6 votes

The fashion industry hates older women

1 comment

  1. smoontjes
    In which Mina Le talks fashion from a progressive and feminist point of view (as she always does), this time focusing on fashion for older women which is often very ageist and conformist with tons...

    In which Mina Le talks fashion from a progressive and feminist point of view (as she always does), this time focusing on fashion for older women which is often very ageist and conformist with tons of unspoken rules about looking down on what is perceived as youthful and being more "matronly", like wearing earth colors, showing less skin, and leaving any and all vanity behind as one is no longer sexy past a certain age.

    I particularly liked the comparison she made when it comes to movie stars, where women hit the peak of their careers in their early 30's but men hit theirs at 40. But there is a reason anti-aging beauty products even exist - only because it has been and can be commercialized to an insane extent. A ridiculous example: a friend of mine just sent me a picture from a store that had chocolate bars marketed as anti-wrinkling, I mean how is it even legal to put stuff like that on candy.

    Anyway, I liked this comment from under the video though, kind of rebuttal to pretty much the entire video actually. Not saying there aren't a ton of social norms etc. but I am only 30 and I already feel the same way as this person:

    As an older woman I can assure you we don't give a f*CK what anyone thinks about what we wear. We want to be comfortable and left alone lol.

    7 votes