16 votes

Turkey introduces ‘family’ course in schools to ‘fight’ homosexuality


  1. Gekko
    "we could either start accepting LGBT people and see little to no impact in our day-to-day, or start rejecting the notion of human rights entirely, causing nigh universal suffering" tough call for...

    He also argued that universal human rights declarations should be re-evaluated and possibly amended because they protect LGBT rights.

    “If you ask me, we need to look at this problem by discussing the basic human rights texts that we claim to be universal,” he said.

    "we could either start accepting LGBT people and see little to no impact in our day-to-day, or start rejecting the notion of human rights entirely, causing nigh universal suffering"

    tough call for sure /s

    23 votes
  2. [3]
    And they still insist on joining the EU. It's not going to happen anytime soon.

    And they still insist on joining the EU.
    It's not going to happen anytime soon.

    6 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Talks of joining EU is just a planned move by Erdoğan so that he can say: "Look at those racist Europeans, they will never accept us !" when we get eventually officially rejected for good. It is...

      Talks of joining EU is just a planned move by Erdoğan so that he can say: "Look at those racist Europeans, they will never accept us !" when we get eventually officially rejected for good.
      It is good for disrupting the current scandals and creating fake hot topics as well.

      6 votes
      1. CptBluebear
        Link Parent
        Being a candidate already makes you eligible for a bunch of stuff, he's been walking a fine line keeping candidacy open but, like you said, using the EUs (rightful, seeing news like this)...

        Being a candidate already makes you eligible for a bunch of stuff, he's been walking a fine line keeping candidacy open but, like you said, using the EUs (rightful, seeing news like this) reluctance as a political chip.

        3 votes
  3. Anatolian_Archer
    A bit of context for Turkish peoples view on LGBT: ( Read the last two paragraphs for TLDR ) Early examples of LGBT representation in my country will come from several celebrity/singer figures...

    A bit of context for Turkish peoples view on LGBT:
    ( Read the last two paragraphs for TLDR )

    Early examples of LGBT representation in my country will come from several celebrity/singer figures which were surprisingly taken neutral to positively.
    Overall I would say that within 1970 to early 2000s most people (Except conservatives, cultists and Kurdish tribes obviously) had a "I don't care what people do with their own bodies as long as my own relatives aren't doing it !" stance that at least allowed LGBT people to live in the closet without an active witchhunt.

    Moving on to the 21st century we have the early days of AKP which is a reformist islamist party made up of pro-EU conservative liberals, political islamists and 3rd party cultist connections on equal influence within each other.
    Since EU style conservative libs are also in this group some of the party slogans will draw towards neutral to positive for LGBT rights as well. So mistakenly many LGBT people start to have faith in AKP rather than trying to make a stand inside the opposition. ( Purely for the reason to accelerate our EU inspections, they were not actually supportive of LGBT at all, which most folk would realize years later. )
    And then we move on the early 2010s and the eventual 2014 Gezi Protests which will distance conservative libs from the party and raise Erdoğan to create his personality cult and become more authoritarian as inner party competition lessens and opposition yet to stand firmly.

    And unfortunately for the LGBT situation in Turkey, this is where things start to go downhill, around these times LGBT civil groups will begin to affiliate to organization with connections to Kurdish separatists within western Anatolia and Thrace,an action that would prove to be catastrophic,because rest of the mainstream opposition don't react to increasing LGBT sentiments.

    Which leads us to today, where the ruling party lost its liberal touch, become fully authoritarian and is hostile to what deemed as western culture ( sensible economy policies, LGBT, human rights, international law etc. ) and opposition that would dare not give them a hand because of their connections to separatists.

    There have been massive amounts of US-Evangelist style propaganda and "anti-woke" stuff creeping into Turkish social media cycles through Facebook,Twitter and TikTok as well so its not like newer generations have a positive LGBT outlook either.

    LGBT cause in Turkey has probably ended in the worst outcome scenario because no one cares to help them or actively against them. Of course there will be exceptions and I hope that LGBT acceptance will increase eventually, even though minimally most likely, but if it never becomes high enough to matter peoples votes then no politician will bother investing into it.

    6 votes