10 votes

How the next election will be stolen


  1. 0d_billie
    I recently listened the Hardcore History series on the fall of the Roman Republic and its slow descent into autocracy. The main theme that jumped out to me was that of individuals and factions...

    I recently listened the Hardcore History series on the fall of the Roman Republic and its slow descent into autocracy. The main theme that jumped out to me was that of individuals and factions riding roughshod over the agreed upon the political norms of the time, and slowly eroding the democratic conventions, and constantly creating a new normal for how to play the game and gain power until the conditions were right for Julius Caesar to step in.

    Rome is not the same as the modern USA or UK, but it does make me wonder how we can get back to the relative stability of yesteryear. Boris Johnson has trampled over so many conventions in the UK (admittedly a different beast from the States insofar as our constitution is more built on handshake agreement, convention, and a gentleman's understanding of doing the right thing), and it makes me very worried that this sort of unapologetic disregard for our democracy is now "baked in" and will just become a normalised behaviour, ready for the next power-hungry individual to embrace and extend.

    12 votes
  2. HotPants
    From https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=xu6gYarBFnU&t=640

    Strategies to create as much legitimate doubt as possible in an already distrustful electorate to multiply the angles of suspicion, so that if and when legal cases fail, they all appear to reinforce the idea that republican voters are being targeted and disempowered.

    Making all the more legitimate the desire to try and install trump or a trump-like figure.

    Basically trump can't lose he doesn't need to win a bunch of legal disputes to score a victory.

    From https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=xu6gYarBFnU&t=640

    6 votes