10 votes Carthaginian war elephants | Units of History Posted June 13, 2020 by cfabbro Tags: history.military, carthage, howdah, punic wars, battle of zama, scipio africanus, hannibal barca, elephants.war, documentaries, videos, invicta.units of history, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDSRHGFCWEo Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Title Units of History - Carthaginian War Elephants DOCUMENTARY Authors Invicta Duration 18:21 Published Jun 12 2020 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK cfabbro (OP) June 26, 2020 Link Invicta released a followup to this video today, for those interested: Flaming Pigs and Anti-Elephant Tactics Invicta released a followup to this video today, for those interested: Flaming Pigs and Anti-Elephant Tactics 1 vote
cfabbro (OP) June 26, 2020 Link Invicta released a followup to this video today, for those interested: Flaming Pigs and Anti-Elephant Tactics Invicta released a followup to this video today, for those interested: Flaming Pigs and Anti-Elephant Tactics 1 vote
Invicta released a followup to this video today, for those interested:
Flaming Pigs and Anti-Elephant Tactics