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  • Showing only topics in ~humanities with the tag "conlangs". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. What are your favorite conlangs?

      I saw this post. And it reminded me of a hobby I haven't paid much attention to for a while. Apparently there are at least two people who are moderately fluent at Toki Pona, soon to be joined by a...

      I saw this post. And it reminded me of a hobby I haven't paid much attention to for a while. Apparently there are at least two people who are moderately fluent at Toki Pona, soon to be joined by a third.
      In the meantime, I was wondering what conlangs you find to be interesting or unique?

      Edit - Also, do you speak any conlangs?

      12 votes
    2. A tildes thread for toki pona, the minimalist conlang

      Toki Pona is a minimalist conlang famous for having a vocabulary of under 130 words. There are communities of speakers on all major social media platforms. This is an introduction thread for...

      Toki Pona is a minimalist conlang famous for having a vocabulary of under 130 words. There are communities of speakers on all major social media platforms. This is an introduction thread for speakers, learners or the toki-curious to introduce themselves. I'll advise on learning resources, or just answer general questions if anyone is interested.

      I'm a toki pona speaker and creator of the YouTube channel 'seme li sin?' which translated news stories into toki pona.

      mi wile e ni: kulupu wawa pi toki pona lon lipu Tetesu. jan ale pi toki pona li jan pona mi. sina ken la o kepeken e toki pona lon lipu ni!

      26 votes
    3. Anyone here into conlanging?

      I've been creating new languages for a few years now. I like to do it in my spare time, which becomes smaller and smaller each year, mostly from proto-languages that already exist. I'm currently...

      I've been creating new languages for a few years now. I like to do it in my spare time, which becomes smaller and smaller each year, mostly from proto-languages that already exist. I'm currently working on a Slavic language in Belarus and Ukraine for fun. Anyone else into this stuff or wanna know more about conlanging in general?

      25 votes