7 votes

Why are we here? On the philosophical possibilities of “cosmic purpose”.


  1. RNG
    This talk is also available on YouTube

    This talk is also available on YouTube

    1 vote
  2. [2]
    For an earlier, skeptical take, see: No Cosmic Meaning (David Chapman).

    For an earlier, skeptical take, see: No Cosmic Meaning (David Chapman).

    1 vote
    1. RNG
      Link Parent
      Yeah I think they get into this in the talk, but this seems like the default view (well, that or theism.) It's rarer that an analytically rigorous case for cosmic purpose is given without theism...

      Yeah I think they get into this in the talk, but this seems like the default view (well, that or theism.) It's rarer that an analytically rigorous case for cosmic purpose is given without theism in mind.

      1 vote