5 votes

Cloud gaming’s history of false starts and promising reboots

1 comment

  1. vord
    Onlive's numbers are quite astounding given when it came out. It was building a userbase from scratch on an untested platform with crappier internet than we have now. And mobile broadband wasn't...

    Onlive's numbers are quite astounding given when it came out. It was building a userbase from scratch on an untested platform with crappier internet than we have now. And mobile broadband wasn't really a thing...and in 2010 the #1 smartphone OS was Nokia's Symbian.

    Playstation Now got 2 million users, yes. But that was tied deeply into the existing brand and reputation of Sony, a full decade later.

    But now, with the advent of DIY cloud gaming via Steam or Parsec, I don't see the appeal to hopping to a different platform. I can play any games I have on my computer, from any store, on a tablet anywhere I can get half-decent wifi or 4g.

    Yea, there's definitely an untapped market for cloud gaming, but it's mostly for those that balk at the idea of spending $500 periodically for a physical system.

    1 vote