Any Elder Scrolls lore fans here?
Just wanting to see if tildes has any TES fans, and if it’s worth making a few lore dumps to spark discussion. I’m not using reddit anymore but I miss r/teslore (and r/truestl, though it has no...
Just wanting to see if tildes has any TES fans, and if it’s worth making a few lore dumps to spark discussion. I’m not using reddit anymore but I miss r/teslore (and r/truestl, though it has no place on tildes lmao).
So, if any of you are well versed in your lore, I want to know: What is your favourite bit of lore?
I’m a big fan of the book from ESO detailing different dishes in argonain cuisine, and generally love the more “mundane” elements of the world, rather than the super deep lore. I’m also a big jarthhead if anyone has read all the books ;).