eve's recent activity

  1. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    I am crocheting an ugly Christmas sweater! I picked a color palette between two types of yarns so it's mixed which is whatever, but they're about the same size and I just crochet one a little...

    I am crocheting an ugly Christmas sweater! I picked a color palette between two types of yarns so it's mixed which is whatever, but they're about the same size and I just crochet one a little tighter and one a little looser, and that keeps them much more even in terms of stitches per inch.

    I have like 5 Christmas themed granny squares I'll be making (4 of each I think) and the rest will be granny squares of matching-ish colors. I just really wanted to make something for myself and this seemed fun and easily doable since crochet is so fast and easy.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    It's a fine, hard balance to strike! I'm being watchful at least. But I'm also 5"3' so it's really easy to hit minimum caloric goals. If I want to lose a pound a week, I'd be at like 1350/1400...

    It's a fine, hard balance to strike! I'm being watchful at least. But I'm also 5"3' so it's really easy to hit minimum caloric goals. If I want to lose a pound a week, I'd be at like 1350/1400 calories a day lol (I don't want this, it's way too hard. I did it in college and it sucked).

    I like your framing of if it fits your nutrition goals, you splurge on it. I think that's a great mindset to have, thanks for sharing. I'll have to check out skyr!

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    She chastised me for going out on a hike on my own. She told that you need a minimum of 4 people, in case something happens to someone then you have one person to stay with the injured, then two...

    She chastised me for going out on a hike on my own. She told that you need a minimum of 4 people, in case something happens to someone then you have one person to stay with the injured, then two people to go out.

    I take it with a grain of salt. She's also a much more accomplished hiker than I am and it's a basic safety precaution.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    (edited )
    Hello TFPs! I've had a good fitness journey this week. My pacing for running keeps getting faster, and I've been (slowly) losing weight and achieving some recomp. It feels vastly wonderful to fit...

    Hello TFPs! I've had a good fitness journey this week. My pacing for running keeps getting faster, and I've been (slowly) losing weight and achieving some recomp. It feels vastly wonderful to fit well into some of my clothes again and that's always been the best Hallmark of change for me. I feel better in my skin and I am enjoying pushing my physical limits!

    I went on a hike this weekend, and have a meetup hike planned for end of October which I'm excited about! Same area, just different trails. I'd like to be able to do sunset hikes and sketch or draw at the top but I don't have anyone to do that with and I was given flack by my therapist for going on my own before lol.

    I am slowly conquering the kitchen, and my relationship with food. If I go out to eat, a lot of the time that's my meal for the day. I've also been trying out yoplaits protein yogurt and I think I'll keep that on as breakfast or afternoon snack.

    So overall, good well rounded week!

    EDIT: Guys stop commenting on my throwaway line about my therapist.

    4 votes
  5. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    Congrats! That's really awesome you were able to beat your previous time by so much!!

    Congrats! That's really awesome you were able to beat your previous time by so much!!

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 2 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    No real update for me this week! I've been pretty busy and social so I left it be. I attached a few things and the thing that annoys me now is that there's a plastic sheet that you have to glue to...

    No real update for me this week! I've been pretty busy and social so I left it be. I attached a few things and the thing that annoys me now is that there's a plastic sheet that you have to glue to cardboard and then you have to in turn glue little cardboard sakura flowers to the plastic which is, believe it or not, supremely annoying and a shitty medium for attaching things to plastic lol.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Lol I don't think my heart could take that! Imma need a few weeks at least between making them 😂

    Lol I don't think my heart could take that! Imma need a few weeks at least between making them 😂

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Thank you, I appreciate it so much! The struggle is so real, especially knowing all the parts I've broken, the fact that it's still looking good has me in shock and awe.

    Thank you, I appreciate it so much! The struggle is so real, especially knowing all the parts I've broken, the fact that it's still looking good has me in shock and awe.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Thank you so much!! I am glad my shenanigans are bringing chuckles to people. Because my god, if I can't humor my way through this, I'm doomed 😆

    Thank you so much!! I am glad my shenanigans are bringing chuckles to people. Because my god, if I can't humor my way through this, I'm doomed 😆

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Lol thank you! Yeah some of these instructions suck, and I don't envy myself either. I actually have another book nook kit that friend got me, and I wanted to do this one as a practice run, so I'd...

