8 votes Why is English spelling so damn weird? Posted April 28, 2019 by unknown user Tags: linguistics, language, english, spelling, videos, langfocus, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqLiRu34kWo Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Langfocus Duration 13:08 Published Apr 26 2019 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK OllieOwO May 17, 2019 Link Adding silent letters to reflect the etymology of a word is honestly the most baffling change mentioned. Adding silent letters to reflect the etymology of a word is honestly the most baffling change mentioned. 2 votes
OllieOwO May 17, 2019 Link Adding silent letters to reflect the etymology of a word is honestly the most baffling change mentioned. Adding silent letters to reflect the etymology of a word is honestly the most baffling change mentioned. 2 votes
Adding silent letters to reflect the etymology of a word is honestly the most baffling change mentioned.