7 votes

Disco Elysium | Hardcore mode and ultrawide support now available


  1. cfabbro
    Dang, I really could have used the ultrawide support a month ago when I absolutely devoured this amazing game the first time... but I fully intend to play it again at some point to unearth all its...

    Dang, I really could have used the ultrawide support a month ago when I absolutely devoured this amazing game the first time... but I fully intend to play it again at some point to unearth all its secrets, so this is still great news!

    Hardcore mode should also be pretty interesting since failing in Disco Elysium isn't really like failing in other RPG games; Failure in DE is not only expected in most cases but it also results in interesting outcomes with totally unique dialogue... and sometimes failing is even the ideal outcome since it unlocks other routes not available had you initially succeeded.

    4 votes
  2. Wendigo
    I can't wait for it to come too console.

    I can't wait for it to come too console.