15 votes

Hawaii doesn’t want you anymore


  1. [2]
    So I actually live in Hawaii and am a student at UH Manoa. This is a pretty controversial topic and I can't dive into an article this large, but one section in particular caught my eye: Kaniela...

    So I actually live in Hawaii and am a student at UH Manoa. This is a pretty controversial topic and I can't dive into an article this large, but one section in particular caught my eye:

    What’s obvious to Kaniela Ing is that the kind of representative democracy that should be serving native people in Hawaii doesn’t work. It’s certainly not enough.

    As an elected member of the Hawaii House of Representatives, Ing served South Maui for six years, ending in 2018 with an unsuccessful bid for a congressional seat. He’s a young, photogenic Democratic Socialist who’s fluent in the language of activism, able to detail modern leftist organizing tactics in the same breath as the history of gender-fluid Hawaiians being punished by white Christian missionaries.

    Kaniela Ing has been embroiled in numerous scandals for the last couple of years, including his failure to report nearly $100,000 in campaign contributions, falsely claiming to have earned a Master's Degree he never did for many years, and he was frequently absent or late during his tenor as a House Representative, claiming to be caring for his constituents, when in at least one instance it was found he was running an AMA on Reddit and soliciting donations at the time. The dude "got out of politics" alright, but not for virtuous reasons like this article implies. He's a corrupt slimeball and very much the epitome of the classic politician stereotype.

    Him and Tulsi Gabbard, it's a wonder the mainland doesn't want us out. I don't know how Hawaii manages to consistently turn out such awful politicians that pay lip service to progressive causes while spitting on the very idea of them.

    5 votes
    1. Surira
      Link Parent
      I'm curious about how involved in any of this Senator Inouye or Akaka were. I worked for a bit in the Senate during their latter years, and while Inouye especially was always seemingly revered, I...

      I'm curious about how involved in any of this Senator Inouye or Akaka were. I worked for a bit in the Senate during their latter years, and while Inouye especially was always seemingly revered, I always wondered how he was viewed by native Hawaiians, or even what he did for them as an all-powerful senator and chair of the Appropriations Committee.

      1 vote