8 votes

I'm transgender, and evangelicals tried to pray for me. I prayed for them instead.

1 comment

  1. StellarTabi
    Regular religious bigotry aside, it just seems like in the post-2016 era, well, that since religious groups have finally shown their true colors in support of Trump and betrayed all their core...

    Regular religious bigotry aside, it just seems like in the post-2016 era, well, that since religious groups have finally shown their true colors in support of Trump and betrayed all their core values, it's kind of like Christianity in the US has finally come out of the closet as a scam, like they're not even trying to pretend like there's truth or meaning anymore. They can shrug off the facade that they care about what Jesus actually said, the women and/or their potentionally aborted chidren, "loving the gays but hating their sins through hating the gay individuals.", etc.. It's like this non-famous quote from a top mind:

    I have personally slept with MANY Russian women so please do not presume to lecture me on Russia. There is nothing wrong with being "Christians in Name Only". Christianity is and has always been about IDENTITY, not truly believing in some phony baloney man in the sky. Putin gets this, and that is why he promotes the Church so hard. It is a vital unifying cultural institution.

    5 votes