vord's recent activity

  1. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    Having a support network (in this case an actual home) is pretty foundational. As they say in Common People (linked the definitive Ben Folds/Shatner cover)

    Having a support network (in this case an actual home) is pretty foundational. As they say in Common People (linked the definitive Ben Folds/Shatner cover)

    But still you'll never get it right
    When you're lying in bed at night
    Watching the roaches climb the wall
    If you called your Dad, he could stop it all

    3 votes
  2. Comment on How the hell do I clean a wok? in ~food

    Link Parent
    This also applies to cast iron these days as well. I still generally refrain out of habit, but if something goes nasty I don't hesitate to do a moderate scrub with a dish rag and some soap.

    This also applies to cast iron these days as well. I still generally refrain out of habit, but if something goes nasty I don't hesitate to do a moderate scrub with a dish rag and some soap.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Windows gets Linux's sudo superpower: Here's how to turn it on in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I mean, sudo predates Linux by like 15 years. Here's the license

    I mean, sudo predates Linux by like 15 years.

    Here's the license

    23 votes
  4. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Like seriously....people need to go camping more. With no outlets, showers or running toilets. Do that for a month and then tell me how nice and easy it is living without a roof over your head....

    Like seriously....people need to go camping more. With no outlets, showers or running toilets.

    Do that for a month and then tell me how nice and easy it is living without a roof over your head.

    Even in an officially sanctioned 'recreational' way, it's not a cakewalk, especially in the heat or cold.

    15 votes
  5. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    I'd rather give a heroin addict a studio apartment and a safe space to deposit needles than having them nod off on the streets. Housing first. All other problems are secondary. Maslov's heirarchy...

    If utilizing resources means making sacrifices with your lifestyle until you get back on your feet,

    I'd rather give a heroin addict a studio apartment and a safe space to deposit needles than having them nod off on the streets.

    Housing first. All other problems are secondary.

    Maslov's heirarchy of needs....someone needs a stable place to live, with adequate food and water before they'll have any tangible success going through rehab and/or psychiatric treatment.

    19 votes
  6. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Don't forget the somewhat older keydb fork.

    Don't forget the somewhat older keydb fork.

  7. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    "oh advertising is harmless you say, let me show you the power of the dark side"

    "oh advertising is harmless you say, let me show you the power of the dark side"

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Finland's deportation law puts EU's migration norms to the test – human rights organizations sound the alarm over the controversial measure in ~misc

    Link Parent
    The correct answer would probably be to seek assistance from the rest of the EU to help distribute refugees in a more sustainable manner. Immigration is all about insuring a proper spread of...

    The correct answer would probably be to seek assistance from the rest of the EU to help distribute refugees in a more sustainable manner. Immigration is all about insuring a proper spread of population to prevent any one area from being overcrowded.

    Arranging partnership countries to be able to mutually handle influxes. Have a somewhat unified, coherent intake programs that provide funding, education, and a job, and perhaps a bonus if you stay in your assigned area for say 3 years.

    I'll use the USA as an example, as I'm remotely familiar with (and finding data for) it.

    There are 1909 incorporated places with a population over 20,000. If we hold that any one of these places can handle an influx of 600 people (3%) annually, thats 1.1 million.

    If we scale it such that places over 100,000 can handle 3,000 instead of 600, that's about 350 of them, that makes room for an additional 840,000ish. Almost 2 million people a year without even blinking an eye....Populations over 100k often fluctuate by several thousands year to year.

    It is a lack of will to solve the problem, rather than any lack of ability.

    9 votes
  9. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    The Chromebook that my kid used daily in Kindergarden says otherwise. It's really bad since several of the educational games are plagued by scuzzy freemium monetization tactics.

    That is a choice parents make. If they dislike what happens if they do that, they can not do it.

    The Chromebook that my kid used daily in Kindergarden says otherwise.

    It's really bad since several of the educational games are plagued by scuzzy freemium monetization tactics.

    5 votes
  10. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    You just reminded me that sometimes I hear shouted from across the house "Hey, do we have any chicken tits in the freezer?"

    You just reminded me that sometimes I hear shouted from across the house "Hey, do we have any chicken tits in the freezer?"

    5 votes
  11. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Ah yes. One other moment I can't shake was the discovery of ass eel porn.

    Ah yes. One other moment I can't shake was the discovery of ass eel porn.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It's still not. The nature of its nastiness has been glossed over by all the corporations, but it's still all there lurking below the front page. Othereise Reddit wouldn't need untold hoards of...

