nothis's recent activity

  1. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    EU took Microsoft to court over Internet Explorer, it's about fucking time they something even bigger with Google. This might actually be a great thing to latch onto. For a while, now, I'm seeing...

    EU took Microsoft to court over Internet Explorer, it's about fucking time they something even bigger with Google. This might actually be a great thing to latch onto. For a while, now, I'm seeing people recommend adding "reddit" to search terms to actually get organic, conversational knowledge on key topics rather than SEO-spam and youtube videos.

    This is actually huge, lol. Absolutely ridiculous.

    18 votes
  2. Comment on "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla disappoints us yet again in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Providing a program that displays some text and image/video content should not require a billion-dollar for-profit organization. It is absolutely in the interest of Google that the environment has...

    At the same time, I wonder how something like a browser makes money.

    Providing a program that displays some text and image/video content should not require a billion-dollar for-profit organization. It is absolutely in the interest of Google that the environment has gotten so absurdly complex. They can now point to open standards and how they are used on the web and make a plausible argument that it takes a company like them to keep track of all that shit.

    IMO it would be time to accept a break in backwards compatibility. Provide some alternative to HTML/CSS/Javascript that is sane and simple and acknowledges that modern websites are essentially render engines drawing boxes and do not need 12 different ways to organize flow in a grid layout. Javascript can die peacefully and be replaced by a sane sandboxed version of python or something. I know this would be hard, I know the XKCD comic about introducing new standards. But I’m royally pissed off with ad companies taking over the internet and letting you download 12 MB of JavaScript to read a comment thread.

    9 votes
  3. Comment on Do you get bored? in ~talk

    I’ve been thinking about this, recently. I don’t think I was “bored” out of a lack of things to do since my teen years. The only exception is “boredom” in the sense of being forced to do nothing...

    I’ve been thinking about this, recently. I don’t think I was “bored” out of a lack of things to do since my teen years. The only exception is “boredom” in the sense of being forced to do nothing or very tedious, repetitive tasks. Like a long wait without something to read (usually, I got ebooks on my phone which tend to fill longer train rides or sitting in waiting rooms) or having to change one simple thing in a few dozen excel spreadsheets that can’t be automated.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on How do I win at Agricola? in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    I finally get win streaks in 7 Wonders the same way: Instead of focusing on “pure” strategies, I try to get good numbers on a wide variety of angles.

    I finally get win streaks in 7 Wonders the same way: Instead of focusing on “pure” strategies, I try to get good numbers on a wide variety of angles.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on ArcFox, an opensource project to make Firefox flow like Arc browser in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I find that surprisingly interesting. My first instinct was to dismiss this as taking up way too much space but websites tend to be more vertical than horizontal, there's a limit to how many...

    I use tree style tab and some simple adjustments to a firefox file to remove the top bar and make it sidebarish.

    I find that surprisingly interesting. My first instinct was to dismiss this as taking up way too much space but websites tend to be more vertical than horizontal, there's a limit to how many characters per line you want in a block of text.

    Is there more unique to it than the sidebar?

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Retailers hate that you buy big things on your laptop in ~finance

    Link Parent
    What’s that browser extension?

    What’s that browser extension?

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Retailers hate that you buy big things on your laptop in ~finance

    I wanted to type a whole rant about how cramped mobile interfaces are terrible and require so much more scrolling and navigating annoying submenus… then I accidentally triggered some iOS gesture...

    I wanted to type a whole rant about how cramped mobile interfaces are terrible and require so much more scrolling and navigating annoying submenus… then I accidentally triggered some iOS gesture that reloaded the website and my whole post was gone. LOL.

    38 votes
  8. Comment on Why the pandemic probably started in a lab, in five key points (gifted link) in ~science

    Link Parent
    Sorry, but this is not a valid argument in the face of a global threat that killed millions and disrupted life in ways that were previously unseen. There is at concrete danger from the type of...

    I cannot think of a single reason why it would actually matter if the hypothesis is true or not

    Sorry, but this is not a valid argument in the face of a global threat that killed millions and disrupted life in ways that were previously unseen.

    There is at concrete danger from the type of research likely done in Wuhan and that is viruses being artificially cultivated to be more contagious in order to study their effect. The reason I heard why the lab hypothesis is controversial is that people interested in continuing this research—both in the West and in China—want to downplay the threat to protect their area of research.

    This issue being turned into racist attacks is monumentally stupid but it can’t protect the Chinese government from blame for stonewalling the investigation to save face.

    37 votes
  9. Comment on Former US President Donald Trump has been found guilty of thirty-four counts of falsifying business records to influence the outcome of the 2016 election in ~news

    Link Parent
    I saw some polls in which Trump leads among young voters. This deeply disturbed me.

    younger (and presumably more left leaning) voters

    I saw some polls in which Trump leads among young voters. This deeply disturbed me.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Some observations about some of the conversations here in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    There's only one good reason for comments and that's further information. You can get into a little more depth, provide anecdotes and examples, yes. But the most valuable information is probably...

    There's only one good reason for comments and that's further information. You can get into a little more depth, provide anecdotes and examples, yes. But the most valuable information is probably that which has the potential to counter the original statement.

    I agree that there's a childish kind of contrarianism, basically a teenager just training his ability to question the status quo but other than that, I see no problem with it. I've recently thought about what general rule can help against the current problem with people getting their news from a bubble that confirms their biases. "Seeking information that challenges your viewpoint" is the only universal rule I could come up with. Doesn't mean you automatically agree with every counter-point but it's good to have some exposure to it.

