3 votes

The Last Idealist - 7/28/24 - Upside down and all around


  1. Thomas-C
    Ok, this one should be auto-sized by default, so it should work out ok on phones and such. Welcome back to my attempt at doing something worthy of being called "political philosophy". It's the...

    Ok, this one should be auto-sized by default, so it should work out ok on phones and such. Welcome back to my attempt at doing something worthy of being called "political philosophy". It's the sort of thing I wanted to do way back when, before I got distracted with epistemology/psychology and blindsided by crappy circumstance.

    This week I tried to focus on delivering the foundation of what I want to lay out. Be clear about terms and tease some later things. I tried my best to not be too dry. As I wrote on the first go, my intent is to be conversational, like you're just listening to someone talk, with the topic here being where we can talk further about it if you want to. Still trying to remain relatively obscure, so it's just posted here and there's not a big push to gather up a larger audience. It's just ya'll and a few of my friends reading it. Of course, if you know someone who might like it, you're welcome to share.

    I think if the audience does grow a little, I'll try putting together a site and from there do stuff like a mailing list/RSS. I'd like to move away from Canva, but for reasons outside the newsletter I'm avoiding additional expense where I can. For now I want to keep it really simple just because I want to use the time for the task more than anything else. Normally it's something I'd just do on my own. If anything, we can pretend it's the early 20th century, and I'm a strange man on the sidewalk handing you a pamphlet. Thank you for reading my pamphlet, my good fellow. As always, I'm happy to take in any advice, feedback, criticism, or just a random thought if it managed to spark that for you. I want to keep developing and be firm in what I say, so I'd like to know how things land with people as much as I can.

    It's been a ridiculous week (and month, for that matter), so I tried to include a bit about what's recent too. As I said before, I don't think it's a good idea for me to try to follow the news too closely within the newsletter, but Big Shit bears mentioning and I don't think I'd be doing a very good job if I couldn't accommodate what actually happens while I put it all together.

    Happy Sunday, and I hope to see you again next week!

    2 votes
  2. Thomas-C
    I have an update on this project. I think I'm going to let it go. As much as I enjoyed doing the writing, I struggled mightily this past week trying to do another one. I did several different...

    I have an update on this project. I think I'm going to let it go. As much as I enjoyed doing the writing, I struggled mightily this past week trying to do another one. I did several different drafts none of which sat well with me, and realized what I've been looking for happens in a completely different way already. There's a time and a place for stuff, this just isn't it.

    I appreciated folks giving it a shot with me. Gotta try stuff sometimes and see how it goes, and when something doesn't work just try different later, is how I look at it. I was sharing this with other folks in my personal life, including those drafts, and just to be plain, I got zero feedback/response from anyone about any of it. No biggie, but I'm also not a fan of "pushing through" from "literally nothing" lol. Plus, the unfolding story means a lot of what I would want to say might change a bit, and I'd rather give that attention/keep doing my part in stuff than puzzle through the details right now. I spend a lot of my time talking to people, and for once folks seem up for some talk I thought I'd never get to do. Who knew "weird" would be the ticket? Anyway, thank you again for your time and attention.