neu's recent activity

  1. Comment on Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Clearly we need to get ahead on the lightweight microwave market.

    Clearly we need to get ahead on the lightweight microwave market.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Not sure if the users post above helped with confusion here. Basically, I think Christian was essentially calling them out on their supposed operating costs. Reddit said their API costs would be...

    Not sure if the users post above helped with confusion here.

    He says "that's mostly a joke" but if you listen to the call audio, it sounds to me that if he thought Reddit would take the offer seriously

    Basically, I think Christian was essentially calling them out on their supposed operating costs. Reddit said their API costs would be based in reality, which $20 million per year is not, even based on their own numbers. I believe Christian's point in those quotes you cited were basically him saying "Pay me half of your yearly operating costs, I will shut down the app. Then you save $10 million in operating costs this year, even after buying me out."

    I don't take this as a threat, so much as him saying "If your operating costs for my app is this high, it would be a no-brainer to buy me out and save the company money." Which they obviously won't do, as if operating costs were that high, this would be a win-win proposal. That's where he starts suggesting he is joking. He knows others on that call know his app doesn't cost Reddit this much money. Reddit knows it, he knows it, so it's a ludicrous suggestion that he pay Reddit $20 million a year.

    Reddit has already decided that they're going to force him to shut the app down by hammering him with unsustainable API costs! He and they both know that he can't afford to actually hold out with Apollo and incur Reddit any opportunity cost at all.

    If Reddit wants to force the end of third party apps, they could easily do that without throwing out ludricrous pricing. Instead they are running this charade around what is an obvious move to force people on to their app to maximize profits. There's no reason to drag developers along the way they are, especially while running their name through the mud. It's just really bad PR all around, honestly.

    EDIT: I also want to point out, in business, it's generally bad advice to call someone out as a liar without undeniable proof. In my opinion, this was his way of saying "You're lying, and it's obvious. If this wasn't a lie, you would just buy me out."

    12 votes
  3. Comment on Anyone here like motorcycles? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I do but I don't seem to be able to use any image hosting sites on mobile at the moment. It's the same paint and sticker kit as shown in this video below. I haven't gotten to restoring paint or...

    I do but I don't seem to be able to use any image hosting sites on mobile at the moment.

    It's the same paint and sticker kit as shown in this video below. I haven't gotten to restoring paint or frame because I can't find this gold sticker kit anywhere. I'm thinking I'm going to have to find someone who can do it custom.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Anyone here like motorcycles? in ~transport

    I'm actually fixing up an old 1982 GS650G at the moment. I've done a ton of work to it slowly over the last couple of years, and now that I'm down to fork seals and replacing the front brake...

    I'm actually fixing up an old 1982 GS650G at the moment. I've done a ton of work to it slowly over the last couple of years, and now that I'm down to fork seals and replacing the front brake master cylinder I'm getting really excited to get it street legal.

    I love that this bike is from the 80's but has things on it that I have not seen in some of the newer bikes I have owned. Working gear position indicator, fuel gauge, and is shaft driven. Comfortable, but sporty seating position.

    I have been riding for about 10 years now, but haven't been riding much in the last two years or so since this has been my only bike in that time.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye in ~news

    Link Parent
    I have trouble understanding why higher ups in companies dont seem to care. It's as if they only look to the next quarter, rather than thinking about the implications in a year, or even five...

    I have trouble understanding why higher ups in companies dont seem to care. It's as if they only look to the next quarter, rather than thinking about the implications in a year, or even five years, when cheaper, quality alternatives start coming out of china. Is there something I'm missing? I'll admit I don't know much about economics and world trade, but it just seems so short-sighted.

  6. Comment on Up to twelve months of Nintendo Switch Online free for Amazon Prime members in ~games

    Just got three months, thanks for the link. Just a heads up for others, it looks like after 60 days you have to still prove you are an Amazon prime member and you get the remaining nine months...

    Just got three months, thanks for the link.

    Just a heads up for others, it looks like after 60 days you have to still prove you are an Amazon prime member and you get the remaining nine months after that period. I will have to set a reminder on my phone.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on What are you playing this week? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'm really glad to see Insurgency included in this list. I haven't picked up Sandstorm yet, but I played the crap out of the first one. The first one was great as far as teamplay went, and had one...