    11 votes
  11. Comment on GPT-4o in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I think it’s clever they kept the demos “messy”. My first question would be whether I can just talk over it and tell it to shut up and get to the point if it’s not going anywhere and they answer...

    I think it’s clever they kept the demos “messy”. My first question would be whether I can just talk over it and tell it to shut up and get to the point if it’s not going anywhere and they answer that question within seconds, lol.

    8 votes
  12. Comment on GPT-4o in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It‘s clear they watched Her. Like, it’s basically an off-brand Scarlett Johansson. Can’t blame them, my mind is blown. No way in hell would I have expected to have a phone with that kind of...

    It‘s clear they watched Her. Like, it’s basically an off-brand Scarlett Johansson. Can’t blame them, my mind is blown. No way in hell would I have expected to have a phone with that kind of conversational AI by 2024. I’m sure they’ll do more neutral voices as well.

    5 votes
  13. Comment on What if we discover the answers of the Universe, eliminate cancer, halt aging. What's next? in ~humanities

    If you live in a western country, there's already tons of luxuries that would have felt equally preposterous to previous generations: We more or less eliminated hunger, we can fly in planes and...

    If you live in a western country, there's already tons of luxuries that would have felt equally preposterous to previous generations: We more or less eliminated hunger, we can fly in planes and access pretty much any information ever written down from a device in our pocket. There's always another audacious goal to strive towards. But the things you mentioned will probably keep us busy for a few more hundred years at least.

    11 votes
  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    It’s a JRPG from the 90s, not Shakespearean drama (although somehow it even imitates that in the final chapter, lol). I tend to have a problem with judging stories in games like this since I...

    It’s a JRPG from the 90s, not Shakespearean drama (although somehow it even imitates that in the final chapter, lol). I tend to have a problem with judging stories in games like this since I instinctively adjust my expectations but there’s some rather charming little moments that pulled me in.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Live a Live (Switch). For years, I kept bringing this game up as the most interesting “hidden gem” from the SNES era and it’s a bit surreal to play a proper remake of it today. It’s an episodic...

    Live a Live (Switch). For years, I kept bringing this game up as the most interesting “hidden gem” from the SNES era and it’s a bit surreal to play a proper remake of it today. It’s an episodic JRPG (you can do episodes in any order) with chapters set in a wide variety of time periods and settings. There’s a Wild West chapter, a far future chapter on a space ship, a prehistoric chapter and one where you play a Ninja in Edo Japan. Some are heavily story-driven, some have a focus on fighting. The far future chapter is basically sci-fi horror, the prehistoric one is slapstick comedy. The game also has an interesting turn-based fighting system which lets you move characters in a 7x7 grid with attacks having chess-like ranges. It’s way more interesting and strategic than the usual JRPG grind.

    Fairly short, though, for RPG standards (I think around 25 hours) and a bit easy. But what a ride! So many cool little ideas, characters and twists. I’m not entirely sure of that 2.5D aesthetic they’re using, I find it a bit tacky (especially since the full-res UI and particle effects make for a weird contrast). But still, this is an interesting game and the first chance to officially play this outside Japan in 30 years! One of the few cases where I can actually get excited about a remake.

    4 votes
  16. Comment on Why the short-lived Calvin and Hobbes is still one of the most beloved and influential comic strips in ~comics

    I love how every article about Calvin and Hobbes is like "but what's Schulz' secret?!?" and the answer is always "he didn't sell out". And yet we get article after article about how that could...

    I love how every article about Calvin and Hobbes is like "but what's Schulz' secret?!?" and the answer is always "he didn't sell out". And yet we get article after article about how that could possibly be and how crazy it is and did he really say no to selling out? Yes he did!

  17. Comment on France urged to repay billions of dollars to Haiti for independence ‘ransom’ in ~news

    Link Parent
    How do you even begin to fix this? A rather dark and cynical part of me thinks that the only solution would come from within but what would that look like? A gang taking over and forming a...

    How do you even begin to fix this? A rather dark and cynical part of me thinks that the only solution would come from within but what would that look like? A gang taking over and forming a dictatorship? Devastating.

    4 votes
  18. Comment on Pompeii: new paintings found in ~humanities.history

    I love these so much, it’s downright absurd how well preserved these frescos look! It seems to me that over the past year or two a lot has been discovered, is there a new technique they’re using...

    I love these so much, it’s downright absurd how well preserved these frescos look! It seems to me that over the past year or two a lot has been discovered, is there a new technique they’re using or something?

    5 votes
  19. Comment on ‘Matrix 5’ in the works with Drew Goddard as director, Lana Wachowski as executive producer in ~movies

    Link Parent
    The Animatrix is the only good thing that ever came out of franchise-ing the Matrix.

    The Animatrix is the only good thing that ever came out of franchise-ing the Matrix.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on ‘Matrix 5’ in the works with Drew Goddard as director, Lana Wachowski as executive producer in ~movies

    Link Parent
    They've done enough damage to it with Matrix Reloaded. But yea, Resurrections was an unbearable, tacky trainwreck of a movie.

    They've done enough damage to it with Matrix Reloaded. But yea, Resurrections was an unbearable, tacky trainwreck of a movie.

    1 vote