4 votes

Lisa Hannigan ft Loah - Undertow live at Other Voices (2020)


  1. mydogpenny
    I've had the pleasure of seeing her perform live a few times. She has such a beautiful voice. When I saw her live, Gavin Glass was performing with her, which led to me discovering his music as...

    I've had the pleasure of seeing her perform live a few times. She has such a beautiful voice.

    When I saw her live, Gavin Glass was performing with her, which led to me discovering his music as well. Gavin Glass & the Holy Shakers is a really fun album if you're into southern rock.

    1 vote
  2. rip_rike
    Lisa Hannigan! I haven’t heard that name in so many years (from her work with Damien Rice on his first two[?] albums) and I’m so happy to be reminded. Thanks!

    Lisa Hannigan! I haven’t heard that name in so many years (from her work with Damien Rice on his first two[?] albums) and I’m so happy to be reminded. Thanks!

    1 vote