11 votes

Squarepusher - Dostrotime (Full Album) (2024)

1 comment

  1. cfabbro
    (edited )
    Squarepusher. Now there is a name I haven't heard in a long time. I'm surprised (and delighted) to learn he is still making music. I was never the hugest fan of his more experimental and ambient...

    Squarepusher. Now there is a name I haven't heard in a long time. I'm surprised (and delighted) to learn he is still making music. I was never the hugest fan of his more experimental and ambient stuff, but his ultra-high BPM, glitchy, DnB stuff always slapped.

    Listening to this album, I'm actually kind of surprised how little his music seems to have changed over the years. I haven't listened to anything new from him in well over a decade, and maybe some of his other new album are vastly different, but this latest one felt like exactly what I was expecting to hear from Squarepusher... which is actually a good thing since it's good shit, and made me super nostalgic. ;) Thanks for sharing, @drannex!

    5 votes