9 votes

Erasure of pregnant people


  1. DanBC
    A bill went through the UK parliament this week. It's the Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Bill -- it covers maternity leave and maternity pay for Ministers of state. This is a tiny...

    A bill went through the UK parliament this week. It's the Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Bill -- it covers maternity leave and maternity pay for Ministers of state. This is a tiny number of members of parliament. It's not for the general population. Text is here: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/lbill/58-01/172/5801172_en_1.html

    Gender criticals complained that use of the word "person" instead of "woman" was erasing women. They didn't care that gender neutral language has been used since 2007 and was introduced to include women -- before then the law would use "he". They used a wide range of gender critical talking points to do so, including most of the stuff that we already know is false.

    I'm posting this because it this article is good and because this event shows that small but vocal groups can have a disproportionate impact. The new wording specifically excludes trans men. They've gone out of their way to exclude trans men.

    5 votes
  2. DanBC
    Here's another article. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ministerial-maternity-allowances-bill-leave-pregnant-b1807843.html The Independent is one of the few print newspapers in the...

    Here's another article.


    The Independent is one of the few print newspapers in the UK that isn't massively transphobic. In this article they do quote a transphobic politician, but that's only because they have to. They centre this article on the erasure of trans men.

    The other thing it highlights is that this law does not apply to most MPs, it only applies to ministers. This shows that gender critical people do not actually care about women's rights (because most of them didn't notice that this law doesn't apply to most women MPs), but only care about making life harder for trans people.

    2 votes
  3. wcerfgba
    Reading the Hansard for the Lords second reading is disappointing, so much biological essentialism. 'Woman' is not a sex class, it is a gender class. I will be writing to my MP about this....

    Reading the Hansard for the Lords second reading is disappointing, so much biological essentialism. 'Woman' is not a sex class, it is a gender class. I will be writing to my MP about this.


    2 votes