9 votes

Ten films about the immigrant experience


  1. Arlen
    (edited )
    This sparked a memory of a movie I've looked for in the past with no luck. I'm not sure if this is the right place (I asked on /r/tipofmytongue once, and got nowhere), but given it's at least...

    This sparked a memory of a movie I've looked for in the past with no luck. I'm not sure if this is the right place (I asked on /r/tipofmytongue once, and got nowhere), but given it's at least tangentially related, I thought I'd give it a shot. And hey, if someone recognizes it, then we have 11 films about the immigrant experience.

    Edit: It was Molly's Pilgrim - the "fishes" scene is at about 2:50, and thus ends a 30+ year long mystery for me.

    I can't remember what it's called (obviously), but what I do remember was:

    • It was about a Russian (possibly eastern European?) girl, maybe 10-12 years old, who moved to the West - either America or the UK, I don't recall - but I'm leaning toward London for some reason.
    • I saw it probably some time in the early 1990s, so I'm guessing it was made some time between 1985-1995.
    • A couple scenes that stick out in my head in particular are one of the girl being laughed at in school for saying "fishes" instead of "fish" as the plural (difficulties learning English), and I think some sort of subplot involving getting a Christmas gift for someone.
    3 votes
  2. boxer_dogs_dance
    (edited )
    I will add Moscow on the Hudson although I have never watched it as an adult. I was surprised by this film as a young teen because of an unexpected Robin Williams sex scene. I should revisit it.

    I will add Moscow on the Hudson although I have never watched it as an adult.

    I was surprised by this film as a young teen because of an unexpected Robin Williams sex scene. I should revisit it.

    1 vote
  3. nic
    As the line between films and TV series is blurring, I would add Flight of the Concords to the list.

    As the line between films and TV series is blurring, I would add Flight of the Concords to the list.

    1 vote