19 votes

‘Love wins’ say Greek lesbian couple as they wed at last

1 comment

  1. smoontjes
    Look at that picture and how happy they are. It's so beautiful!!! Also, the penultimate line is just hilarious 😂

    Look at that picture and how happy they are. It's so beautiful!!!

    The historic vote, which also gives LGBTQ couples the right to adopt children, came after decades of campaigning by the LGBTQ community for marriage equality in the socially conservative country where the Orthodox Church has long held sway.

    “Now we’re able to confirm with a statement that: You know what? You weren’t doing all these things for nothing,” said Deligeorges before the ceremony. “So, love wins.”


    The law has not come without opposition. The Orthodox Church, which believes homosexuality is a sin, is vehemently opposed. The first gay wedding took place in Athens last week under police watch after the couple received threats.

    Also, the penultimate line is just hilarious 😂

    Deligeorges said she hadn’t felt this good since Greece’s surprise win at the European football championship in 2004.

    10 votes