little differently to the ironman you described. if you're an ironman account you cannot trade with other players, you cannot use the auctionhouse (grand exchange), you cant pick up loot from monsters other people have damaged, you have to do everything from scratch.

    it was mostly a gimmick for me at first but i quickly realised that it was forcing me to actively learn about the game. instead of just doing the most optimal/prifitable things - i was actually reading the wiki and venturing into "dead content" because it had some convenient things in the middle of nowhere and miles away from a bank. so regular players would basically have no incentive to earnestly use that area because there's a bajillion more efficient or time saving spots.

    but just having the restriction of not being able to trade changes the economics of things since now you cant collect things to sell, you have to collect them to use them. and you also have to make all of the items required for quests instead of just buying them from other players. which again forces you to experience more "dead content" areas of the game

    and on top of that, there's other ironman types with one kind of like the ironman you described. hardcore ironmen have 1 life and if they die outside of a safe minigame or quest that forces you to die - they get turned into a regular ironman and their highscore ranking gets frozen. this can sometimes make otherwise mundane things absolutely frightening (lapse in concentration during easy bosses or even just getting poisoned unexpectedly)

    my personal favourite one is the version where you dont even get to have a bank. the only thing you've got is your iventory. imagine playing minecraft without the use of chests. it forces you to think about the game in a vastly different way and suddenly even more obscure bits of content become life saving.

    that said, because of the added complexity, every time i stop playing for a few months and then come back - i wind up being utterly clueless as to what state my account was in, or what i was in the middle of. or having decision paralysis bc im between two equally far off milestones which require vastly different paths and have different opportunities along the way. it is a lot of fun to figure out a path through and insanely satisfying once you reach a milestone because of ur perseverence

    8 votes
  15. Comment on Smartwatch primarily for notifications and battery life? in ~tech

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    Link Parent
    ive had both the amazfit bip, and mi band 2, and with both of them i've been able to get nearly a month of battery life - and in the case of the bip, that includes constant realtime bpm logging....

    ive had both the amazfit bip, and mi band 2, and with both of them i've been able to get nearly a month of battery life - and in the case of the bip, that includes constant realtime bpm logging.

    the only thing that nukes my batterylife was whenever i used the GPS to log my rides. the 3rd party app is deffo a bit clunky and kinda freemium, but the sleep tracking and bpm logging was great so i kept wearing it even when i needed to superglue the screen back in and order replacement bands. pretty sure i've gone past the initial purchase cost in just superglue and bands at this point.

    not bad from a ~£45 purchase, but its definiately not quality. cant beat simple though if u care about battery life.

    e: found a few old screenshots of the battery life curve (the large drops on the charge before are when its using the gps to log my rides) but i cant seem to find the screenshot of it going from jul 21 > aug 29

  16. Comment on The world’s smelliest fruit? Sohla and Ham try cooking with durian | Mystery Menu in ~food

    feel free to mark this as noise but i just now realised that i haven't seen a bunch of the old test kitchen people since the whole drama unfolded. there were a few of those like Sohla that i kinda...

    feel free to mark this as noise but i just now realised that i haven't seen a bunch of the old test kitchen people since the whole drama unfolded. there were a few of those like Sohla that i kinda miss watching because i really enjoy their energy.

    can anyone give me a quick rundown of it now that the dust (hopefully) has settled? is Sohla with nyt kitchen as a permament gig now/do we know where the others have found homes?

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Why are we often hesitant to spend money on digital services? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I suppose there's a difference in what the service provides. email providers aren't serving you things they can monetize, branded content, or any of that - its just the bare minimum service. but...

    I suppose there's a difference in what the service provides. email providers aren't serving you things they can monetize, branded content, or any of that - its just the bare minimum service. but something like amazon prime or netflix have some mechanism to control what content they offer to make it work out even better for them.

    services like vpn's and email certainly feel like theyre in a different category in my mind than the netflixes just because of the control they have over what they serve

    4 votes
  18. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I haven't done any meaningful programming for aaaages but lately I've been messing about with a little board game in python. It's a little chess adjecent alternative history thing that someone...

    I haven't done any meaningful programming for aaaages but lately I've been messing about with a little board game in python. It's a little chess adjecent alternative history thing that someone made for a goofy little conlang ive been learning (toki pona)

    Was gonna use godot since itts pretty cool but learning a whole new tool is way too exhausting. Spent the weekend messing about with data structures and writing all the little helper functions but now im at the point where the meat and potatoes are done and now its time to involve graphics.

    Not sure its ever going to see the light of day but its a fun way to internalize the rules of the game and derust myself a bit. I almsot forgot how fun it is to bodge things in ways that make my compsci friends hurt inside.

    4 votes
  19. Comment on Turning ChatGPT into a DM? in ~games.tabletop

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Yeah its never going to be able to compete with a real human, but for people wanting to get into tabletops and have some single player fun for a bit then i think the bar gets lowered. There are...

    Yeah its never going to be able to compete with a real human, but for people wanting to get into tabletops and have some single player fun for a bit then i think the bar gets lowered. There are already examples using the gpt4all model and 8 bit 13B models that I would happily accept as a dm, even if there's no real underlying planning or grand scheme to things.

    except for that fact that you're right though, and things always go off the rails after a certain amount of time. Although based on some of the stuff people have been showing off after they figured out memory(albiet short sessions) - theres certainly something nearly usable there. even if its not fundamentally sound or consistent or whatever, it just needs to be fun and enjoyable.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on Turning ChatGPT into a DM? in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    ahhhh yeah thats habits slipping through i think. I zhuzh up my typing on tildes because it just seems like the plast to do that. But yeah they're not so much texting abbreviations as much as...

    ahhhh yeah thats habits slipping through i think. I zhuzh up my typing on tildes because it just seems like the plast to do that. But yeah they're not so much texting abbreviations as much as like, a path of least resistance when it comes to my mild dyslexia and major dyspraxia. it'll be inconsistent even within short messages to friends on discord just based on what my hands want to do at any given time.

    I do have a lot of wierd typing habits like that. I'll type prolly instead of probably 100% of the time - but u, you, ull, urs, yours, and all of those are basically a coinflip. But also I have to force myself to use pronouns beacuse i often just omit them like saying "going shops". Except i also omit trailing punctuation so that could be a question for someone else or a statement about what im doing. I also very frequently type the word AFTER the one i'm trying to type (trying type type for ex). and last one that my friends have pointed out. I'll sometimes get my left and right hands our of sync when it comes to the spacebar - s om ymessage sloo klik ethis.

    (similarly, this is noise)

    3 votes