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Fitness Weekly Discussion

What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?

1 comment

  1. eve
    I got a tattoo Wednesday!! And the week before I was at a conference in Atlanta, so I've been a smidge off in terms of working out. I did workout at the hotel once which was nice, and then did my...

    I got a tattoo Wednesday!! And the week before I was at a conference in Atlanta, so I've been a smidge off in terms of working out. I did workout at the hotel once which was nice, and then did my first workout post tattoo last night but I kept it pretty light as I don't want to sweat too much and get it on my tattoo.

    I've been finding it a lot easier to just get back to working out. Like it doesn't feel like a burden and I've been looking forward to my indoor biking and want to get back into swimming anxd running! I've been feeling a lot better about myself and have been much kinder to me on things like eating out. Like it's okay to eat out and have a heavy day! And I know my weight will fluctuate. My progress is gonna be over a looooong time, not even just the next 6 months but several years and the rest of my life, hopefully. I've been a lot more positive.

    2 votes