6 votes

Bite Marks (ft. TEYA) | 2025 Season 1 cinematic - League of Legends

1 comment

  1. Apos
    It's getting hard to know exactly where to post this. It's this year's cinematic for the game League of Legends but it's also related to Arcane in ~tv and it's a ~music video too. In terms of...

    It's getting hard to know exactly where to post this. It's this year's cinematic for the game League of Legends but it's also related to Arcane in ~tv and it's a ~music video too.

    In terms of animation, this is my favorite cinematic so far. In terms of music, I think The Call is still my favorite.

    This makes me really look forward to the next League show. It should be covering Noxus. Really hope that they show us some badass Sion lore (The big zombie guy that charges in the Awaken cinematic).

    3 votes