15 votes

Korean Lesbian couples often have one person dress exceptionally feminine, and the other dress exceptionally masculine, so at first glance they appear to be a hetero couple.

Korea is rather anti gay. This way they can be together in public without scorn. Is this cover up a common practice in other parts of the world?

Whenever I notice a couple like that, I always want to cheer for them, give them a thumbs up, or shout out loving words of support, but I ultimately just do nothing. Otherwise it acknowledges the fact that their cover is not perfect, which will probably cause them more anxiety than relief.

If anyone out there who did that is reading this, just know : i am rooting for you!


  1. [2]
    Hmm, does this also happen with men / men relationships too? And I wonder, how this applies to foreigners? When I lived in Japan, although open expressions of being gay was generally frowned upon...

    Hmm, does this also happen with men / men relationships too? And I wonder, how this applies to foreigners? When I lived in Japan, although open expressions of being gay was generally frowned upon for native Japanese, most people seemed okay with (or even expected it a little lol) from western foreigners. Is this the same in Korea too?

    2 votes
    1. Paradoxa
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Not any cross dressing that I've noticed. There are very, very few openly gay Koreans. The only situations that I've seen always, involve a foreigner. The only cross dressing men I've seen was in...

      Not any cross dressing that I've noticed. There are very, very few openly gay Koreans. The only situations that I've seen always, involve a foreigner. The only cross dressing men I've seen was in the red light district. Or they could be passing flawlessly, of course, and I have no idea.

      3 votes