6 votes

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Are you ignoring the warning signs?

1 comment

  1. CDN
    Sleep apnea is a disorder that, depending on its severity, can destroy a person without them even realizing something is wrong. Apneas are instances where you stop breathing while sleeping, with...

    Sleep apnea is a disorder that, depending on its severity, can destroy a person without them even realizing something is wrong. Apneas are instances where you stop breathing while sleeping, with each one called an 'event'--having more than five of these per hour can be unhealthy. You're essentially choking on yourself, limiting the supply of oxygen to your body and forcing your mind out of deep sleep.

    In 2016, my doctor became concerned with what she described as "poor rest", booking me an appointment for a professional sleep study. After spending a night in a strange room, my body covered in monitoring wires, they sent me off and I received a report from my doctor soon after; I have roughly 100 events per hour (100 AHI). It was scary of course, being told that you stopped breathing constantly and were at risk for brain damage. But surprisingly, everything improved after the diagnosis: I went in for a new study, picked up my CPAP equipment and had my first good night's sleep in what felt like ages. While my medical situation may still need attention, I felt much better only a few days after adjusting to the mask.

    Do any of you snore loudly, wake up frequently, feel tired constantly and/or notice a huge change in your state of mind? Think about it, maybe research the disorder if you feel like this may apply to you. Keep in mind, there are many other smaller consequences that arise from sleep apnea.

    2 votes