    It's still not. The nature of its nastiness has been glossed over by all the corporations, but it's still all there lurking below the front page.

    Othereise Reddit wouldn't need untold hoards of moderators.

    6 votes
  13. Comment on Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ gaming staff votes to unionize in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'm so surprised, that I don't trust it. Embrace Extend Extinguish is their foundational business model after all. I'll be quite pleased if I'm wrong. It seems more Microsoft to accept the union,...

    I'm so surprised, that I don't trust it. Embrace Extend Extinguish is their foundational business model after all. I'll be quite pleased if I'm wrong.

    It seems more Microsoft to accept the union, then bribe the leaders to turn it into a vestigial bit that is used to further propagandize about how ineffective and evil unions are.

    Or just ignore it 5 years later once the media has forgotten.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Not allow this in particular? Simple, take away indexing's 'fair use' provisions that allowed them to index the web for free, because it was a transformative use that didn't affect the sale of the...

    Not allow this in particular? Simple, take away indexing's 'fair use' provisions that allowed them to index the web for free, because it was a transformative use that didn't affect the sale of the original product. Let's see how long the business model lasts when they have to pay every single site owner per page.

    More broadly and seriously....you just restrict how many markets a given company can enter. Limits on your vertical and horizontal scaling. This it was how it was done prior to the rise of the neoliberals.

    We did it with movie theaters in the 1920's, preventing movie companies from owning them to insure competiton, we can do it with tech.

    Tech just means protecting and enforcing interoperability, weaking legal protections for big players....and not letting multibillion dollar companies continually merge into a katamari ball.

    Force Apple to split in twain, the hardware manufacturer and the software producer. The hardware must be open for anybody to deploy software on.

    Nothing says a company has the right to do anything beyond the rules and regulations we set for the markets. We don't (yet) live in an anarcho-capitalist hellhole.

    16 votes
  15. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    No, it's just life when anti-trust was gutted in favor allowing companys to grow vertically and horizontally as big as they want. We don't have to allow this.

    No, it's just life when anti-trust was gutted in favor allowing companys to grow vertically and horizontally as big as they want.

    We don't have to allow this.

    20 votes
  16. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It does just further entrench market players though. Good luck competing with the money Google and Microsoft can pay for access if your a scrappy upstart. I for one greatly look forward to the web...

    It does just further entrench market players though. Good luck competing with the money Google and Microsoft can pay for access if your a scrappy upstart.

    I for one greatly look forward to the web becoming a mess because any site with even a modicum of traffic starts banning indexers unless they pay. I'm sure this will be an actual improvement and not a massive headache. /s

    I remember the days that newspapers wanted this and Google fought them tooth and nail.

    20 votes
  17. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    And stick doesn't really make sense for an EV or hybrid.

    And stick doesn't really make sense for an EV or hybrid.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Non-parents give crappy parenting advice in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Oh yea, I can definitely see that trauma building. If its any consolation, part of it is just literally not having the time. Your attention is now, at a minimum, split in half from what it was...

    Oh yea, I can definitely see that trauma building. If its any consolation, part of it is just literally not having the time. Your attention is now, at a minimum, split in half from what it was before. It's the greatest privilege the oldest child gets that they usually completely forget about.

    At least with my younger, they're being held to the same standards, its just that the temptations are much higher. Elder child didn't have all their sibling's stuff to take and break. Every day feels like having to navigate a geopolitical nightmare of fairness to both.

    Add in older child feeling like they're always getting unfairly treated because they only remember the injustices and it's enough to drive you mad. Yes, I'm sorry we can't play your elaborate game right now for 4 hours, we need to play something your little sibling can play too. Also, sometimes you just need to let the Wookie win.

    5 votes
  19. Comment on Non-parents give crappy parenting advice in ~life

    Link Parent
    100% agree, however I have one bit where my experience has run counter: I find that more often than not, kids respond well to being talked to as an equal and then dialing it back at a reasonable...

    100% agree, however I have one bit where my experience has run counter: I find that more often than not, kids respond well to being talked to as an equal and then dialing it back at a reasonable pace when it's apparent they're not. Kids are often smarter than people give them credit for...they just have no fear of death and perceive time differently.

    Doesn't mean you hand the 3 year old a pack of matches.

    3 votes
  20. Comment on Non-parents give crappy parenting advice in ~life

    Link Parent
    Bluey, Season 1, Episode 22: The Pool. Specifically this moment

    Bluey, Season 1, Episode 22: The Pool. Specifically this moment

    2 votes