    I'm really glad to see Insurgency included in this list. I haven't picked up Sandstorm yet, but I played the crap out of the first one. The first one was great as far as teamplay went, and had one of the better online communities when I was playing (I put it down for a few years). Almost everyone was strategizing and working together, and for the most part pretty supportive. Anytime there was a conflict it was a result of people continually not playing the objective. And as you mentioned, the devs are great and quick to patch bugs and exploits. New maps and features were always free, and the support of the steam workshop was great. The game was also frequently on sale. To the point where once every two or three months I would be averaging a lot more kills per game; curious, I would check the Steam store page and it would be on sale for a couple dollars.

    Would you say that Sandstorm still has enough online players?

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What are you playing this week? in ~games

    I picked up Octopath Traveler for the switch last week. Work has kept me pretty busy, so I only have a few hours on it so far, but I am really looking forward to having some downtime in the coming...

    I picked up Octopath Traveler for the switch last week. Work has kept me pretty busy, so I only have a few hours on it so far, but I am really looking forward to having some downtime in the coming days to dive in. I've been looking for a good RPG for a few months now, and I really hope this game scratches that itch.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T Are Selling Customers' Real-Time Location Data, And It's Falling Into the Wrong Hands in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Honestly, we need a population that values their online privacy and understands the importance to elect politicians who represent the best interest of the people. Short of another major scandal...

    Honestly, we need a population that values their online privacy and understands the importance to elect politicians who represent the best interest of the people. Short of another major scandal like cambridge Analytica, I dont see people beginning to care in the coming years.

    Perhaps, with all of the data breaches, more personalized scamming attempts will begin to freak people out? I thought things would change after the Equifax breach, but it didn't.

    6 votes
  10. Comment on T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T Are Selling Customers' Real-Time Location Data, And It's Falling Into the Wrong Hands in ~tech

    I just hopped on to see if this had been posted. I think this was the part I found most upsetting. I totally get the use for location data for companies like AAA and banking institutions, but if I...

    I just hopped on to see if this had been posted.

    There’s a complex supply chain that shares some of American cell phone users’ most sensitive data, with the telcos potentially being unaware of how the data is being used by the eventual end user, or even whose hands it lands in. Financial companies use phone location data to detect fraud; roadside assistance firms use it to locate stuck customers. But AT&T, for example, told Motherboard the use of its customers’ data by bounty hunters goes explicitly against the company’s policies, raising questions about how AT&T allowed the sale for this purpose in the first place.

    I think this was the part I found most upsetting. I totally get the use for location data for companies like AAA and banking institutions, but if I want to utilize their location services and protections I'll just download their app and allow location permissions. Allowing ISPs to sell this data indiscriminately because it can come in handy for those who utilize specific services, is bullshit. It's obvious it's just another case of prioritizing profits over loyalty to their customers.

    Microbilt buys access to location data from an aggregator called Zumigo and then sells it to a dizzying number of sectors, including landlords to scope out potential renters; motor vehicle salesmen, and others who are conducting credit checks. Armed with just a phone number, Microbilt’s “Mobile Device Verify” product can return a target’s full name and address, geolocate a phone in an individual instance, or operate as a continuous tracking service.

    The lack of oversight and regulation is so astoundingly careless its laughable. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone who has been paying attention.

    11 votes
  11. Comment on Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year in ~news

    Link Parent
    Why do you say this?

    Ivanka should be investigated and face a higher standard of justice than Clinton did.

    Why do you say this?

    3 votes
  12. Comment on 11,000 votes may be missing in Florida Congressional race in ~news

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I found this article which gave a bit more details on the state of the recounts. I could be mistaken but it seems that the Secretary of State, Ken Detzner, would have put those deadlines in place...

    I found this article which gave a bit more details on the state of the recounts. I could be mistaken but it seems that the Secretary of State, Ken Detzner, would have put those deadlines in place when he ordered the recounts. It didn't say for sure in the article, other than the state finalizes elections on Nov 20th.

    EDIT: This article actually goes into quite a bit more details about the state deadlines. Doesn't indicate when the laws were put into place, though.

    4 votes
  13. Comment on 11,000 votes may be missing in Florida Congressional race in ~news

    What is the rush for getting these votes counted? These candidates aren't filling the seats until January, I don't get why it's not in bipartisan interest to allow enough time for all votes to be...