    Lol thank you! Yeah some of these instructions suck, and I don't envy myself either. I actually have another book nook kit that friend got me, and I wanted to do this one as a practice run, so I'd hopefully mess up less the second go round.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Thank you so much, cfabbro! That's really what's pushing me forward, it's very rewarding to see the pieces come together and see what I've made so far. It's so dang cute.

    Thank you so much, cfabbro! That's really what's pushing me forward, it's very rewarding to see the pieces come together and see what I've made so far. It's so dang cute.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Oh my god, ya'll. This book nook shit is HARD. I am both annotating the instructions (dubious in places), and keeping a tally of all the pieces I have broken (5 so far) and giving angel wings to...

    Oh my god, ya'll. This book nook shit is HARD. I am both annotating the instructions (dubious in places), and keeping a tally of all the pieces I have broken (5 so far) and giving angel wings to them in the instructions. I have never before done any sort of miniature building so this is completely new to me. It is both satisfying and feels like an enormous task. I have one little part of it finished, and I'm so proud of myself, but I also keep fucking up so it's rough lol.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where I get with the project in this next week. It's been what I do at the end of my night for a half hour to an hour or when I get to a good stopping place. So a little stressful but ultimately relaxing? It's fun...?

    12 votes
  13. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Good morning my TFPs! I hope y'all have had a productive to your journey fitness week. I actually was sick? Sunday and while I didn't test positive for COVID, I felt terrible. Recovery time was...

    Good morning my TFPs! I hope y'all have had a productive to your journey fitness week. I actually was sick? Sunday and while I didn't test positive for COVID, I felt terrible. Recovery time was good, though, because by Monday night I felt much better and was pretty much recovered come Tuesday. I was going to take it easy and go on a walk Tuesday, but that quickly evolved into a run. It was like an itch I needed to scratch. Probably should've picked a different trail than the one I normally do lol.

    I've been doing upper body weight training once a week, too!! Need to incorporate leg days but I don't want it to impact my running days too much so that's a hard balance for me to strike. I miss my Bulgarian split squats 🤧

    Kitchen has been an okay fight this week! I've been focusing on portion and just making sure I eat less. I'm trying to come up with something that I'll know what the calorie amount is every time I make it, and I think I'm settling on a veggie bake. It's easy and I can season it differently each time if I want to.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Timasomo 2024: Roll Call in ~creative.timasomo

    (edited )
    Ah hell, fine, I'll do it. I'm going to aim to finish a book nook kit I got for Christmas last year. It's the Sakura Densya train kit. I've been putting it off but I already have an idea on the...

    Ah hell, fine, I'll do it. I'm going to aim to finish a book nook kit I got for Christmas last year. It's the Sakura Densya train kit. I've been putting it off but I already have an idea on the spot I want to put it. I have never built any sort of kit thing before so I'm looking at this as a slow paced, deep, deep learning process.

    5 votes
  15. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thank you for the advice!! I think that's a really good approach. I'll have to think over what it is I want to start with and go from there. Way (heh) ahead of you on the scale 😎 but always good...

    Thank you for the advice!! I think that's a really good approach. I'll have to think over what it is I want to start with and go from there.

    Way (heh) ahead of you on the scale 😎 but always good to suggest. It's mucj easier to weigh out food than measure by volume.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    My lovely and encouraging TFPs (tildes fitness pals), it is that time of the week once more. I did a couple days of yoga a week or two ago and got my ass handed to me in the best way possible but...

    My lovely and encouraging TFPs (tildes fitness pals), it is that time of the week once more. I did a couple days of yoga a week or two ago and got my ass handed to me in the best way possible but then I overdid it and made my hip mad :( I have finally learned my lesson of resting and letting things recover. It helps that I'm no longer afraid I'll never pick it back up again lol. I'm trying to incorporate weight lifting again and plan on making lift day either Wednesday or Thursday to start. I'm not as strong as I was, but I miss weight lifting, it feels awesome when I do it.

    I am overall impressed with how far I've come in my running. It has little by slowly become so much easier to go further and faster. I've just been using a run/walk/run Garmin coach plan.

    Still battling the kitchen and trying to curb myself. I'm taking that as a little by slowly approach because if I do too much all at once I fall flat on my ass and I'm tired of dusting myself off so frequently. Any tips or tricks there would be cool. I hate calorie counting and might just start writing down what I eat.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Hello my dearest fitness pals! I am once again lamenting my lack of consistent posting. I look forward to hearing about all of you trials and tribulations and glory as well! I have been doing...

