25 votes

The Hack Gap: how and why conservative nonsense dominates American politics

Tags: politics, usa


  1. Neverland
    This may be the most informative piece on the current braindead media landscape that allows a dunce like Trump to win, when running on a platform of literal nonsense. I really hope that everone...

    This may be the most informative piece on the current braindead media landscape that allows a dunce like Trump to win, when running on a platform of literal nonsense. I really hope that everone reads it. Thanks for posting it. I am bookmarking it for future reference.

    8 votes
  2. [2]
    This is the scariest part; to compete with propaganda you either fight fire with fire and have your own propaganda, or you take the higher ground to educate and to reduce the effectiveness of the...

    Democratic Party politicians’ statements about troops and other matters touching on patriotism are hyper-policed by easily triggered conservative snowflakes, whose mass panics easily come to dominate the national political agenda

    This is the scariest part; to compete with propaganda you either fight fire with fire and have your own propaganda, or you take the higher ground to educate and to reduce the effectiveness of the propaganda tools. In this case, progressives/leftists are content with infighting and complaining about the mass propaganda machine instead of trying to dismantle it.

    The campaign to get companies to stop advertising on propaganda websites was a good one. There needs to be something similar to deal with Fox news and Sinclair broadcasting. Maybe lobbying for stricter rules about what can be news? Maybe less strict rules about broadcast/channel spectrum to crowd them out? I don't know what the answer is, but I feel like there are a lot of options that leftists do not explore because it requires a lot of work and the returns on investment may seem very very small or the battle will continue for a very long time.

    4 votes
    1. neu
      Link Parent
      I would start with not being able to label yourself as "News" when you are actually in the entertainment industry. It's incredibly misleading, and Roger Ailes, the CEO, has stated it isn't...

      Maybe lobbying for stricter rules about what can be news?

      I would start with not being able to label yourself as "News" when you are actually in the entertainment industry. It's incredibly misleading, and Roger Ailes, the CEO, has stated it isn't actually a news organization. If you are not a registered news source, you shouldn't be able to call yourself a news source.

      2 votes
  3. Akir
    This is what needs to be put in front of everyone who claims liberal bias in media is a major problem. There may be many more liberal people in newsrooms, but they are generally the principled...

    Reporters, meanwhile, simply tend not to jump on left-wing talking points. And progressive media is more infused with the values of actual journalism, and pretending to think something unimportant is actually critical is not journalism.

    This is what needs to be put in front of everyone who claims liberal bias in media is a major problem. There may be many more liberal people in newsrooms, but they are generally the principled ones who have basic journalistic integrity. In the meanwhile conservative media is inventing narritives and publishing blatant lies. There is a huge difference between a biased report and a manufactured story.

    1 vote