    According to a schedule provided to Truthout by the Florida Fair Elections Coalition (FFEC), the deadline for finishing machine recounts and submitting those second unofficial results is Thursday, November 15, at 3 pm. Races that are close enough to require what is being described as a “manual” recount — where a limited number of ballots are counted by hand — must submit official returns Friday, November 16, by noon. Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher has already stated that her county will be unable to meet the deadline, calling it “impossible.” The statewide races where recounts are required are for governor, agricultural commissioner and Senate, where current Gov. Rick Scott maintains a razor-thin lead of 12,562 votes in his attempt to take a Senate seat away from his rival Democrat incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson.

    What is the rush for getting these votes counted? These candidates aren't filling the seats until January, I don't get why it's not in bipartisan interest to allow enough time for all votes to be counted appropriately. They have already thrown out the machine recounts in three florida counties because they were late, one of those counties being Broward, which was two minutes late. What a joke.

    As someone living in florida, it really doesn't give me a lot of confidence in future elections. We could really benefit from having the UN come in and sort this out, because we are clearly incapable of coming to any agreement.

    6 votes
  14. Comment on DeepMind’s move to transfer health unit to Google stirs data fears in ~health

    Link Parent
    It looks like I was mistaken about this. I was confusing this with a decision in the United States that allowed ISPs to collect and sell data about your online browsing habits.

    It looks like I was mistaken about this. I was confusing this with a decision in the United States that allowed ISPs to collect and sell data about your online browsing habits.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I haven't listened to their new album yet, thanks I'll have to check that out.

    I haven't listened to their new album yet, thanks I'll have to check that out.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Japan cybersecurity minister admits he has never used a computer in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I can only imagine trying to explain security vulnerabilities to someone who doesn't even know what a USB drive is, or how it works. Sure, he's impossible to hack. But his job is much more...

    I can only imagine trying to explain security vulnerabilities to someone who doesn't even know what a USB drive is, or how it works. Sure, he's impossible to hack. But his job is much more important than just to ensure that he, himself, isn't vulnerable.

    To get a better understanding of what his office does, check this PDF from 2015 I found on their website and go to page 8 (section 4). Someone with zero understanding of computers and their networks is not going to be able to effectively lead this department in the goals that this agency was put in place for.

    16 votes
  17. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I'm a metal fan and two of my favorite artists just dropped new albums. Silent Planet - when the end began: Like their other albums, I think they are best when you have the time to listen to the...

    I'm a metal fan and two of my favorite artists just dropped new albums.

    Silent Planet - when the end began: Like their other albums, I think they are best when you have the time to listen to the entire album. Some of their standout songs for me are The New Eternity, Share the body, and Depths III. The vocalist who writes their lyrics is a psychologist and has a way of embodying different mental illnesses in a beautifully poetic way. He is easily my all time favorite lyricist.

    Architects - Holy Hell: I only just listened to this album today while I was studying, so it definitely did not have my full attention but I enjoyed it. The song Damnation was really catchy and I got a bit distracted from what I was doing. There were definitely other parts of the album that distracted me, but overall I don't think I'm going to like this one as much as their previous album, All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us. I wasnt sure what to expect from this album because their guitarist who wrote a lot of their stuff died from cancer just after AOGHAU was released. What made that album so amazing was he wrote it knowing he was going to die, and you can really see that he was disgusted with the greed and selfishness of humanity. But their new album still has that architects sound that I love.

    I have a road trip coming up next week, so I plan to give both of these albums another thorough listen then. I've also been going through some 90s grunge and alt rock that I haven't listened to in a while, which has been a nice change of pace.

    5 votes
  18. Comment on Delay, deny and deflect: How Facebook’s leaders fought through crisis in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This really highlighted Zuckerbergs pettiness for me. Im not sure how many people are on his management team, but it just seems so childish because that's obviously not going to have any effect on...

    “We’re not going to traffic in your personal life,” Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said in an MSNBC interview. “Privacy to us is a human right. It’s a civil liberty.” (Mr. Cook’s criticisms infuriated Mr. Zuckerberg, who later ordered his management team to use only Android phones, since the operating system has far more users than Apple’s.)

    This really highlighted Zuckerbergs pettiness for me. Im not sure how many people are on his management team, but it just seems so childish because that's obviously not going to have any effect on Apple.

    7 votes
  19. Comment on Card skimming malware removed from Infowars online store in ~tech

    Link Parent
    You're right. Somehow I'm still surprised by the sheer idiocy of it all sometimes.

    You're right. Somehow I'm still surprised by the sheer idiocy of it all sometimes.

    4 votes