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Fitness Weekly Discussion

What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?


  1. cloud_loud
    After I got hit with COVID in late January, I ended up relapsing a little bit. I broke keto by eating Panda Express, which was heaven after doing it for a while. I thought I would get back onto a...

    After I got hit with COVID in late January, I ended up relapsing a little bit. I broke keto by eating Panda Express, which was heaven after doing it for a while. I thought I would get back onto a diet plan soon. But for some reason the next two months I spiraled. I was overeating, and drinking a lot. I didn't gain back ALL the weight I had lost, thankfully. I don't think I'll ever go back to the weight I was, hopeful thinking maybe but I don't think I could ever eat myself to that size again. My stomach has definitely shrunk significantly since then and I can actually feel it when I'm eating a lot.

    February and March I spent the whole time eating a lot of fast food. I honestly don't know why I let myself slip like that. But, I've now calmed down and found a routine again.

    I'm back in the gym. I thought I would struggle a lot more, but I didn't. I definitely did have a slightly harder time but nothing too drastic. I was able to lift pretty close to the weights I was lifting back in January. So I'm confident I'll be able to gain my strength back quickly.

    As for diet, I decided doing Keto again would probably make me stall at the same weight again, and I did Keto from August-December with a slight break in between the holidays and then picked it up again after New Years. So I decided to mix it up. I'm gonna do something called carb cycling. I'm gonna do it a little differently from what I've read online. I'll eat carbs Mon-Wen and go keto for the rest of the week. I exercise Mon-Fri.

    On carb days I work out on an empty stomach and come home and eat oatmeal with bananas and raisins, as well as a piece of whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter. I then eat rice or potatoes with either chicken/beef/pork, with some sort of vegetable like broccoli or asparagus. On keto days I eat a quest bar before working out, and then come home to eat eggs with spinach and then eat basically the same lunch as on carb days but without the carbs. I feel a lot better now. I've dropped some of the weight I've gained back and I'm looking forward to leaning out even more.

    4 votes
  2. piedpiper
    I had my first physio appointment this week for my lower back pain. The initial assessment was pretty optimistic. Got a new exercise and stretch routine to do everyday. Some of the exercises I was...

    I had my first physio appointment this week for my lower back pain. The initial assessment was pretty optimistic.

    Got a new exercise and stretch routine to do everyday. Some of the exercises I was already doing, but incorrectly, so its good to get that corrected.

    I have to hold off on running for now, but they were pretty confident they could get me into running shape.

    So overall things are feeling pretty positive!

    3 votes
  3. xstresedg
    Weight update I'm back in the 233 lbs range (233.6 to be specific), so I'm hopeful for a loss on the 11th. Diet Cooked up some burgers (that need to be eaten as they've been in the freezer a...

    Weight update

    I'm back in the 233 lbs range (233.6 to be specific), so I'm hopeful for a loss on the 11th.


    Cooked up some burgers (that need to be eaten as they've been in the freezer a while) and the rest of my pasta shells, and split them between four meals. I just finished those today. After the gym today, I plan on cooking the rest of the burgers I have and cook up some spaghetti for meals. I really enjoy the burgers I bought, they're very juicy for being cheap frozen burgers.


    Since my last update, I've hit every workout day as intended. Last week I had started the program change, separating out my legs to their own day, leaving me with a chest/arms day on Monday, a leg day on Wednesday, and a back/shoulders day on Friday. The plan is to do this until mid-June, and then start a new program.

    I am dropping the fourth set, I found that doing it last week left me feeling a bit too fried at the end and my final exercise of the day suffered.


    Hit me up with any questions or suggestions, they're incredibly welcome. I'm always learning.

    3 votes