6 votes

Boss Key (developer of LawBreakers and Radical Heights) is shutting down

Tags: cliffy b
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  1. nothis
    Man, that was tragic. I partly feel sorry for cliffy b. I liked that he (initially) wanted to avoid the F2P pay-to-win/gamble-ware route with LawBreakers but that whole game‘s concept was a...

    Man, that was tragic. I partly feel sorry for cliffy b. I liked that he (initially) wanted to avoid the F2P pay-to-win/gamble-ware route with LawBreakers but that whole game‘s concept was a convoluted mess and the advertising was obnoxious. Radical Heights was just pathetic. A “hello, fellow kids” approach to both the Battle Royale and retro-80s trend.

    I find it kinda sad to see so many iconic game developers fail with projects like this. Maybe it’s the 5+ year commitment that comes with game development and makes flops more devastating. Maybe, though, it was just much easier to make iconic games in the 90s, if you focused on the right technologies. I just look at the stuff people like Molyneux or Cliffy B are doing today, compared to some really good indie studios and it makes you wonder whether they were just leeching off external technology innovation and a big ego. Their raw game design skills, when put to test, seem... limited.

    1 vote