    Hello my dearest fitness pals! I am once again lamenting my lack of consistent posting. I look forward to hearing about all of you trials and tribulations and glory as well!

    I have been doing okay. Overall, the running has been going swell, I have been very consistently running 3x a week when several months ago I scoffed at the idea and didn't think I could do it. I did, however, overdo it on a run a week or so ago and skipped several runs to help recuperate and give myself the time to heal. And whatta ya know, it worked. I'm back to full running force, mostly. My mile times are slowly, slowly trickling down to under 14min again and I'm ecstatic at the improvements.

    I want to incorporate weight training and yoga, but I'm striving to make sure the things I do are sustainable and have been erring on the side of caution. It's also just a balance of time, too.

    I've been doing okay with weight loss. There was a couple of weeks I did super duper well and then fell off a little. But instead of beating myself into submission, I'm trying to pivot to sustainability and consider what worked, what didn't, what were my feelings around what I was doing? The biggest thing is making sure I don't eat my emotions and letting myself be hungry. Over the past SEVERAL years I have been working on my relationship with food and it has improved overall. The biggest change has been by and larger, how I emotionally feel when I'm hungry. It used to be something that I would obsess about and any moment of hunger my brain and body would yell at me to satiate it! But that's not very conducive to what I want to do.

    I am working on giving myself the grace to fail, and I have failed a lot but it is no longer the catastrophe it used to be that would set me back months at a time. Eating an elephant and all that.

    8 votes
  18. Comment on IUD insertion is painful. For the first time, the CDC issued guidance for US physicians. in ~life.women

    When I got my IUD back in 2015, I was told to talk 2 ibuprofen before for pain management. It was early enough in the morning that I also hadn't eaten yet (a compounding factor). When dilating my...
    • Exemplary

    When I got my IUD back in 2015, I was told to talk 2 ibuprofen before for pain management. It was early enough in the morning that I also hadn't eaten yet (a compounding factor).

    When dilating my cervix, the woman doing it told me there'd be a pinch. I almost passed the fuck out from the pain. It was in fact some of the worst pain I've experienced still. They got me some juice, patted me on the hand, and sent me on my merry way.

    It was a horrible experience. I wasn't AT ALL prepared and nothing I had read online bad prepared me for the pain! This was also at a time when IUDs weren't really recommended for people who hadn't had kids. I was told "because they're more likely to fall out."

    But I am on one end of the spectrum. Both of my sisters got IUDs and they said it barely hurt. The difference? They'd both had at least one kid at this point.

    So it's about fucking time that the CDC put out ANYTHING in regards to pain management for this procedure. It's just such a long long fucking history of ignoring women's pain and not seeing them as autonomous human beings who understand their bodies.

    I know now it's better in some places. I went to a women's health clinic last year to get a papsmear and the NP told me she'd happily provide any pain management I needed to be comfortable and that we could swap out my IUD for a new one while medicated. And that at that clinic, that was standard practice.

    This is a little rambly but overall, nothing inspires my feminine rage like this kind of systemic bullshit. It fucking kills me how much women have to suffer to get a fucking IOTA of help.

    16 votes
  19. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    I'll add a couple! Thank you for putting this together, I'm looking forward to getting some new (to me) music! Daddy by Devin Townsend, Che Aimee Dorval Eulogy for Nobody by Debbii Dawson Morning...

    I'll add a couple! Thank you for putting this together, I'm looking forward to getting some new (to me) music!

    5 votes
  20. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Hello tildes fitness pals! I've been runing really consistently and I feel so, so good about that. I'm vaguely training for a 5k and at this point just trying to get in the time. I do 2-3 times a...

    Hello tildes fitness pals! I've been runing really consistently and I feel so, so good about that. I'm vaguely training for a 5k and at this point just trying to get in the time. I do 2-3 times a week, and I will be starting to lightly reincorpirate strength training.

    Im trying to take a slow approach if tackling my diet. It's so fucking hard lol. But I figure if I am for half a pound a week as a caloric deficit that should be manageable. I always think of calorie counting how I did it in college. I had lost 1lb a week but my daily was like 1360cals and it worked mostly because I had little to no money for food. It was on the miserable end of the spectrum but I'm also short so 😐 anyways I'll see what I can do on my own and if the emotional toll is too big then I'm just going to find a meal plan so I don't have to do the heavy lifting.

    1 vote