5 votes Denmark's long Covid patients feel abandoned by pandemic response Posted December 1, 2022 by mycketforvirrad Tags: healthcare, denmark, pandemics, coronaviruses.covid19, health.public, long covid, society, diseases.chronic, chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, author.gaby galvin, source.euronews https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/11/30/denmarks-long-covid-patients-feel-abandoned-by-pandemic-response Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Published Nov 30 2022 Word count 1025 words 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK eladnarra December 1, 2022 Link It's sad that you could basically replace Denmark in the headline with any county and still be able to write an article. It's sad that you could basically replace Denmark in the headline with any county and still be able to write an article. 2 votes
eladnarra December 1, 2022 Link It's sad that you could basically replace Denmark in the headline with any county and still be able to write an article. It's sad that you could basically replace Denmark in the headline with any county and still be able to write an article. 2 votes
It's sad that you could basically replace Denmark in the headline with any county and still be able to write an article.