6 votes

Fitness Weekly Discussion

What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?


  1. Erik
    6,500 swings in now on that 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge. I've settled into a groove at this point and am pretty accepting, almost enjoying, the absolute slog of swinging a kettlebell in the...

    6,500 swings in now on that 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge. I've settled into a groove at this point and am pretty accepting, almost enjoying, the absolute slog of swinging a kettlebell in the back alley for 37 minutes or so. It is starting to give m a similar feel to the gym: pop in headphones, listen to angry music, block out the rest of the world and just feel my body push against gravity for a while. So, that's nice.

    This has convinced me to invest in a more traditional kettlebell (you may remember my issues with this bowflex adjustable one) and really become a kettlebell guy. At least for the foreseeable future, since a vaccine for covid seems to be the only way I'll feel safe going into a gym. Maybe even try to re-sell my adjustable one once the new one comes in since they are still very scarce in my area.

    5 votes
  2. guywithhair
    Pretty sick of my home workouts at this point, but I'm still pushing through most of them even if it's not fun. I set a goal to do be able to do handstands, and that's been really fun, actually....

    Pretty sick of my home workouts at this point, but I'm still pushing through most of them even if it's not fun.

    I set a goal to do be able to do handstands, and that's been really fun, actually. I've done yoga for years alongside whatever else I do for exercise (lifting, climbing mostly), and it's something I've wanted to try for a while but never had a good home setup that would let me use a wall to help practice headstands and forearms stands. I get now why everyone says that you learn to appreciate your legs more when you try supporting all your weight with you upper body!

    Thankfully, I've been to get into the climbing gym again -- it's totally empty, which is a blessing and a curse. I'm mostly worried about the gym going out of business, but I also go at unpopular times.

    3 votes