7 votes

The day job

1 comment

  1. xk3
    (edited )
    When reading this I thought the article was recently updated but this is referring to 2003 (22 years ago). It was interesting to see the patterns of time in honest black and white. We don't talk...

    Perhaps that curse is still operational. Or perhaps it has grown so powerful that it is no longer satisfied with destroying individual companies or even entire industries. Perhaps now it will only be satisfied with enacting a judicial coup d'etat and destroying the entire country! Or perhaps I give my curse too much credit.

    The magnificent economy of the Golden Clinton Years (remember that phrase, because you'll be hearing it with increasing frequency) gave way to the blasted heath of the Bush Depression. Tech companies shriveled and died. Those that survived did so by, as they say, cutting expenses.

    David Dvorkin

    When reading this I thought the article was recently updated but this is referring to 2003 (22 years ago). It was interesting to see the patterns of time in honest black and white. We don't talk about it often but layoffs are commonplace today.

    1 vote